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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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I'm calling it now, I think this will be a topper track coaster instead of I box.

I completely disagree. Why would they remove major portions of the structure--particularly a lift hill--to replace just the tracks? The progress that had already made just screams I-box conversion to me. My guess would be they are shortening the layout quite a bit, making the ride single track with two/three trains and one/two lift hills, respectively.

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I'm calling it now, I think this will be a topper track coaster instead of I box.

I completely disagree. Why would they remove major portions of the structure--particularly a lift hill--to replace just the tracks? The progress that had already made just screams I-box conversion to me. My guess would be they are shortening the layout quite a bit, making the ride single track with two/three trains and one/two lift hills, respectively.


Maybe it could be getting a launch instead of a second lift hill! That would solve the height problem.

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I'm calling it now, I think this will be a topper track coaster instead of I box.

I completely disagree. Why would they remove major portions of the structure--particularly a lift hill--to replace just the tracks? The progress that had already made just screams I-box conversion to me. My guess would be they are shortening the layout quite a bit, making the ride single track with two/three trains and one/two lift hills, respectively.


Maybe it could be getting a launch instead of a second lift hill! That would solve the height problem.

hmmmm I like that idea . I'm going to try and grab some picture when I get off.

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I'm calling it now, I think this will be a topper track coaster instead of I box.


All evidence points to I-Box track as opposed to Topper track. Ledgers and track stack have been removed throughout the majority of the ride. In other words, if this is going to be a topper track ride, there are 2 options:


1.) The ride is becoming considerably shorter, only utilizing what little amount of track stack is remaining.


2.) Rebuilding a wooden coaster from most of the existing bents, then retrofitting this new wooden coaster with Topper track. (not happening)


Again, the amount of deconstruction that has taken place really lends itself to an I-Box track rebuild. I do believe Ed wants some kind of "gimmick" to draw in visitors and get locals talking about the park more. He always talked about wanting to have the world's longest wooden coaster by tying TT and Thunder Run together, but a launched dueling coaster would certainly do that as well...

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drove past the park on my way to work, and from what I could see from the expressway the blue side lift hill is completely gone!!!!

Do you mean the track on the lift or the whole lift itself?

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drove past the park on my way to work, and from what I could see from the expressway the blue side lift hill is completely gone!!!!

Do you mean the track on the lift or the whole lift itself?


The entire lift structure is gone on that side of the coaster.

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Perhaps they are just shortening it to a single ride, single lift hill. I couldn't see them doing much else with how much material they are removing.

nothing else has really been removed but track. I don't see shortening it but who knows still a lot of time.

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drove past the park on my way to work, and from what I could see from the expressway the blue side lift hill is completely gone!!!!

I'm glad they chose that side to remove, because that side had the much less interesting beginning, whereas the pink side dropped straight into an airtime hill and a tall but fast left turn into the rest of the layout. I always have said the pink side was better than the blue/teal side.

I'm excited to see what happens!

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