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An Upgraded TPR Forum Coming Soon!

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I think it looks great.


2 things I absolutely LOVE ...


- That I can actually see my avatar and profile information now (I couldn't see it on the current boards unless I was logged out for some reason)

- That you can see who's online easier. I never cared for the green light.


See below for example:


New board


Current board

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Awesome work adding the email thing Hanno.


On the calendar thing, I have an idea which may solve the issues some people have with it looking too big or clumsy.


The Calendar has 7 days in view, is there any way the current day could be the central "box" in the view?


If this is do-able, could you leave the current day at the current size, but reduce all of the other days in view to a slightly smaller size (the box and text), I think this would look a lot more pleasing to the eye.


I hope I have explained it well, I haven't got anything other than Paint on this laptop so cannot mock up what I mean, so if Hanno or Robb don't understand, anyone who can could you do a mock up?


Just a few ideas, loving the look of the new forum, looking forward to it being in full use!

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The Calendar has 7 days in view, is there any way the current day could be the central "box" in the view?


I prefer it that way, almost no point of looking at the past days.



I haven't got anything other than Paint on this laptop so cannot mock up what I mean


Well, you could, even if you dont know how, i do everything on paint!

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Will the Age/Gender information be shown in the new system? (It's currently not there.)


I often take take these details into consideration when making a post and would miss them if they don't make the cut.


The age has been added and i'm looking into the gender info as well.


Birthday info has not yet been transferred from the old to new forum, but if you enter the info (at this moment) in your userprofile it will show.

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^I had a feeling this comment would come but just left it as it came for the time beeing.


I'll try to change it to text later today.. otherwise it will be changed some time next week..

and yes.. text makes it easier (instead of the symbol)


Just a quick question:

Has anybody tried the new chat? Any comments regarding that?


time for another update:


gender info has been changed to text..

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I've tested teh chat a bit, but not with anyone else. You and I keep just missing each other in there, like two ships passing in the night.


I noticed something. with the emoticons, all the standard nonTaiko emoticons are shown as able to be used, but when you use them, MOST of the time, the taiko emoticon show up with extra text around them, i.e. : : Is there a way to shut off showing the extra emoticon? If you go into chat you can see me testing almost all of the emoticons.

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First off I love the new chat!

The ability to send pictures and sound for incoming messages is awesome!

So far no bugs in the forums. But do you think that for the navigation thing...That you could move it down a bit more so you don't have to go all the way to the top of the page to navigate back to the index or so on?







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Is there any reason why you guys will need the The Professional Amateur Videographer Forum and the Exclusive Content For Registered Cool People forum after the switch? They're locked right now, so the users can't make any posts in those forums. It just seems like something that's just there for no reason. If you don't need them anymore, I would get rid of them.


I mean, if you need them you can just ignore what I said.

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Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to do the following today:


move the calendar and announcement above the site navigation


add a dot in the bottom before the chat


regarding those "older" forum parts.

I'll leave that to Robb.



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A few observations (using Firefox 3.5.7)

-Under the Usergroups section of my profile, I see all the groups, even test groups and those I am not a member of. It even gives me the option of joining the Behemoth and East Coast trip usergroups. I'm not sure if this is intentional.

-When using the Search function, images etc. show up in the results set (in the old version they did not). The thread and forum title are in blue text that is not easily legible. See image

-If I go into a forum and use the search box at the top, I don't seem to get any hits regardless of what I enter. See image

Many of the small icons are missing alpha channel information ( has a black background). See image



Nice to have:

In addition to AIM/ICQ/MSN/etc. add or modify the option for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. profiles


Broken search box. In the Midwest trip forum, I try common terms like "Cedar Point", "Midwest", "Raptor", etc. and get no results


A lot of attachments are missing, but I'm guessing that you're aware of this. The paperclip icon and "post" icon are missing alpha channel information


Faint blue text in search results

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search is not rebuild due to server load at this moment. Newer posts are indexed autiomagically and should be working. Se yeah.. this is as expected.


Regarding missing images. Images have not been copied from old forum to the new installation.


Both ansers above were already posted in this topic.


regarding the search result color. Thanks i'll have a look at it and change it.


By the way,


I've moved the annpuncement and calendar up higher, fixed the smilies in the chat and added the dot at the bottom to show the chat link a little better

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When posting a new calender item, the forum designed for it does not have the options, you may however post an event by clicking on the calendar.

I'm not sure what you mean by this.


I don't know if this has been mentioned or not but is there a date set for the switch?


There is no set date, but probably sometime in Feb. We want to get a few more bugs worked out, then we'll switch over, and then probably have a lot more bugs to work out!


Our goal is to keep it as close to the current forum as possible.



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When posting a new calender item, the forum designed for it does not have the options, you may however post an event by clicking on the calendar.




The new calendar is no longer topic based but a stand-alone.

If you want to add stuff to the calendar you have to do this to the calendar itself.


I've locked this forum part (on the new installation) and changed the info for it to make this a little more clear.



i'll also check if i can add the following info:

Nice to have:

In addition to AIM/ICQ/MSN/etc. add or modify the option for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. profiles

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Just a nit question from my side and forgive me if this was covered in another post. Is it possible to bring predictive text into the search window like they have on Google? That is a nice feature for me since I don't always know how to spell things or use the right phrase to find the right stuff.

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