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What Was the Last Beer You Drank?


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  PhishyBrewer said:
I can't quit beer man. I'm mainly watching what I eat and trying to exercise everyday to cut the weight to reduce the strain in my back. My beer intake has dropped dramatically though.


I'm glad to hear that. I'm doing the same thing right now. Need to cut the beer consumption down a little. Put the ole jeans on for the first time in awhile this weekend and they were a little snug. Time to debloat.


Yeah, Mikes back in the beer thread!


Figured I'd throw up the pics from last Thursday's DuClaw release:


Trying the Twisted Kilt and it's great. Mmmm, sweet and malty and a little spicey. Just like any good Scottish Ale should be. Thanks for reading.


This new style glass was pretty cool. Kinda like a goblet or something or other.


Kim models our free shirts.


Twisted Kilt is now on tap!


The release was pretty funny. It teased the Loch Ness Monster but then cut to a scene from the Simpsons of Groundskeeper Willie accidently flashing a crowd thanks to Bart. Good stuff.


Preview time and next month, the Bishop is back! The Mad Bishop Oktoberfest. Yeah!


...and even Six Degrees of Twisted Kilt!


...Scottish things in general...


...Scottish beer...


....kind of Scots...


Trivia time! Of course it had to do with famous Scots...


Mmmm, I have another with this month's special dinner release. The blackberry ribs. Yum!


Start things out with the Venom of course! I still can't believe how much more I love this stuff with each pint.


The Twisted Kilt Scotch Ale!


Welcome to rainy Fells Point for this month's beer release at DuClaw...

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Good to hear you're still drinking and homebrewing, Wally! Just do it in moderation and watch your food and you should be fine!


Tonight for me, it was a meal full of beer (cept for the tacos)


Another great craft brew with a nice flavorful feel


And the Lake Placid 46'er Pale Ale for the liquid refreshment


Some Victory Festbier is the special ingredient in the beer bread

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  PhishyBrewer said:
^Just like Budweiser is to America.


Or Miller......





I sampled a Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale last night after my softball game (no pics). No too shabby, very light on the pumpkin taste, thought it could use a bit more kick. I then moved onto the Sam Adam's Octoberfest. Another Sam Adam's I love.....curse than Jim Koch, he's singlehandedly making me poor.

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Tonights new brew is a type I'm not really partial to, the creams. But if anyone could make one that wasn't just meh, my vote would go to Terrapin, and they came thru. While its pretty much just a smoother pils with a little less hops, it was pretty tasty for what it was. It'd probably go really nicely in some beer bread!


Smooth and not too bitter, not really my type. But still good


Terrapin's Cream Ale, a kinda ok style, but it was brewed well

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This evening I will start out with my final Terrapin beer, the Rye Pale Ale. Great stuff, lots of hoppy flavor for a standard PA. Whenever I find myself in Georgia again, I will definitely be grabbing some of Terrapin's brews. (Of course, nowadays, it'll have to be a trip I DRIVE, stupid terrorists! )


This last Terrapin will be enjoyed dearly


A little something for everyone

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Had to chance to crack into something that I've been wanting to try for awhile now. One of the higher rated doppelbocks out there. The Liberator from Thomas Hooker Brewing in Hartford, CT.


I'm happy to say that it didn't disappoint. Hints of choclolate, coffe, some fruity stuff maybe. Nice malty backbone that then finished with some light hops at the end. It really hid it's 8% ABV well too. A little too qauffable maybe. I need to hunt down some more stuff from these guys when I'm up that way next month.


Gonna have to bust out the HF for this one. To all my friends headed to Oktoberfest this weekend. I say "Go forth and drink good German beer!"


The Thomas Hooker Liberator Doppelbock.

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^Only because you say so!


I'll be gone from the thread for a bit, not because I've given up beer, but because I'm busy drinking in Germany! Expect a full report when I get back either next Wednesday or Thursday, with a possible update or two along the way if I have time and an internet connection. Feel free to drink more in my absense!


Maybe someday I'll get my own emoticon

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  DerekRx said:
I'm not the Captain, Wally is. You can refer to me as the 2nd officer, Co-pilot, or Tenniel. I may drink more frequently than he does, but he's the founder of the thread, and he brews the stuff. I just drink it (and I can afford to gain more weight)


Aye, aye, Tenniel.


Have fun in Germany!

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I'm leaving for Germany soon, but here's my final update from Philly!


I went with the Yards IPA. Not too bad, even though its no HopDevil. :'( Have a great weekend everyone, filled with lots of beer!!


What!? No HopDevil????!!!!


The list on tap


Lots of stuff on tap, now including some Troegs Nut Brown


Once again, enough time to visit Independence for a final HopDevil

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Finally got some of the Shipyard Pumpkinhead stuff, AMAZING!!! I love how the beer flavor is still there, but then the sweetness and cinnamon kick in and it's even better, how did I live without this?!?! Literally, it's like punkin' pie in a bottle! This will definately NOT be my last 6 pack of the best beer I've ever had!!!

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^ Glad you like the Pumpkinhead. It's easily the most drinkable of the ones I've had. Keep trying whatever ones you can get your hands on. They all have their own little differences.


Said goodbye to Summer last night with my last Sierra Nevada Summerfest.


Now my favorite beer drinking season starts.8)


So long Summer of beer drinking. It was a good one.

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Guess who made it to Germany, Land where beer as we know it today was invented. Not too much drinking yet, but I'm jetlagged and trying to adjust. I'll probably go back out later tonight for more stuff (beer is very easy to find here, its pretty much on every street!)


It tasted pretty much like apple cider, but with a little hint of alcohol. I think I'd crap myself after more than 3 though, so I stopped at 2.


Something Glutenfree can enjoy, too bad he's not here with me


Since I was in Frankfurt, I had to try the homebrewed Apple Ciders


I start off the Germany trip with some Binding Romer Pilsener Spezial

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^Yes, but Germany is where it was determined what the 4 required ingredients were for beer to be beer. I've had some "ancient recipes" before, they were pretty much crap. My liver would be happy if that was all that was around, because it would never get used as I would never drink that stuff.

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^Did you try the Sam Adam's Patriot collection? Those recipes would of made me give up beer forever if I only knew that all beer supposedly tasted like that.


Hope your having fun Derek.


Karen, Gavin and I just got back from Sudwerks. I had a liter of their Pilsner and Karen had a pint of their Hefe.

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