Divv3k Posted October 7, 2009 Share Posted October 7, 2009 (edited) Hello everyone, welcome to yet another Divv Photo TR. You might not have been expecting this one for a few months since my Europe TR was more of a mid-season replacement last year. However, I have a potential trip to California coming up in December and if I don’t do this TR before that trip then one of the trips will not get a TR (evidenced by my lack of Orlando Halloween TR last year). And I took way too many photos in Scandi not to do one of these. And when I say I took way too many photos, I really mean it. I think in Europe I took something like 800, in Midwest maybe 300. In Scandi for some reason I took about 3000, I don’t know why or how but that’s how many photos I ended up with. I’ve spent a great deal of time sorting through them and making a report out of them, hopefully none of the updates will get too long and will be somewhat entertaining! UPDATE LIST: Day 0 - THE JOURNEY TO SCANDI (below) Day 1, Part 1 - BONBON-LAND Day 1, Part 2 - INTERNATIONAL SNACK TRADE! Day 2 - TIVOLI GARDENS Day 3 - BAKKEN Day 4, Part 1 - HANSA PARK Day 4, Part 2 - KARAOKE BAR! Day 5, Part 1 - SOMMERLAND SYD Day 5, Part 2 - LEGOLAND BILLUND Day 6, Part 1 - FARUP SOMMERLAND Day 6, Part 2 - TIVOLI FRIHEDEN Day 7, Part 1 - DJURS SOMMERLAND Day 7, Part 2 - KAROLINELUND Day 8, Part 1 - TUSENFRYD Day 8, Part 2 - GOTHENBURG DRINKING TIME! Day 9, Part 1 - BALDER WELCOME RECEPTION! Day 9, Part 2 - LISEBERG Day 10, Part 1 - SKARA SOMMERLAND Day 10, Part 2 - WORLD'S LARGEST IKEA! Day 10, Part 3 - GRONA LUND (I) Day 11, Part 1 - GRONA LUND (II) Day 11, Part 2 - OVERNIGHT FERRY! Day 12, Part 1 - POWER PARK (I) Day 12, Part 2 - POWER PARK (II) Day 13 - TPR GRAND PRIX & POWER PARK (III) Day 14 - SARKANNIEMI Day 15 - LINNANMAKI Day 16 - THE JOURNEY HOME To borrow a trait from Dave’s awesome TRs here are the rules of Divv park visits and Photo Trip Reports: - Fire, ducks, lightning and mist photos should be included wherever possible because they are the greatest things that any park attraction can include. - Photos of Mike creaming up should always be included - If Erik expresses interest in any type of new sweet foodstuff then it should be documented - If Lou rides a powered coaster a photo of her flicking her leg backwards before she boards must be taken - If anyone passes something featuring the logo of their employer then a photo of said person with said logo must be included - Photos of TPDave should utilize TPCaptions whenever possible. - If Dave Fudge encounters a lamp post then you should always adhere to his demands of getting a photo of him sodomising said lamp post. - If Ben attempts to eat anything that is over 48 hours old then it must be documented. - If whilst browsing a gift shop an item of paraphenelia sporting the word "Louise" is encountered and someone who is christened with the same forename is in proximity then a photo containing both of these entities should be taken. - If Scottish Steve gets within 300 yards of a ghost train or haunted house then photos of his apprehension are mandatory - If there is a possibility of Southern Steve dancing then video recording and photo capturing devices must be at the ready - Similarly, if there is a possibility of trip goers indulging in karaoke recording devices should be on hand. - In the unlikely event that Brent is first in line for ERT or in the front row of a coaster then photographic evidence of this rare occurrence must be obtained. - Bar photos must be taken. - The most important rule of all Divv Photo TRs is of course the stipulation that each update should conclude with what has been affectionately dubbed by many as “The Divv Shot”. We do not know why these rules exist, only that they do and that we must never question them. With all of that legal mumbo jumbo out the way let’s get to the TR! Our Scandinavian Adventure begins in the luxurious confines of British Airways’ swanky new Terminal 5 where about a fifth of the trip goers were congregating to take the same flight over to Copenhagen. I’ll let the photos tell the rest of this story… Yes, we’re at Copenhagen! Time for some TPR insanity!!! TPDave only buys liquor that matches his clothes so this was just perfect for him. Looks like Denmark to me! Quality. Of course these guys all load up on the free beer! Yay we’re in the sky!!! Thanks BA! Brad loves going down… escalators. (Get used to captions like that) Okay, enough messing about the airport, let’s go to Scandi!!! This device is very important for making sure