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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 468: Loch Ness Monster Media Day Report

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Does anyone know if Verbolten is going to be reusing and of the existing structures from Big bad Wolf (Station, transfer shed, those little houses between the first and second lifts), or is the entire attraction completely new from the ground up?


Also, has anyone heard any type of estimated number as far as overall cost of the attraction? I'm interested to see the final cost is with all of the themeing, dark rides section, and coaster compared to something like Cheetah Hunt or Darkastle or Griffon.

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^From the looks of the construction, the station and the transfer shed have both been retained. The footers from Big Bad Wolf's final drop have also been kept as the ride will use that turn exactly as it was before.


As for the rest of the ride, everything should be brand new. The old village facades were demolished with Big Bad Wolf.

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That's cool, the station on Vortex at Kings Island was always interesting to me since it was originally built for the Bat suspended coasters. I guess at the time Arrow was really good at designing stations that could be retrofitted in the future to accommodate new coasters....

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The footers from Big Bad Wolf's final drop have also been kept as the ride will use that turn exactly as it was before.


I didn't realize this. It's pretty smart since now they won't have to do nearly as much work in the river and I am sure it eased permitting as well.

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The station has been completely gutted and will be fully rebuilt on the inside with the outer shell staying the same. As for the transfer track, the old maintenance area will now be part of the station and two new maintenance areas will be added. Together, they will be able to hold all 5 trains. The village area has been completely destroyed and is the future site of the "event building".


The forecast cost for the attraction as a whole is $54 Million.

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The footers from Big Bad Wolf's final drop have also been kept as the ride will use that turn exactly as it was before.


I didn't realize this. It's pretty smart since now they won't have to do nearly as much work in the river and I am sure it eased permitting as well.


I wonder if Zierer was designed their supports for that section of the ride around the existing bolt patterns on the old BBW footers or if they will have to do some prep work to make theirs fit. I'm not an expert on this type of construction or anything but if they are completely reusing the footers from that section of BBW then it would make sense to make the installation as simple as possible.


This ride looks more and more impressive every day, definitely my most anticipated new ride of 2012.

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The station has been completely gutted and will be fully rebuilt on the inside with the outer shell staying the same. As for the transfer track, the old maintenance area will now be part of the station and two new maintenance areas will be added. Together, they will be able to hold all 5 trains. The village area has been completely destroyed and is the future site of the "event building".


The forecast cost for the attraction as a whole is $54 Million.

I dont see how in the world it could be 54 million dollars. Thats two Intimidator 305's and then some.

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I had a good look at the construction both Saturday and Sunday. I love the layout so far! Track construction inside the building should be finished within the next week.


On another note, HOS's scares have been amped up a bit from friends working in the mazes and from observations made going through scare zones in my spare time last Saturday. If you were a bit disappointed in the mazes and scare zones a few weeks ago, things have changed for the scarier.


I've considered working as a scareactor next year. Hearing the stories of people freaking out and peeing their pants must be fun to see in person. One of my friends managed to see a full-grown man crawl out of a maze because he was so scared.

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