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The TPR Games Forum Moderators Random Thread


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I think ShyGuy needs a reality check...


If he realized how many of the people in this thread have lied, cheated and broken every imaginable part of the T.O.S. here, he might just take a second look at the shit they're pulling there- and be warned for the future.

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I've also banned that guy "DougSD" - remember, he's the kid who had an issue with the Game Exchange to begin with, and then also emailed the guy at Maingate ads trying to get them to not work with us!



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Here's what I think:


the Terms of service is not that hard to follow, and it's there for a reason. Sites don't always last, and photo uploading sites have their own bandwidth issues to deal with, yet Robb is making people post here to ensure that photos, files, and websites, are not lost!


How hard was it to even just upload the file on the forum? That would have sufficed. The issue was he gave us an additude, and while shy guy has a point about working things out, it's easier to do that on a small forum. When you have over 30,000 registered users, than that becomes a job of it's own.


Also, like I said before-- TPR is not a game site, and therefore the forum is already a different being on it's own.

Half the people would have not been baned had they not sided with their main forum.


A game site and a coaster site should never be in almost unity...because they never compare. The game exchange is for the users here, and no one is going to be forced to use it.

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I think it's a case of "Wow- they are becoming successful there, and we'll be toast if we don't act out- " it reminds me in a lot of ways of some of the old "Yahoo" groups that came and went like wildfire.


In all reality- once the people there (_brandon_, The Mad hatter) are exposed for being frauds and liars, this should die down. I am -so- pissed that TMH sat there and lied- not to mention, decided to make it seem like 'he's oh-so-innocent' and then jumps into the fray just to climb on a freakin cross????




We need to send them a picture with the following underneath it:


"Get down off that Cross. Somebody needs the wood."

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Yeah, and I agree with you all about ShyGuy's response. It's screams volumes about how much they want and need "as many members as they can get." The first thing he says....


I will not censor nor delete any posts made on these forums, as this would be against everything this site stands for. Members are allowed freedom of speech here at shyguy's World, regardless of how controversial or inane the subject matter.


This is exactly what sets TPR apart from most other sites. When you don't set the bar on what the quality level of the posts you allow, your site degenerates into garbage really quickly. The parks don't go to sites when most of the posts are garbage. No one wants to read that. And this is exactly why TPR has the most popular forum on the web of it's kind. Because the people who actually want to read "good content" know they have to weed through a lot less crap posts here than anywhere else.


I have no doubt that I would be banned if I ever joined your forums. Btw, you're welcome here at SGW anytime. I don't hold grudges.

Someone want to drop ShyGuy an email and ask him why the one moderator from TPR, who was trying to post something civil, had his account deleted?

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I looked through the moderator logs and I don't even see a ban reason that matches that. The only troll account I know he set up was Frenchy_dude and I didn't use that ban reason. Where is this guy getting all of these banned messages that don't exist, unless I am missing something here?

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I'm finding quite a bit of this outrageous in so many ways...


If anything, people are trying to bash Robb- and TPR- for reason that they are simply trying to build up their egos, and to feel 'superior' to everyone else- for reasons that make no sense at all.


For fucks sake- they were caught doing things they weren't supposed to. They tried to break clearly set rules in the ToS. They lied about it, they cheated.


Apparantly, accountablility has NO place in the internet...

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^ Actually, could you please post the following, because I'd like to at least squash this one -



As for Robb's "criminal record" and other questions about his business and legalities. Please just stop. This has been discussed TO DEATH on the internet for over a decade. Robb has all the licenses, insurance and records that he needs to conduct his business. He has been producing his DVDs for more than 10 years, and everything that is required to produce them has been obtained. As far has his "criminal record", what you see is an "arrest" record. Yes, there was an incident where he was arrested about 12 years ago due to something that happened at one of his employers. He was brought in for questioning, and then released. He was never convicted of anything but a "trespassing" ticket (which isn't even has harsh as a DUI) as that was the only shred of proof that was required to bring him in. It was a company-wide issue, and many other people were brought in for the exact same questioning as Robb was. In short, that record you see that many people try to pass off as "criminal" is really not a big deal.


I really would hope that the administrators of SGW would prefer that the members keep anything this personal, or discussing one's family out of the forums. As this is just simply not the place to discuss one's personal life.


You want to talk and bash Theme Park Review and the moderating team, fine. But don't take it to a personal level. You've never seen Robb Alvey do that, so why would it be fair to do that to him?


Edited by robbalvey
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Well said, Matt.


If Shy Guy actually starts questioning your troll list (which I doubt he will even care about it) just let me know as I have been keeping notes on who has created what over there.

Edited by ernierocker
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Matt - and one more from me....



And to Brandon - how exactly was I being a "douchetool" towards you? The only direct correspondence I've had with you, I did everything I could to try and HELP you. Here is our complete conversation:


I was wondering, is it hard to get permission to film mounted POVs at BGW and Kings Dominion? I see that you were able to get on I305 a day early and got a mount of that, but there are no mounts of any other ones so me and Techno Dude were going to try and get them.


You need to get special permission and there needs to be a reason for why you're filming - like for a TV show, DVD release, etc. They won't let just anyone film. We filmed I305 because we were the production company that did their media day video for them.




Ok, thanks. Me and Techno Dude are planning a HUGE trip to every major park in the US in 2013 so it will probably be a DVD set. Doubtful anyone would buy it though...


Hey Robb, I know that you are gonna be going to BGW soon, are you going to be doing mounted POVs of their coasters? I'd like to know before I call and ask for permission so I don't have to waste my time.


They are one of the parks that don't even let me do it myself, because they have their own in-house video crew.


All the footage we've gotten from BGT, BGW, or Sea World in the last 5 years or so is stuff they have given me, aside from our SheiKra footage, they let us do that, but only with a camera duct taped to my hand before the park even opened, and since then, they haven't even allowed that anymore.




Ok, thanks for all the help Robb!


Please tell me how I was being a "douchetool?" Because I wouldn't call up the parks and ask if you could film? I'm sorry, but I was flat out being honest with you and trying to help. And next thing I know you are bash me, my company, and my family on another internet website. That is hardly being fair. Sorry, pal, but I am not the "douchetool" in this scenario.



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that was the most honest, straightforward and direct post. It puts things into perspective- and to the members who were doing things wrong- it shows they were bieng an ass all over.


Nicely done-


And you've already seen them change their tune.


Got it Eric, that went up too.

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It won't, but it at least tells our side, I guess, if it matters to anyone. Here's the thing - and this is actually what I told that Johan guy in one of my exchanges with him:


I don't have the time for silly drama, and everytime something like this happens, we'll go through and ban like 20 people, and end of the day a handful of them will shake out to be "decent" people. And if I can find out that one or two people are decent out of a group of 20, I'll take the few over the masses.


And I really do mean that. Like Matt said, you can already see a few of them starting to change their tune, and certain ones I'm sure are probably starting to doubt now that we really are the "bad guys."


Even though some of the stuff we said could be interpreted as childish and douchey, it's no where NEAR as bad as the onslaught of retardedness that group of mostly 15 year old kids have presented.


And if it turns out that we ban 20 legitimate members, and get back 2 of them who turn out to be actually decent, then I look at that as a win for us!

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