all the planes get where they’re going and don’t explode and stuff. Mike likes his food uncomplicated so he will only EAT at EAT. Did you know when this little bear dude was born? Tell Southern Steve and he’ll give you some chocolate. Seriously! Mike is one of the many iPhone snobs we have with us! Steve? Steve? Has anyone seen Steve??? According to Lou these are the best hand dryers in the world. They use plane engines or something. How good is it that I can practice all my faiths in one place?! OMG, how skinny has TPDave gotten??? Let’s see if he still looks like this by the end of the trip! First stop – THE BAR! (Where else for the Brit Crew plus special guests Miles & Michael???) Our adventure begins at the super cool T5 at London Heathrow! Let the fun begin! The first park is BonBon-Land and that update will be up soon! Edited March 26, 2010 by Divv3k Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPDave Posted October 7, 2009 Share Posted October 7, 2009 YAY for Divv TR's!! Bar a few interesting pictures of me, it's looking great! Can't wait for more Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coaster_dude2002 Posted October 7, 2009 Share Posted October 7, 2009 Yay the TR has started! Can't wait for the rest. Bring on Copenhagen! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryancrash Posted October 7, 2009 Share Posted October 7, 2009 Yeah, Scandinavia! This was such an awesome trip. I wanna go back NOW! The TR's off to a great start - and I'm sure looking forward to the rest of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thrillerman1 Posted October 8, 2009 Share Posted October 8, 2009 Rock it Divv...can't wait to see more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moose Posted October 8, 2009 Share Posted October 8, 2009 Thanks Divv. I loved this trip and it'll be great to relive it again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divv3k Posted October 8, 2009 Author Share Posted October 8, 2009 Day 1 – BONBON-LAND Our first day of the trip took us to BonBon-Land, a quality little park I first visited a year ago. The place is famous for it’s non-PC characters which seem to have been toned down a bit in the last year but not completely. If you look around enough you’ll still find those massive exposed boobs or peeing ant. BonBon-Land is home to the world’s first Eurofighter, which of course we had ERT on. Seemed to be running a lot better this year than last, or maybe I’m just getting really used to Eurofighters. Regardless, it was good fun for ERT as was the Gerstlauer spinner which actually spun a bit too much for my liking but made for some great ERT. Definitely Gerstlauer’s best spinning effort that I’ve tried. New since my last visit was Viktor Vandorm, a Zierer family coaster with a mile long train. For a relocated coaster they did a really good job of shoehorning it into the park and making it look like it had been there all along. BonBon-Land really is about all the quirky bits of fun like the obstacle courses and randomly themed flats, for a group of people like TPR it really was the perfect park to start the trip with! Woohoo! This is a nice teaser for what’s to come next: International Snack Trade featuring Divv’s Doritos of the World!!! Bet you’re excited!!! Woo, snack time. And not just any snack time either – it’s Doritos snack time!!! Mike and Brad have beer, Steve does not. Point and laugh. I said point and laugh! The REAL reason why BonBon-Land is Divv approved!!! Scare number 1365. The long lines of TPR members attempting to avoid certain death on the obstacle courses would become something of a theme. Look real close and you’ll see that Steve is experiencing scare number 773 of the trip! You know any other park would theme their pirate ship to well, pirates, or a boat, or maybe even a banana. But not BonBon-Land! Though TP doesn’t care about the boobs today! Finally we’ve found some boobs! Do Slides get any more Super Fun than this one? Jason doesn’t know quite what to expect from the Super DUPER Fun Happy Slide. Hey, it’s our resident Flower Pot Men! The Road Show is in town! That’s why there’s a bit of a line for this ride. I’m telling you, it’s real candy! Something that EVERY park needs – a ball pit. We spent an age in here attacking each other with our balls. Lou’s special, so special. Mike loves crawling down dark dank holes. Have you ever seen a more trauamatised pair in your life? No? I didn’t think so! Mike is saving the earth one tiny polar bear at a time. Don’t squish me giant Santa! Please?! I never knew you could play the guitar, Mike! Scottish Steve has roots in this place. I’ll prove it later. New since my last visit here is something that every place should have and that’s a FANTASY WORLD! Steve at the time didn’t realized the cataclysmic dangers of sitting next to Ben on a water ride. