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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Am I the only one who really cares if Darien Lake closes forever because of not finding new owners by next season?




While CNL Lifestyle is looking to sell of their properties, I don't believe they have a deadline they must meet. It's not going to be like when Six Flags declared bankruptcy and had to sell off several of their assets as soon as possible. So therefore, I don't think anyone should be too worried that the park will close, even if it doesn't find a new owner by next year.


Coasterkid124 - You are right that clean bathrooms won't bring in troves of new people, but if a new ride is added and brings in a lot of people, the park is going to need clean bathrooms to make them stay and continue coming back.

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Coasterkid124 - You are right that clean bathrooms won't bring in troves of new people, but if a new ride is added and brings in a lot of people, the park is going to need clean bathrooms to make them stay and continue coming back.


True, they are plenty of families who will never return someplace, whether is be a restaurant or amusement park, if the bathrooms are dirty.

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That's a very good point. Bathroom upgrades would be a good addition with a new ride. I would give up a flat package if it meant one new ride and boosted moral of park guests. One area that really needs them is the concert area. Once you get thousands of drunk men partying, the bathrooms don't look nice anymore.

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Restroom upgrades should be a no-brainer when they are needed however it's not so much that the restrooms need them it all boils down to how often they are cleaned during a typical day.


While not directly tied to the nasty restrooms, though they can give one a bad impression of a park, the more Darien Lake, or any other park for that matter, does things that turn off people from revisiting the harder it will be get them back.

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Not only dirty and somewhat dated bathrooms give Darien Lake a bad rap, but also leaving old rides/attractions for "dead" and not replacing them and also for having one train operation and coasters that are capable of running at least two trains could also make people not want to return to Darien Lake.


But fixing up the bathrooms and/or bringing back old rides isn't going to make people want to return to Darien Lake.

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But fixing up the bathrooms and/or bringing back old rides isn't going to make people want to return to Darien Lake.


It's a start and at least shows that management cares about the presentation of their business. Also, It makes the guests wonder how well the rides are maintained if they can't handle a simple task of maintaining the restrooms.....

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Yes, the bathrooms actually say alot about the business in many cases. I know I have actualyy left local businesses to not return after going into a bathroom that looked like it came out of a gas station in the middle of nowhere.


Will upgraded bathrooms bring in new customers, no. Will they keep customers? Sure


Personally a new ride or slide along with some of those behind the scenes upgrades would work best

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I have to agree about the bathrooms. Also the whole entranceway needs an overhaul. Having a beautiful entrance when people arrive at the park and that is the first thing they see absolutely will make a difference as a person will be starting their day on a positive note.


Also there aren't enough restrooms in the park at all especially at the entrance. The whole entrance area is dirty and unkept. It doesn't say much about a park if they can't keep the entrance way in good condition. The dinky tables at Tim hortons need to be replaced ASAP. There are places that are very busy that can and do maintain restrooms so it can be done. Not only do they need to clean the restrooms, they need to build more.


There is just so much that needs to be done with this park and tbh it all needs to happen fast, but in reality that will not happen.

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So i was just thinking that all of the time that has passed since the park closed, HFE has spent that time packing up to leave. In a normal year, this is a great time to get some projects like painting and any prep work for projects in the spring to happen. This is especially true for land prep. Also, it would be a good time to remove Ranger if needed. Now Ranger is going to get dumped onto Premier and will probably be SBNO next year again. In a normal year, they could remove it and maybe even prepare the site for something new next year.


I just want some continuity for the park for an extended period of time. I dont care who manages/runs/owns the park, just some extended continuity with a vision in the future. SF told us that they had 4-6 coasters actually designed for the park, but they didn't stick around long enough to build any of them. Does the park still have those plans? I highly doubt it. HFE looked like they had some good momentum and good vision for the park, but again didn't stay long enough to expand on their park overhaul. Even back when Premier originally owned the park...they looked to have some good things going on, and then bought out Six Flags and left one of the parks that got them the capital to buy SF to basically rot away.


I hope that when CNL sells whoever they sell to, HFE or Premier, stays a long time and makes something great of the park. HFE will nost likely turn it into another SDC or Dollywood with great themeing and a mix of family and thrills. Premier will try to add coasters, but will most likely add cheap cookie cutter coasters much like they did with ME and Boomerang previously. Which is best? Only time will tell

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The fact that the park is changing owners every few years is not a good sign


Whomever gets the park needs to fix the issues that are already there and improve the guest experience before adding anything new. clean restrooms, more restrooms, 2 train operation on coasters, remove any rides that are too run down to use and don't just leave them SBNO..

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I'll be damned if Six Flags buys back Darien Lake, they'll slap ad wraps on all the rides, add a Super Loop and a Tsunami Soaker ride, but one thing would be for sure is that Superman would return to Ride of Steel as well as the Looney Tunes.

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I'll be damned if Six Flags buys back Darien Lake, they'll slap ad wraps on all the rides, add a Super Loop and a Tsunami Soaker ride, but one thing would be for sure is that Superman would return to Ride of Steel as well as the Looney Tunes.

Please just stop.

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^I second this.


^^I'm by no means trying to start a flame war or backseat moderate, but you have been trolling the forum ever since CNL announced liquidation. Darien Lake is not going to close, Cedar Fair or Six Flags aren't going to buy it, and the Hard Rock Park rides or Skyhawk aren't being moved here. If any of those happen I'll run outside naked with a dunce cap on. Speculation is fine but you're taking it a little too far even going into other threads and posting crazy ideas. Thank you for understanding. I'm sure that I'm not the only poster here who feels this way.

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I'll be damned if Six Flags buys back Darien Lake, they'll slap ad wraps on all the rides, add a Super Loop and a Tsunami Soaker ride, but one thing would be for sure is that Superman would return to Ride of Steel as well as the Looney Tunes.

Please just stop.



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I have to agree, none of this is realistic. DL will not close, it's obviously making money and people are still coming as much as all of us think the park is a crappy run down place. If it was in danger of closing local news media would be all over that, and I haven't seen anything out of the news yet on that. SF would never buy back a park they sold, again same, you would see it on the news if anything big was going down at the park.

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Please done ever say never as that is pretty strong and there are always chances of just about anything happening. Now the chances of DL closing for good are probably very slim. They get good attendance, and recently have turned the park in a very positive direction. Could new ownership or management change that sure thing.


BTW, SF would kinda be buying the park back with Premeir management or ownership. Kieran Burke was the original CEO of Premier Parks and then SF when Premier purchased them. So with him being back in the picture, it is kinda like having the original Premier back. From my point of view, that isn't so bad. Premier made some pretty good additions to the park

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I would love Cedar Fair to buy Darien Lake, they would make the park so nice. But then comes the challenge of re-naming the coasters....Cedar Fair is a little more original, so I doubt that they would rename Ride of Steel to Top Thrill Dragster or Mind Eraser to Rougarou or Viper to Flight Deck....

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