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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I'm planning on heading to Kings Dominion next weekend for the first time. It's been a very long time since I've been to a park this early in the season, and was wondering if it will have any effect on how the coasters ride. I doubt I305 could be running much slower than normal, but do you think any of the others might feel a bit sluggish?

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I was at at King's Dominion today, and I was thoroughly impressed. I've grown up with Busch Gardens, but KD just has a kind of classic amusement park nostalgia (especially with the 40th anniversary) that I really liked. Different from BG, but good different. The day was great too; the weather was perfect, and we managed to do everything (I forgot how much I like FoF). Good day, looking forward to going back.

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^ Thanks. So yesterday I had the opportunity to visit Kings Dominion on its opening day. This was my first time going to a park on its opening day, and so I was really excited. I had been to KD dozens of times, as it is my home park, but I was especially pumped to see all of the things in person for the 40th anniversary. Overall, I really liked it. KD did an awesome job at really taking the park back in time. The weather was good, the lines weren't too long, and it overall was just a good day. But enough talk, on with the pics!


Lovin the new entrance logo and flowers. As one of the first few people in the park, you get a free wristband that says "I started the party"


Do I spot Candy Apple Grove?


At Night, Rebel Yell lights up with the new chaser lights!


New/Old color scheme(bonus: they were running both sides)


Finally! I've arrived!


Love the detail


They're bigger than I thought they would be!


The crowds love them! They have a huge fan base at the park!


Mustaches are cool


They really only sing 4 different songs, but ya know, who cares?


And finally, I'll end by showing what you get if you talked to an employee on opening day! If they liked you, then you get a free pin!


New Souvenir cups!


Dominator has new restraints!


Very forceful, as usual


Look at the beauty! Lookin forward to riding it after the long off season!


Break Run w/Volcano in background


Do I spot a repaint?


Lookin good!


Man, they just should've torn it down. It looks good, but its still an awful ride.


Good enough to eat! Hard to fit in the mouth, though...

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Went to Kings Dominion for about 4 hours this (Sunday) morning...a few notes.

1.) Pass-members can get into the back of the park 30 minutes early (entrance moved to Dominator gate).

2.) Had 4 rides on I305 and 1 on Volcano by 10:35am this morning (park "opened" at 10:30am).

3.) Candy Apples (lots of them!), Singing Mushrooms and Floral Clock look GREAT!

4.) Paint on Anaconda and Rebel Yell (also new train logo and running lights) look GREAT!

5.) Park looked very clean, flowers were nice and the fountains looked pretty good.

6.) Ate a piece of pizza (same), panini (good) and caramel cake (good).

7.) Season souvenir cup was $10 with a season pass (99-cent refills)...cup was actually MADE IN AMERICA...shocking!!

8.) Finally walked through Dinosaurs Alive (FREE).

9.) The Crypt and Hurler were not open.

10.) The collectible pins are NOT available yet, another 2-3 weeks.


If anyone has any other questions...let me know.

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^I was at the park today--perfect weather and light crowds.


They haven't done anything else to the Volcano mountain other than reconfigure the station. I went there first thing about 20 minutes after the park opened, and the wait was a bit less that 15 minutes. They're using the same entrance, but they now load where the exit point used to be (that is, next to the gift shop). To exit, you now take some stairs up to what used to the be the entrance ramp, which now takes you into the gift shop. The line was out past the entrance cave, but they weren't using the switchbacks when I rode (not sure about later in the day).


I also have a knack for catching the end of the Singing Mushrooms show.

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How have the lines for Volcano been so far? Is capacity improved with the new entrance?

The lines are better, however as usual, you should still get to the park at the beginning of the day, as the lines get longer as the day went on.

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I was at the park myself and I don't think today could've been more perfect. Beautiful weather and light crowds, and a lot of the rides were walk-ons (including i305 and Dominator).


On the discussion of Volcano, today was probably the shortest I've ever waited for this ride. The light crowds may have played a role in this case, but I do think the new queue system is a major improvement and helped a lot. I also noticed the control booth was relocated as well, due to the new queue.


To have Rebel Yell racing again was great, even though the right side was winning every time. Turning one side backwards again would've been great. On top of the paint job and running lights, the logo on the front cars looked good as well. Anaconda, besides the paint job and new wheels nothing new, still a rough ride and still nowhere as terrible as Shockwave (KD, please tear down that POS TOGO).


Overall today was good and Kings Dominion did an amazing job with the park this year.

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^The old station for the Smurf Mountain train sits over the Volcano station (I didn't think to see if they'd removed it--maybe when I go through my photos from yesterday). There are still some remnants of the Haunted River flume ride, too.

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^The old station for the Smurf Mountain train sits over the Volcano station (I didn't think to see if they'd removed it--maybe when I go through my photos from yesterday).


It's still there. I was actually looking at it yesterday wondering if they plan on doing anything with it. It's been sitting like that for years now.

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My partner and I were also there Sunday, and boy were the crowds light. It was a coaster riders dream. By 6 pm the park was dead, adding much to our riding euphoria on Volcano and 305 . Proof is in the couple of (poor quality) photos below. All day, we only rode front or rear seats and our longest wait during the peak of the day was a 4 train wait for the front seat on Volcano. After 5 or so, there rarely was a full train on any coaster including Volcano, and several times we were the only 2 on any of the coasters. The 2nd to last train out on 305, we were the only 2 on the entire train, and for the last train of the night at 8pm, there were only 4 of us on it. A little chilly for us Floridians, but most likely the best day ever at KD for us.


OUT , LOUD AND PROUD in my new TPR shirt


Volcano cue at 6:30 pm


I305 cue at 7 pm

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When u guys talk about seeing the old station for the haunted river/smurf mountain all the time, what do you mean? I go to this park all the time and I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at. I'm sure I've seen it before, but I just didn't know that that was it. Anyone have any photos or examples of it?

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Okay, I was there at Kings Dominion on opening day, and all I can say is "Kings Dominion - Well Done!"


1- At the log flume, the new water wheel looks great.


2- At the Rebel Yell, I noticed that only the section from the station to the top of the lift hill received the fresh coat of paint. Mewonders if they are going to paint another section of Rebel Yell or just leave it as it is. Plus, it was good to have them racing again, but both coasters were red instead of one red against one blue and the south side coaster would always be first to the end because its lift hill is slightly faster compared to north side's lift hill. Methinks I shouldn't care about those facts for Rebel Yell is still a good ride no matter which side I choose.


3- I decided to stand in line for Volcano at around two o'clock to test out whether or not the queing lines would be faster. It took me fifty minutes to get to the station, but not all the lines were used and I don't know how many fast passers there were, so I need to run more tests.


4- Waited a while for the singing mushrooms to perform, and when they did the show was over in less than five minutes.


5- Certain rides have large TV screens showing Fun TV. It plays music videos, presents a weather report, and other fun things.


6- Nice to have the Clown Band back.


7- I was done by six o'clock, so if they did turn on the ride lights by that time, then I missed it. I have to revisit the park when it'll be open pass dark.



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When u guys talk about seeing the old station for the haunted river/smurf mountain all the time, what do you mean? I go to this park all the time and I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at. I'm sure I've seen it before, but I just didn't know that that was it. Anyone have any photos or examples of it?


You can see it clearly from Avalanche's lift hill--just look to your right.

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^Thanks. Yeah seeing that photo definitely made me recognize it. I'd seen it before, and just didn't know that that was the old smurf Mountain station. And yeah the singing mushrooms show only lasts a little over 3 minutes and they only sing 4 songs. 2 songs a show. Wish they had more. That'd be a nice upgrade throughout the season. Every month new songs are added!

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