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to go Beaver Rafting. SKLOOSH! Here's some porn for Elissa. Fat boat!!! I’ve rode my fair share of chicken themed Disk-Os at every other park that has them so I sat this one out. Speaking of Shawn… This shot is right out the Shawn Goode school of photography. I mean does it get more non-PC and suggestive than this? Whilst there definitely wasn’t the same amount of boobs that we saw last year there was still plenty of that non-PC stuff to make you laugh! Here's a behind the scenes look at those wacky Southern Steve photo shoots. Although without audio it loses a lot of effect. Another spinning flat ride and another photo of people who AREN’T me riding! Mike loves coming on these trips so that he can hang around. Super Fun Happy Slide POV!!! Super Fun Happy Slides greatly excite Russ seeing as on the Non-Super Fun Happy ones his feet typically hit the ground before he starts moving. ”There’s definitely more week old fruit up there? Right?” Which works out pretty good for us! You’ll find that most parks in Denmark have at least one “play area”. I love how BonBon-Land take these bog standard rides and then stick huge and hilarious things like this right on top of them! Look, no hands on the chair swing! These aren’t your everyday parkgoers. Stacey, how hot is your man here? Bet you wish you were here now! Welcome to Lou's Extremely Made Over home. Brad always likes to partake in a bit of communal airwanking. Say hello to everyone on the world’s longest train! New this year is Viktor Von Doom the ride! Credit for me! Woo! These people are not special. Not one bit. Lou enjoys squeezing into small spaces. "Stroke your chin if you played with yourself this morning!" Yeah, it does that upside down thing that coasters are supposed to do. This is the one that started it all for the Eurofighters. It’s a good ride, though you can tell how far they’ve come from this. Still in ERT, we’ve moved onto Vild-Svinnet – the Eurofighter! Ben’s breakfast pear didn’t quite enjoy morning ERT. He ate it anyway. But not because he likes snacks. Spinny, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin. Russ and Bill are excited for some crazy spinning action. This ride is great, especially during ERT when you can try out all those different people combos to get maximum spin. Next up for ERT was the Gerstlauer spinner Han-Katten. Erik just loves he part where he gets smothered with fart. I can’t wait to see some Dog Fart in the Raw! What better ERT to start the trip off with than Dog Fart? We’re at BonBon-Land, and of course we’re in the park way before anyone else! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveC Posted October 8, 2009 Share Posted October 8, 2009 Dude- you are without a doubt too cool for school! - loving the TR and remember - no video of me is GOOD. Looking forward to a catch up next weekend kiddo! Steve 'wot no beer??? -C Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPDave Posted October 8, 2009 Share Posted October 8, 2009 Awesome stuff Divv! I love the shot of Brad fighting for survival hanging from the ropes. Snack trading pictures will be epic! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rollin_n_coastin Posted October 9, 2009 Share Posted October 9, 2009 Divv, this is fantastic! Those are some great shots. I can't believe I forgot my camera on Bon Bon Land day but this more than makes up for it. Oh, in the end, the Super DUPER happy fun slide was, well, just that. Definitely great re-living this. Since even you started, no excuse not to start mine at some point in 2010, perhaps with some dancing Steve footage? lol J Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted October 9, 2009 Share Posted October 9, 2009 Finally! Somebody else starting their Scandinavian Trip Report!* Great Day 1 Divv. Bon Bon Land was such a cool park to start the tour off with. Between the Dog Fart Coaster, the wonderfully totally un-PC statues and figures in and around the park itself - that strange building with all of those "wonders" (mmmmmm plastic ball pile) in it.... and some mighty "interesting-tasting" lollipops, it was a great first park, definitely. Looking forward to all the rest of your TR - and that all-important Doritos EXPO report! (*And yeah, yeah I'm due posting a Scandi TR, myself. In time. Soon.