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The "Picture Of Me" Thread


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I don't want to sound stupid but, why do most asians give a Peace symbol when they get their picture taken?


Like in this picture for example


It's really only Japanese that do that. It started with Anime when character would do their pose after defeating someone. It means victory. If you've ever seen Pokemon you'll know what I mean.

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"w00f" is just an over-used term that a man uses for another man. A sign of affection. Kinda like when a guy says: "Hey mami, you look off the chain" or something. I really hate w00f, I don't know why I even said it! I seriously think that's the first time I've used it.


Calcajun just looks rough, and I immedietely thought w00f!!


(and depending on your tastes, "rough" is great too)

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Ya, it isn't used towards just any guy. More along the lines of some one more "manly" or a beefcake or a real guy who happens to be pretty damn hot.


Nick Cage would get a Woof.

Leonardo Dicaprio wouldn't get a Woof.


I don't go around every day and say that word, b/c I would end up in a "bashing moment", that and my voice would be harsh and raspy at the end of the day since there are far too many "woof worthy" types that I pass by in daily life... If I said it to a group of construction guys, I would probably be bloody and in the ER! OUCH!!!


But it is fun to use on the internet and to use on your straight pals!


As you can guess, I think CalCajun is "woof worthy"... 8)

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A woof is cool. Thanks for not calling me "Sir". I hate that.


Calcajun feels good about the gesture but still wonders why he attracts the 20 somethings.




You're complaining about twenty-something guys thinking you're hot?! You fool, lap it up!


If 20 something year old guys thought I was hot... Well, I wouldn't spend so much time online.

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To Token Yankee Guy & others: well, the peace or victory sign came kinda naturally to me when taking pics & I am not entirely sure if this has anything to do with one's enthic background or where we hail from??

Still having said that, i do also take pics with other hand signs as well.

But pardon my ignorance, i have no idea what is the shocker sign actually.

It be great if anyone can enlighten me.

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^ I think it's DEFINITELY more of a guy thingy! I guess women do use it from time to time but it's definitely something you see more often from men. Although I believe there is a picture of me and a few friends doing it floating around somewhere.

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NEW England, or England?! My ex's football team used to do it on pictures on nights out, that's where we were when we were photographed. God only knows where they saw it, and I certainly never knew the meaning of it until very recently. If I'd known what it meant... :?

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Oh, and seeing as this is already on the UK board and several other people have seen it... I may as well post it now! The only normal picture of me I have on my computer!


I'm on the right wearing the cream top.

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NEW England, or England?! My ex's football team used to do it on pictures on nights out, that's where we were when we were photographed. God only knows where they saw it, and I certainly never knew the meaning of it until very recently. If I'd known what it meant... :?


New England, it's a region in the North East.


Here's a pretty recent photo of me


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^ I know where New England is, I was kidding.


What's that in your hand? The Wonder-something... For some reason I'm strangely drawn to it...

I'm still craving Nestle Crunch bars after someone mentioning them last night!

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