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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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  CoasterTony said:
From what I am hearing, it is just new shaded break areas that OSHA requires.


Rides had them last year but they weren't really used other than a few scorchers in August. Plus when you work outside all summer, 85 degrees stops feeling hot.

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  DorneyKid14 said:
85 degree weather is like 60 to me when running around 3 point challenge all day.


Where did screaming swing go?


That's a shame that they removed the Screamin' Swing. But, I completely understand and respect their decision as to why they did. Luckily I was able to ride it a couple of times during my first visit to the park last June! I really enjoyed Screamin' Swing due to it's amazing amount of airtime! Below is a video of me taking my first ride on the Screamin' Swing at Dorney Park back in June.


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The ride ran pain free in the mid 2000's. It just seems like it requires a good deal of maintenance and re-tracking. At it's best and with the trims off it can be the best ride in the park. It actually has the potential to deliver some incredible airtime moments in the front of the train.

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  coasterbill said:
The ride ran pain free in the mid 2000's. It just seems like it requires a good deal of maintenance and re-tracking. At it's best and with the trims off it can be the best ride in the park. It actually has the potential to deliver some incredible airtime moments in the front of the train.


I had visited Dorney Park for the first time last June and Thunderhawk, in my opinion was running amazingly. I didn't find it rough at all. I think the support restructuring that they had performed during the 2014/15 off season had helped quite a bit.

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  coasterbill said:
The ride ran pain free in the mid 2000's. It just seems like it requires a good deal of maintenance and re-tracking. At it's best and with the trims off it can be the best ride in the park. It actually has the potential to deliver some incredible airtime moments in the front of the train.


I totally agree, but this is not Knoebels. Meaning they aren't going to give it the attention it needs to live to its potential.

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  coasterbill said:
The ride ran pain free in the mid 2000's. It just seems like it requires a good deal of maintenance and re-tracking. At it's best and with the trims off it can be the best ride in the park. It actually has the potential to deliver some incredible airtime moments in the front of the train.


Every time you mention this, I agree. I will keep doing this until everybody understands how well Thunderhawk runs without trims.

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Drove by the park after dark tonight, got a nice glimpse of the chaser lights on Thunderhawk. They were on for some reason, not "chasing" though, just on. It looks like they have most of the lights mounted, from what I could see from Lincoln Ave, it looked like all the lights were in place except for the lift hill and the first drop. The return bunny hills looked especially nice. No pics, I was working at the time.

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  Physical said:
Drove by the park after dark tonight, got a nice glimpse of the chaser lights on Thunderhawk. They were on for some reason, not "chasing" though, just on. It looks like they have most of the lights mounted, from what I could see from Lincoln Ave, it looked like all the lights were in place except for the lift hill and the first drop. The return bunny hills looked especially nice. No pics, I was working at the time.


They had lights on the other night I was there, couldn't tell if they were new or not.

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I am impressed with Dorney's recent focus to adding new and improved light packages. Last offseason, Dorney Park added a pretty impressive light display on the Ferris Wheel and now they are adding chaser lights to Thunderhawk. Not to mention, the light package that came with the Cedar Creek Flyers is great!

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