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divv3k Posted October 9, 2009 Author Share Posted October 9, 2009 Day 1, Part Two INTERNATIONAL SNACK TRADING! If you’re friends with me on Facebook you’ll probably already know about the Doritos thing, but for those who don’t know: I love Doritos. Think they’re magic, eat them all the time and have somehow developed some kind of unhealthy obsession with them. As with all things in my life I can’t just like something I have to get totally obsessed with it and so the whole Doritos thing kind of happened. I started to realise that all around the world different countries sold different flavours of the chips and for some reason this illustrated some huge challenge for me. How many different flavours of Doritos can I find and how many different countries can I get them from? Such a challenge would be quite tough to someone who only visits a handful of countries every year but thankfully TPR trips provide a barrage of international Doritos mules willing to feed my addiction! On top of all this, what begun as a drive for a few bags of Doritos turned into a full blown international snack trading extravaganza with loads more people getting in on the fun! I see something similar happened on the West Coast Trip which is awesome, I hope this now becomes a TPR trip tradition! (If only so no one gets surprised when I put in my annual Doritos request on the trip boards!) I’d just like to say a HUGE THANKS to everyone who participated in this, especially those who provided Doritos! It was much appreciated! Let’s have a look at the International Snack Trading Extravaganza! Maybe it’s time to stop drinking seeing as we’re off to Tivoli Gardens in the morning!!! After being concerned that we’d make too much noise we took the shenanigans outside and talked about other TPR members. Because you know, that’s what we do when we’re drunk! You know you do too! But the main attraction of this evening was The Road Show which had rolled into town and happened to have base camp set up at our very same hotel! How lucky were we?! With most of the snacks finished Steve comes to our rescue with copious amounts of beer in tow! In a mere 15 minutes Steve is done. That’s some quality sucking. Mike clearly sucks at sucking. No biting now Steve. I hear you’re a biter. Scottish Steve is convinced he can suck better than Mike. Let’s see! 33 minutes and 33 seconds later and Mike is done! "It’s a marathon, not a sprint" says Mike. Lolly suck off time! How fast can Mike suck this one away? Get Lou three cans of Steak’n’Shake chilli and she’s pretty much in your debt forever. Mike had a Whopper of a snack trade too! I scored a LOT of Doritos credits tonight and this isn't all of them! Thank you once again to EVERYONE who brought me Doritos! This is PORN!!! OMG, look at all the Doritos people brought me! Whilst the rest of us headed to the Expo Brad decided he'd be better off airwanking for a while. It's what he does. On our way to the Expo we were shocked to find how big Copenhagen's litter problem is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coaster_dude2002 Posted October 9, 2009 Share Posted October 9, 2009 Ah the massive pile of Doritos. Customs would have had a fit if they opened my suitcase to see half of it was full of them! Divv, no photo of the random drunk Danish guy trying to ask me for directions? "Do you Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh...." Bring on Tivoli! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPDave Posted October 11, 2009 Share Posted October 11, 2009 Divv, no photo of the random drunk Danish guy trying to ask me for directions? "Do you Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh...." ENGLISH!!!!!!! Nice stuff Divv, I think we were eating the left over snacks for the rest of trip Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divv3k Posted October 12, 2009 Author Share Posted October 12, 2009 Day 2 – TIVOLI GARDENS Tivoli Gardens is one of those urban parks that you see in quite a few places in Scandinavia, set right in the heart of Copenhagen the park has a very unique and cool atmosphere. I only got to sepnd an hour or so at the park in 2008 so I was grateful to get a full day there this year because there really is loads to do. Our day started with some ERT on the park’s Scenic Railway followed by a super cool behind the scenes tour. It was great to see how passionate the employees were about the ride and