mcjaco Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 Sorry I've been MIA lately. Our modem crapped out Friday night. I think a surge from the storms we got killed it. So I won't have internet at home until Comcast sends me a new one. I spent the weekend at my parent's bailing out their basement. They lost a ton of stuff. I'm tired, ache all over, and had no weekend to myself.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted July 25, 2011 Share Posted July 25, 2011 One should- every day, no matter what, make time for themselves- end of story. If you don't, you can't fully give of yourself to others. REST, MATT, REST. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted August 1, 2011 Share Posted August 1, 2011 Concerning the whole apostrophe thing - is there any particular reason why periods in a name work but not apostrophes? Were they just, you know, left out? I feel sorry for them. They must be crying in a corner somewhere. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted August 1, 2011 Share Posted August 1, 2011 it's most likely an imput field issue (coding). input fields should all have a check so that these can not be mis-used for other things (hacking etc) It might be that the game-exchange field is a bit too strict on this.. maybe.. it's only 2 persons so far (i think) not a biggy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted August 1, 2011 Share Posted August 1, 2011 The apostrophe. The long lost and forgotten punctuation, no longer needed in this world of abbreviations. Adopt a lost apostrophe today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 Awkward situation. This user is violating terms of service by posting an external link with less than 50 posts, but the user is not spamming. Should the link be removed, topic locked, or left alone? My brain says to remove the link, but all that the user wants to do is showcase their program. I do think calling the program "Number 1" is an exaggeration though. NoLimits Fairground is very easy to use. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 I thought that too, but for a different reason: It's selling something, and that's advertising- yet it's not really spam itself. I almost want to pull it here until we get some clarity on it, but that's my .02. IF it's a legtitimate site, more power to them, ride simulators are always a good thing, and it does fit this forum- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 I'd say we should pull it over here until their site gets some sort of shareware demo version, or another member recommends their site. Agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 Sounds good to me, I think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcjaco Posted August 3, 2011 Share Posted August 3, 2011 You guys did good. I would have pulled it too. Perhaps PM him, and explain the posting rules. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted August 3, 2011 Share Posted August 3, 2011 I did, and we went back and forth - and at this point he has offered free versions of the software for us. I'm not sure how to respond. Re: Virtual Rides No1Sent: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:52 pm From: virtualrides To: A.J. It's hard for me to get 50 decent posts in a forum when I don't have sufficient command of the language Anyway, thanks for your message, maybe sometimes some of your users will find our simulations in the web. And in future there will also be free versions available. As I see, you are the moderator of this specific part of the board? Then I would like to show you our beta version / demo of the old simulations we released. Its hosted on the US service "gamershell" - maybe you know that game platform. Unfortunately its in german language, i guess. And if you are interested, i would offer you 3 free copys of our current simulation, to give it a try. Just login at with the following informations: email: password: 108b8c69 then go to download section and download the Flying Circus. All the best, Steffen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcjaco Posted August 4, 2011 Share Posted August 4, 2011 Here's what I would do: I'd tell him thanks for the links to the games, and we'll check it out. In exchange, I'd tell him that we'll repost his thread so it gets interest from our community. And wich him the best of luck. We've been a little lenient with guys from Coaster Dynamix, and such, as it's such a niche market. It's just so easy for these guys to contact a mod first before posting this stuff, as most sites don't allow spam like this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcjaco Posted August 10, 2011 Share Posted August 10, 2011 Ugh, guys. UGH! So over the past three years I bitched about one of my employees being completely worthless. Well, it finally caught up to her, and management and HR decided it was time to let her go. She left us uncompleted work all the way to November of last year! I'm short staffed, and training a Temp, while still trying to do my job, and now have to catch this bitch's work back up to current. I'm trying to stop in and help here, but my time is really short right irritated...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted August 10, 2011 Share Posted August 10, 2011 sorry to hear, good luck with the stress at this time. at least it's one less person to feel frustrated about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 People put them on to add more realism. For me, the tags make the park more realistic and gives you more info about the ride. @ AJ: like said before, they inform people about the history of the park, and adds realism. plus It's just another factor in realistic parkmaking that us builders have to pay heed to when making a park. For example, If your trying to make a park that looks real, adding the manufacturer and year to each ride would help you on your ride count such as having too much of the same company. Really? Did he just say "it's another factor in realistic park building"? Why is it so difficult to include the names in a [censored]ing readme file? I love it how 14- and 15- year olds are teaching us about park building. Why does it matter how many rides from certain companies are put in a park? I could create an entire park based on Vekoma attractions if I wanted to! I have much more better things to do than decide what company should put a fictional roller coaster in a fictional park. When a design comes to me, I put it in, without any regard to who would make it. It's a little thing called ORIGINALITY. I'm sorry, I'm running on fumes. I have a physics final today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 A.J.