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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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Thanks for sharing! Very interesting to see and the 305 photo is my new wallpaper!


Kings Dominion was actually on the news here in Roanoke yesterday about this rescue challenge as our local crews tackled Anaconda. I'm surprised they traveled 3 hours to do this, but I think this is important and unique training.


Last time I remember KD being in the news here was when Intimidator 305 had its media day on April 1, 2010 so I was thrilled to see this...


Roanoke Valley rescue crews take training to new heights at Kings Dominion



When disaster strikes, timing and strategy can mean the difference between life and death -- a fact that certainly rings true for local technical rescue workers, who are called into some of the most difficult terrains and situations to help people, including one on Wednesday that literally threw them for a loop.


"It's really kind of out of the ordinary," said Lt. Robbie Hagaman, a spokesperson for the Richmond Fire Department and an organizer of Rescue Challenge 2012. "It really challenges them. They have to put their thinking caps on."


Wednesday afternoon, a team from the Roanoke Valley spent time at Kings Dominion for Rescue Challenge 2012 -- an extreme training session that puts their skills and teamwork to the ultimate steel test.


"It's excellent training for us," said Lt. Kelcey Branch with Roanoke Fire-EMS. "A lot of guys jump at the opportunity to come down here and do it."


Their mission -- rescue a "maintenance worker" (mannequin) who had fallen over the edge of the Anaconda roller coaster track and was hanging over the lake the ride is built around.


The team had to figure out how to ferry themselves and their gear across the lake to where the worker was trapped, then build a complex rope rig that would allow them to lower a rescuer down from the track and pull both him and the worker back up.


They had to work through several strategic bumps along the way, but say that's exactly why they do this type of training.


While it's not very likely they'll be doing many coaster rescues in Roanoke, the team says the skills they practiced are the same ones they'd need to use during any type of technical rescue.


"The techniques aren't different," said Branch. "What you need to be able to do to get the person down is not different."


Park staff says the training sessions are also beneficial to them, which is why they work with the agencies to do them, and can help make their rides even safer.


"We're able to see what [the rescue teams] do, what changes they need to make, and what changes we need to make, to make sure that we're all better prepared in the long run," said Gene Petriello, Communications Manager for Kings Dominion.


Nine teams from Virginia and Maryland participated in this year's challenge.


Click here to watch the video.


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^This was the second year that KD served as a site for the Rescue Challenge. Roanoke was supposed to host it this year, but couldn't quite get it together, so it came back to Central Virginia. According to Gene Petriello, Anaconda was grabbing most of the coverage, so it was nice to give Grizzly the spotlight for a change.

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^This was the second year that KD served as a site for the Rescue Challenge. Roanoke was supposed to host it this year, but couldn't quite get it together, so it came back to Central Virginia. According to Gene Petriello, Anaconda was grabbing most of the coverage, so it was nice to give Grizzly the spotlight for a change.


Very interesting to see but why haul a victim all the way up to the top of a structure only to repel him down when it would be easier (and safer) to go out by ground in this scenario?

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^This was the second year that KD served as a site for the Rescue Challenge. Roanoke was supposed to host it this year, but couldn't quite get it together, so it came back to Central Virginia. According to Gene Petriello, Anaconda was grabbing most of the coverage, so it was nice to give Grizzly the spotlight for a change.


Very interesting to see but why haul a victim all the way up to the top of a structure only to repel him down when it would be easier (and safer) to go out by ground in this scenario?


They're acting out a scenario with certain rules and parameters. Yes, I could've hauled the poor victim out of there myself in the manner you described.

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Had a great day at the park yesterday, got rides on pretty much everything. Dominator and Backlot Stunt Coaster both had all 3 trains going (first time I've ever seen that on Backlot) and while there were lines they were manageable (never waited over 20-30 minutes for anything). Volcano had all rows open as well, not sure if it had still been at 12 seats last week.


While I was a bit fearful after my day at Carowinds, Fastlane at King's Dominion was implemented extremely well. All ride stations that use it now have groupers to keep crowds down, which was a much welcome addition for me at Avalanche, though the groupers could do a bit better job-Avalanche's line was out of the queue (not hard to do, esp. without the station being full) but they kept having empty cars since the grouper gave no guidance and never seemed to look at the corrals. Still, the operators made sure to try to fill the empty cars, and operations in general were great.


All the coasters were running great, and I finally got to experience a Windseeker. If I had to sum it up in a word it would be relaxing, but I think I prefer to watch it over riding it.


Overall, can't wait to get back, especially for Coasting for Kids!