it’s history. It was also cool to see the coaster from some pretty unique angles. Later in the day we had some ERT on Tivoli’s teeny, tiny B&M Daemonen. I love how this little thing has just been shoehorned into the park and for a floorless I think it rides pretty well. A big highlight of the day was the group dinner at Wagamama! If you’ve read any of my TRs before you’ll know that the Brit Crew are big fans of the place so it was great to see some non-Brits get their Wagamama cherries popped. Onto some photos… That’ll do it from Tivoli Gardens. A great park with a fantastic mix that leaves something for everybody! Bakken is next! Remember what I said about the park just getting prettier at night? Love it. See! When Lou finds anything in a gift shop with her name on it a photo has to be taken (it’s in the rules). In fact Tivoli’s gift shop was so good that we found that they had a sign for EACH and EVERY person’s name in the group! As night starts to fall the park just gets prettier. Notice the lights starting to come around the coaster track. (Oh yeah, and the Road Show is in town!) Ben on the other hand had the chopstick usage down to a tee. In the end we had resort to feeding him ourselves otherwise he would have starved. Don’t let Brad fool you here, this is about the only time he actually managed to get food in his mouth from the chopsticks. The included dinner today was a big highlight of the trip for many of us Wagamama addicts! Did you hear that the Road Show was in town? The inverted flying carpet looked quite intriguing. Not intriguing enough to make me want to ride right enough! I have to say I do not regret missing this one! No one knew quite what to make of the Flic Flac before riding. In a park like Tivoli with lots of spinners I spend a good portion of the day wearing other peoples sunglasses, jewellery and bags. Ben spotted another cup. He couldn’t contain himself. I love Tivoli Gardens. Its not time to make a change, just relax, take it easy. This was probably when I was avoiding yet another flat ride. Mike seems to be pretending he’s back in the Safari Park in the background. Is it just me or does it look like the leg of Lou’s sunglasses is going right through her nose? Cartoonish photo of TPDave quota for this update: filled. I don’t know why but “Pot & Tot” amuses me endlessly! Yet another Mike funhouse fail in action. Steve experiences one of his trademark bumpy landings in Tivoli’s kickass fun house! Lou got to fulfil her dream of being the meat in a Mike and Andrew manwich. Lou doesn’t approve of Divv rejecting yet another flat ride! Despite being powered this coaster is good fun! It’s a powered coaster. It’s a Divv TR rule that when Lou rides a powered coaster there must be a picture of Lou flicking her leg out as she is doing here. We don’t really know why this rule exists but we do not question the rules. Please tell me that cup in his mouth didn’t come from the bin! Ben finds a bin that is a bonafide CASH COW! Success! You bin raiding whore! TPDave spots what he hopes is a plastic cup. Jes demonstrates this amazing contraption in action. Of course some of our group just saw this thing as a bit of a money making opportunity when they realised that not everyone in the park would actually utilise these machines after finishing their drinks. Now for another amusing development in Denmark… The park apparently wanted to cut down on plastic cups getting wasted so they put the price of all the drinks up by 5 Kroners and then threw these machines all over the park that allow you to recycle your cup and get that 5 Kroners back. Not a bad idea I guess. It’s always good to point and laugh and be smug when you already have the kiddie credit that everyone else in the group needs! Of course with the Road Show in town the press and media were all over the park! Everyone who rode it seemed to love it! Wonder if we’ll ever see any more of these? If I have one regret from the Tivoli day it’s not riding this. Yes the spinning would have probably killed me but it just looked so freaking cool! Not content with being a star of TPR Lou sets upon accomplishing her dream of becoming Denmark’s Cheryl Cole. Erik enjoys his first ever soft ice. This was very amusing to watch. Basically Mike’s OCD is so strong that he had fix all the tangled bits of string on the lanterns! This is what we call Steve’s “B&M hair”. Not quite as crazy as his “S&M hair” but crazy nonetheless. Oh yeah, we got a spot of ERT on the teeny, tiny, you-could-just-reach-out-and-pet-it B&M! You know I really