- Remember they are teenagers, and they know EVERYTHING. After all, they're so wise, smart and intelligent that it's something to be quite proud of, and they KNOW IT ALL. Personally, I'd wrap their knuckles hard- as in: Edit their posts to reflect a more respectful answer. If making the names so long that the marquee cannot even use all the character spaces is 'realism' then let them know that. Other business of note: TPR Challenge winners announced- as the same with ToTW- sending out a mail-blast shortly. Next ToTW is RCT II: Arrow Suspended (NOT Vekoma Suspended, NOT the aeroplane flying cars, etc. but a -REAL- Old-School Arrow Suspended. Future ToTW: RCT II Wooden coaster, 40 ft. in height. (Yes, I'm handicapping them or we'll end up with hyper-woodies, etc. Next TPR Challenge is Monday (Due to the 'delays' this past few weeks, I wanted to keep to schedule as much as possible) - TPR Challenge: Build a NL Schwarzkopf Ein, Zwei, Dreier Looping coaster. Open terrain, and easy to do. R.D. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted August 15, 2011 Share Posted August 15, 2011 A random thought... To boost the TPR Games Forum Mailing list, I'd like to try a game with it- and people who read it get the goodies. I'm still trying to figure out how it would work- but people ARE reading it, and it's good for publicity- any ideas? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted August 19, 2011 Author Share Posted August 19, 2011 FYI - Please be careful when deleting posts today. We made it over 1,000 posts last night, and we were at 1,009 at midnight, and now we are down to 1,007. So please do not delete any posts from August 18th! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted September 1, 2011 Share Posted September 1, 2011 R.D. - I handled the Iris Islands situation for you because I know you get a bit heated when a TPR <-> NE debacle rears its ugly head. Sent: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:59 pm From: A.J. To: SuicideCarz Subject: Iris Islands [RCT2] Hey, I'm SuicideCarz. I'm also over at NE. This is a park I've been working on for a few weeks called Iris Islands. I might not be as active on here as I am on NE though. And I most likely will release my parks on NE only. -Tim Hello - Thanks for sharing your park with us. Unfortunately, we don't like your "keep away" attitude. While NewElement's policies do state that in order for your park to be reviewed by the panel you must release it there first, that doesn't mean you should be playing keep away. Either share your park in full with us, or don't share at all. A lot of our members submit parks to NewElement (I personally am working on one that I may submit for a panel review), and they seem to be willing to share their parks in full with us beforehand. I'm not trying to be mean - the more you share, the more feedback you get. That's the way it works everywhere, and everyone's feedback counts. I will restore your thread. Please keep what I said in mind. ~A.J. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted September 1, 2011 Share Posted September 1, 2011 Appreciated- it's why I pulled the thread from the forum- as I didn't want to battle another ego-freak teenager with a superiority complex. It's getting very frustrating with them thinking they know all, and I'd rather not deal with them at all - much less ones that come across so arrogant from the beginning. I will say this though: If he becomes arrogant/know it all, he gets one warning shot- and that's it. We need to remember, we're a general forum for all, and that the attitude issues won't be tolerated here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted September 7, 2011 Author Share Posted September 7, 2011 I don't want to burst anyone's excitement bubble here.... RCT 3DS is going to be terrible. And it has a very good chance of killing the franchise forever. Don't mention that I ever said that... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 Said what? I've always wanted to give coverage on something, is all. I read about RCT 3DS on a blog, and I was like, "I should cover this on TPR, I bet some people would be interested". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
djbrcace1234 Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 Interested, yes, but the complaining has already started. the whole 3ds platform feels like a gimmick, in all honesty. Oh well, time will tell. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted September 8, 2011 Author Share Posted September 8, 2011 (edited) Trust me, it's just "facepalm" all over. The developers don't know anything about the roots of the franchise, they aren't familiar with theme parks or roller coasters beyond Florida, and they are "looking" at the original RCT games, but "making their own spin" on the game. The people at Atari are all totally new, and no one as around from the original RCT days. The producer of the game doesn't really ride roller coasters, and they don't even read their own forums, or anyone elses for what enthusiasts want. They did a "focus group test" with a bunch of "generic DS video game players", but haven't really taken anything I've told them, or the resources I've sent to them into account. Add that to the fact that the system IS a gimmick (I've made two 3DS games now, and I don't ever want to work with the system again), and the game is being rushed in development. All I can say is, "don't have high expectations." It's very frustrating. *sigh* Edited September 8, 2011 by robbalvey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcjaco Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 Honestly, I think the franchise is dead anyway. RCT3 killed it. It's resource hogging ways just limited it to way too many people. That was the greatness of the orignal RCT, it could run on really crappy PCs (like mine was at the time). Someone is going to have to buy the rights away from Atari to get it rebooted. IMO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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