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Worst gifts you ever got


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Can't decide between these two:


- A wind up toy duck that is supposed to swim when you wind it up and put it in the bathtub. I got it when I was 15 for a Christmas gift! It was from my aunt. Everyone was like laughing when I opened the present.


- A "shrilling rubber chicken" that makes this horrifying high pitched sound when you squeeze it. Sounds like a baby dying or something out of a horror movie. That thing gave me nightmares and it's stashed away in deep in my closet somewhere. I posted a recording of the sound it makes.


~ Jess "Down with bad presents" Chan


Warning: May be disturbing.

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  • 3 years later...

Friends once felt I needed a bit more "style" in my house cleaning.


So one Christmas, they gave me a pair of (fake) Leopard Fur cuffed Black Rubber Gloves!


Stylish, indeed. But not very practical, lol.


(EDIT to add: I also think this thread should have the word Wierdest in it's title, too. My present wasn't really the "worst", but definitely in the "wierd" category... Just a suggestion.)


The gloves in question. Inside a nice and stylish package too! (o;

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I once got a small, rose patterned tea set from my sister and a Raggedy Ann coloring book from my Aunt when I was younger. And that was before any of them knew I was gay...do you think they knew before I did?


I'm sure that the tea set from my sister was a re-gift. I got a couple of strange, questionable gifts from her over the years....but that tea set took the cake!

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Not so much worst but funniest gifts I've gotten were my uncle gave me a roll of toilet paper from a porta-pottie somewhere (he's a contractor so it isn't that weird) for Christmas every year for about 5 years straight as well as one of these but turned on inside the wrapping and he was pressing the remote while everyone was opening gifts and one of these the next year. In return I got him a model rocket shaped like a porta-pottie.

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Such a random thread. Who cares. Posting in it anyway.


This one time, a friend gave me an Icee cup which had been wrapped in about 5 layers of duct tape. Inside of it was a wad of more duct tape, which after several minutes of prying open turned out to be gravel wrapped around a 1 inch cubed box wrapped in duct tape, which inside of it was a penny.

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For my wife's birthday she got a gift certificate for a nights stay and dinner at this expensive French Place in the mountains from my parents. The problem was when she opened the card it said Happy anniversary. Our anniversary was two months earlier. We know it was intended for our anniversary because the card was hand made and had the date on it.

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