am not fan of things that spin but for some reason LOVE these big Star Flyers. I think it’s more a case that I tolerate the spinning just because the view is so damn good! Especially in an urban park like this one! Scare number 17,526 of the trip for Steve. This is quite cool too. Inside the coaster building they have pictures like this showing the park’s history. This is the park’s original “Rutschbane”. Another highlight of the backstage tour was all the extra angles you could get photos from. Does this excite you? I know it does. Go get those tissues now! This is the geekiest Brad has ever been in his life. On the backstage tour Erik was one of many who hunted out these “bonus credits!” Steve and Brad are our resident father-son riding team. We started with ERT on the Scenic Railway. The great thing about ERT on these rides is that the brake men always like to give us rides that are bit crazier than usual! For the first time (and definitely not the last) let me introduce to the “Mike creams up” shot! Brad and Lou spent many hours last night coordinating their wardrobes for today and the remainder of the trip. Today’s park is one of the most famous parks in Europe – Tivoli Gardens! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted October 12, 2009 Share Posted October 12, 2009 This is why I want to do an international TPR trip! Thanks Divv! I had nooo idea they had that many types of Doritos. I can't remember which ones Australia had, but they were great! They even made plain Doritos...like, just a plain tortilla chip! Sooo wierd... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginzo Posted October 13, 2009 Share Posted October 13, 2009 Tivoli was a great day. We stayed there all day, from the morning ERT to close. Didn't go back to the hotel once. Great place to just hang out. And that Vertigo flat ride was completely amazing. We almost didn't ride it, but got a cycle in right as the laser show was ending. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryancrash Posted October 13, 2009 Share Posted October 13, 2009 Tivoli Gardens was a blast! One of many major highlights of the trip. I had several cherries popped this day - it was my first Scenic Railway, my first ride on a Star Flyer (scared the crap outta me - I loved it!), my first experience with Vertigo (turbo!!), and yes... my first time eating at Wagamama. Wagamama was great - we need one of these in New York and we need it NOW. But I'm guessing I'll have to wait for next Summer's UK trip until I get to enjoy the magic of Wagamama once more. Thanks Divv for another awesome update! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divv3k Posted October 13, 2009 Author Share Posted October 13, 2009 This is why I want to do an international TPR trip! Thanks Divv! I had nooo idea they had that many types of Doritos. I can't remember which ones Australia had, but they were great! They even made plain Doritos...like, just a plain tortilla chip! Sooo wierd... I'm hoping one of our Australian friends will be able to hook me up with some Aussie Doritos on a TPR trip next year! But yeah, there are loads of flavours! As a matter of fact I'm gonna be getting my hands on some new flavours this weekend! Yes, everyone should do an international TPR trip. (Though, they're pretty much all international to me!) Glad you're enjoying reading. Thanks to you and everyone else for the comments, they're much appreciated! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPDave Posted October 13, 2009 Share Posted October 13, 2009 That Flemming picture still cracks me up! Nice report Divv This place was really nice, I love the idea of these urban parks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monkeyoverlord71 Posted October 14, 2009 Share Posted October 14, 2009 Awesome so far. I always love your TR's. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginzo Posted October 14, 2009 Share Posted October 14, 2009 Wagamama was great - we need one of these in New York and we need it NOW. But I'm guessing I'll have to wait for next Summer's UK trip until I get to enjoy the magic of Wagamama once more. If you add days in London like you usually do, there's a Wagamama right by the Tower of London. Should be a pretty good way to end a day at the Tower. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryancrash Posted October 14, 2009 Share Posted October 14, 2009 ^Oh yeah, of course I'll be adding days in London. Gotta get in some culture credits. Thanks for the tip Joe! