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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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The new restraints on I-305 aren't much of an improvement in my opinion. They're still pretty painful to me. I've only ridden it once this year, but I think it's fair for me to say that based off of one ride. The ride isn't as rough as it was last year, but the restraints still suck.

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Overall I had a great trip yesterday. For being a Wednesday, I must say the park was much more crowded than I thought considering a lot of schools in VA aren't out for summer yet... but the lines were moving great! Only problem I experienced was only one train was running on 305 the whole day, but atleast they had a reason. I believe 3 of the soft straps were off the silver train sitting on the transfer track. Hopefully they get those back on so the train can run before the summer crowds really start rushing in. Volcano was the only ride down for half the day, but it came up around 2:30 and remained open for the day...


The enjoyment of the day was going with someone who hasn't been to the park since the Paramount days and who has never been. Overall, they had a blast. The only complaint they had about the park was the outrageous food/drink prices...


The one who hadn't been since 2006 really thought the park had only gotten better. He thought that Cedar Fair had done a great job cleaning up the park and atmosphere. He really enjoyed everything Cedar Fair had added to the park as well. He said he never understood why Paramount added movie themed rides where the movie sucked... it's not like it would help bring in more people if the movie was a boxoffice flop in theaters. He typically likes Disney, SeaWorld, Universal, ect. for the theme so I wasn't sure if he would like it but overall he really liked it suprisingly and said KD had encouraged him to come back later in the summer. He thought Intimidator 305 was a bit too intense, but overall he ranked it his new #2 behind SeaWorld's Manta. Volcano became his new #5.


The one who had never been to KD, really liked the park as well. He found himself a new favorite wooden roller coaster (Rebel Yell) and finally got an Intamin in his top 5. He really is a B&M lover so I wasn't sure how he would like the park with only 1 B&M. He enjoyed the park's B&M Dominator as it became his new #6 and said Flight of Fear would be in his top 15. He liked Volcano, but said it was just too short for his tastes. Intimidator 305 knocked into this B&M lover's top coasters as well, becoming his new #2 coaster behind BGW's Apollo's Chariot. He really liked the park and plans to go back later this season. He said he really liked the variety of themes in the park and how each ride kind of had it's own area, something unique that a lot of rides don't have.


Personally, I think Kings Dominion MIGHT just have the BEST looking Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular IMHO but I can't say so until I see it with the lights on at night. I think it is great how it has it's own area without any other attractions where as most of the Starlight Spectacular's (or Experience's) are plopped down in the middle of a random section of the park. I also love how the comic book strips are only on Center Walkway and the huge characters are only around the Eiffel Tower, this makes ours seem very organized and much less random like the other light shows. I can't wait to see it completed and lit up at night... The testing photo's on KD's Facebook page look amazing. The new Eiffel Tower lights really look good too.


As far as the trip went, I had a fantastic time in the mid-70's mostly sunny weather (70's is very UNLIKELY for Virginia, haha). We got on the road at 7:00, stopped in Waynesboro for breakfast at McDonald's and got to the park at 10:45. We stayed in the park the whole day and just got some Boardwalk Fries for lunch. We got on the road for home at 6:45, stopped in Waynesboro for dinner at Cracker Barrel and got home at 11:00.


Spent exactly 8 hours in the park and got lots of rides in for the amount of people there on a weekday.


Ride Count (6/15)...

Flight of Fear: 1. wait time 25 mins.

Anaconda: 1. wait time 15 mins.

Dominator: 1. wait time 15 mins.

Volcano: 1. wait time 25 mins.

Drop Tower: 3. wait time 10 mins.

Intimidator 305: 3. wait time 25 mins thanks to 1 train ops.

Rebel Yell: 8. walk-on, we were able to ride 3 times without getting off and then 5 times without getting off.


Overall a pretty successful trip, 18 total laps yesterday. 3 laps on 305 thanks to 1 train operations, bringing the total to 35.


Next trip: DOLLYWOOD in 2 weeks!

Edited by Intimidator305
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LakeCharlesGuy is one of the guys who helps to run the KDFansite forums in to the ground. Always hates on Kings Dominion and I305. So I wouldn't pay him much mind.


Yeah he's been doing that ever since he saw I305's layout back in 09 & complained right off the bat about it.

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When I went on Flight of Fear I thought there would be no inversions because of the lap bars (yes, I failed to notice the ankle restraints). Then, when we launched It was great, we did an inversion and I was hanging on for my dear life! It was a great ride in my opinion, and it just barely missed my top 10.

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Anaconda is extremely rough in the back? I went in the middle of the train and it was the typical Arrow Dynamics roughness like you'd expect but nothing close to unbearable. Of course, this may just have been my positioning in the middle of the train. It's no vekoma though.


While the butterfly was a little smoother than usual the corkscrews flat out hurt.


Anyone going to KD saturday? I plan on heading there to get my monthly coaster fix in as well as to check out SSS & the fireworks.

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Okay so I have visited KD recently, and I didn't think Anaconda was that rough. However I had kind of a boring experience. I like the drop into the tunnel, but otherwise it was kind of "meh..."


Oh, and BTW, Intimidator 305 became my favorite coaster tied with X2 at SFMM! And the park was awesome as well!

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If Anaconda was smooth, it'd be one of the most boring rides there. It just has a layout that's not too exciting or surprising. The only element of surprise it has now is when you're gonna hit your head on the restraint.

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I think the first half is great, especially in the front. The drop has a classic arrow "ramp" feel, and the two loops are taken with great speed. After the MCBR, though, I don't think it's that fun.

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