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Had a great day at the park yesterday, got rides on pretty much everything. Dominator and Backlot Stunt Coaster both had all 3 trains going (first time I've ever seen that on Backlot) and while there were lines they were manageable (never waited over 20-30 minutes for anything). Volcano had all rows open as well, not sure if it had still been at 12 seats last week.


While I was a bit fearful after my day at Carowinds, Fastlane at King's Dominion was implemented extremely well. All ride stations that use it now have groupers to keep crowds down, which was a much welcome addition for me at Avalanche, though the groupers could do a bit better job-Avalanche's line was out of the queue (not hard to do, esp. without the station being full) but they kept having empty cars since the grouper gave no guidance and never seemed to look at the corrals. Still, the operators made sure to try to fill the empty cars, and operations in general were great.


All the coasters were running great, and I finally got to experience a Windseeker. If I had to sum it up in a word it would be relaxing, but I think I prefer to watch it over riding it.


Overall, can't wait to get back, especially for Coasting for Kids!


Hoping lines & the weather will be bearable on the next trip,not sure when I can fit it in for june since I may be going to BGW on the 1st though.From what I read somewhere I believe the reason avalanche's 3rd train is missing is because they used cars from train 3 to fill in for trains 1 & 2 & actually shorted it from 7 cars per train down to 6.

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I went to KD on Sunday, May 13th, and I was AMAZED how light the crowds were. I got to the park at about 2:00, and got a walk on, on Dominator in the 3rd row. We then cut through KidZville to get to the Congo (Surprisingly, KidZville was the most crowded part of the park). I raced to Intimidator 305 and I was able to get a walk on onto the 2nd row . I then waited in line to get on Scrambler (Just to get the credit), and it had the longest wait of the day (20 min.). I then went to Volcano to see that it had only a 7 minute wait! I got 5th row, and then got off and quickly went on it again afterwards. It took me 2 minutes to go onto the 2nd row . I then went to Drop Tower (I have never ridden it, so I thought I was going to pee myself LOL). I rode it and got off and wondered why I had been so scared to go on it. It is now my 3rd favorite ride after Intimidator 305 and Volcano. I then rode it 2 more times and the view of Intimidator at the top is friggin' beautiful, by the way. I then went to WindSeeker and got a walk on, onto that too. Then, I went to Grizzly, and then I got a walk on, in front row! I then left the park at 7:00. I know you ALL are jealous!

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I went to KD on Sunday, May 13th, and I was AMAZED how light the crowds were.


It was Mother's Day, which is considered to be one of the least crowded days of the season... which is why it (and Father's Day) are gold & platinum passholder "bring a friend" day for a discounted ticket price. They are definitely great days to go to the park if you can.

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I am going on June 2nd with my girlfriend if I can get off that day. Deaf awareness day. Be us and few of are friends. My gf is hearing impaired but has a cochlear implant. Glad u had a easy on day at the park Coaster. Way it has been for us so far this year as well.

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I am going on June 2nd with my girlfriend if I can get off that day. Deaf awareness day. Be us and few of are friends. My gf is hearing impaired but has a cochlear implant. Glad u had a easy on day at the park Coaster. Way it has been for us so far this year as well.


Good thing we may be skipping the 2nd in favor of BGW on the 1st so we don't have to deal with the crowds.

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I had to laugh. I just heard a commercial for Kings Dominion on my local radio station U.S. 106.1 the funny part was that during part of the commercial I heard a very familiar voice say " Twisty!!!" and " I love a twisty ride!!!!!". Thought it was pretty funny. Robs on the radio now. LOL

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Oh, so I've never seen it mentioned on here but I just noticed the other day - there's some brand new* Intamin track and supports in the woods behind Grizzly's far turnaround! I was confused for a second before I realized it was the old I305 turnaround. Just in case anyone wanted something to look at while they're up on that turn for forever.


*Lightly used for one season, but it LOOKS brand new.

Edited by coasterfreak101
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Is it really going to be quiet on Father's day this year?


I was pooping myself as that's when we're going and I've managed to schedule all the other parks on our trip for weekdays but just couldn't get around having to go to KD on a Sunday. Fingers crossed

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Is it really going to be quiet on Father's day this year?


I was pooping myself as that's when we're going and I've managed to schedule all the other parks on our trip for weekdays but just couldn't get around having to go to KD on a Sunday. Fingers crossed


Looks like my BGW trip might end up being cancelled due to finances so it would seem that the original plan to hit KD on the 2nd is back on...I hope crowds aren't too heavy.

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