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ratdogg68 Posted October 14, 2009 Share Posted October 14, 2009 Great report, as usual, Divv. Can't wait til I get through finishing my basement, so I can go on a TPR trip. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divv3k Posted October 14, 2009 Author Share Posted October 14, 2009 Day 3 – BAKKEN Day three took us to Bakken, a park just outside Copenhagen. It’s a bit of a strange place featuring a lot of fair ground flat rides but with big coasters in the middle too. We started out our day with food ERT, always a great way to start a park visit, this one contained lots of seafood so it was very much Divv-approved. We moved onto ERT on the Scenic Railway which really as far as Scenic Railways go is just awesome. This thing has some crazy airtime and you can tell the brakemen know just how to operate it to give some really insane rides. We had a bit of a Q&A with the park management who informed us that the ride was going to be losing it’s brakemen next year as it is due to receive new KumbaK trains. Here’s hoping that this train change is a lot more successful than the Stampida change to KumbaK. I really am glad I got to ride it before the change takes place! Bakken’s new ride this year is the Intamin spinning coaster Tornado. The less I say about this the better really. Whilst some people seemed to really like it I wasn;t a fan. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that the combination of a launch and a spin caused me horrible neck pain and the fact that I kept bashing against the OTSRs the whole way through the ride. Anyway, a lot of people liked it so maybe it can be put down to me getting an unlucky ride but I have no desire to ride that thing again. The rest of the park is fairly standard flat rides although they do have a very cool Intamin mine train which is a lot of fun with an insane first drop. I hope Alton’s new family coaster is something like this! Here are the Bakken photos… Bakken’s a fun park to swing by if you’re in Denmark. Let’s hope the that amazing Scenic Railway isn’t ruined by the KumbaK trains next year! We’re off to Germany next! OMG, I didn’t even realise that they sold ice cream in Bakken! Another Stacker, another EPIC, EPIC fail from Steve! Okay Erik, you can go back to licking them! He still hugs this in bed apparently. Mike never passes up an opportunity to show off his manliness. The double shot was as good as place as any to start a wee sing song, so that’s what they did. I hid. That’s it Erik, lick it. You love it. "Scottish Steve is in the car in front of us so we get to hear the screams of horror! Yay!" OMG, did Lou WIN at a shooting dark ride??!! I’m sensing a running joke, are you? Not for me thanks! It started raining but that didn’t put these crazy people off doing the crazy spinning things of death. Andrew does quite a good job of camouflaging himself in with the noodle things. There were plenty of things all over the place that could just trip you up or you could smack your head into. I love it! Lou shows us all how to play an out of tune piano. Steve doesn’t even realise that the floor moves, it’s just like any other floor to him! If you like your funhouses themed to the life of sea men then Bakken is for you! Erik, that one’s not real either! Give it up! The Flitzer was a big hit with everyone. Wish there were more of these around! Ha ha I have this credit. You’re all whores! Wouldn’t catch me dead on a Danish kiddie coaster this year! I include one photo of this ride only to let you know that it is there. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to go back to pretending it doesn’t exist. Thanks. No Erik, it’s not real!!! Don’t mess with The Fudge! This version of the shooting ride had this cool screen outside so that we could see which TPR members were cheating their way to a win! Now for one of the coolest attractions ever: Desperado! For some reason after we congregated here everyone else started taking photos of us. I still can’t work out why. Actually they did! And everyone lived! YAY! Surely they wouldn’t really let Robb be the brake man? Hold on a second, I’m not sure if I want ERT any more! TP tries to hail us a train so we can start our ERT! Point and laugh at Brad who can’t drink beer today. I said point and laugh! Good. Today’s park is Bakken. Quite a strange place really. Can’t quite put my finger on why I think it’s strange though. I still like the park so it's all good! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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