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Official RCT/RCT2 Help Thread

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RCT Town went down again!


Heres the message that was on the homepage:

This site has been down since 1/25. After 3 1/2 months of downtime It seems the site is back.

I'm sorry to say the staff that helped run this site refuse to help out anymore.

This forum will remain permantly closed until the site owner contacts us.

We could all lose everything on here if the site dissapears!

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So I have this park with no backup, I saved, closed the game and shut down my comp, restarted it an hour later, opened the game, tried opening the park and got an 'Invalid Data' error. I searched and found out about an 'sv6' fixer. Alas, the very sites it was on are now shuttered. So...am I able to recover the park or is it gone for good?

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Since No one has answered my quiestion on rct3 for the loast however many decades Does anybody know how to dowload ctr onto rct3 ive downloaded a few like the dipper coaster & car and the flying shy guy thing and there therewhen i go onto rct3 but if i click them and try to use them rct3 shuts down and a bar pops up saying could not fine track (whatever number it was) go to ttr file Now can any one tell me how to get to the ttr file or even install the ctr properly so they work?



And btw sorry for the long paragraph!

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Also i tried to install rct2 onto my comp ive used the cd before and it worked perfectly but now when i try to install it it pops up saying i need to install adobe flash player (so i did) and the same thing popped up Again! ive tried it a few times but it always pops up saying install ado..........

Please Help! Now! OR DIE!!!!!!!

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^ I know nothing about RCT3 sorry. The only part of RCT2 that needs Adobe is the manual and that does not need the flash part. So I have no idea what is going on there. I suggest you save any RCT2 files you want to keep and do a complete uninstall and start over.


Califolf, I have attached the SV6 Fixer below. I have never used it so I don't know what it does. I hope it solves your problem.


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Califolf, I have attached the SV6 Fixer below. I have never used it so I don't know what it does. I hope it solves your problem.


Thanks! But now I have this error:


[sv6_obj_fixer.exe] has failed to start because MFC42D.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

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I don't know what that dll is but I did a search of my system and I had it somewhere cause it found it. I put a copy in my RCT2 utilities folder incase I ever lose the copy I had.


Ran the program on the park Mastersax68 (Dimension Realms of Creation by Kumba) was having loading issues with just to see what it does and I still don't know. But when it was done doing whatever it is it did it ask me if I wanted to replace the version of the park I had with a new version.

Anyway your dll is below.


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^ I know nothing about RCT3 sorry. The only part of RCT2 that needs Adobe is the manual and that does not need the flash part. So I have no idea what is going on there. I suggest you save any RCT2 files you want to keep and do a complete uninstall and start over.


Califolf, I have attached the SV6 Fixer below. I have never used it so I don't know what it does. I hope it solves your problem.

Err, you haven't included ALL the .dll files in the SV6 Fixer zip file.

Edited by TheScooterGuy
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^ How was I supposed to know it even needed dll files in the first place! It's not like made the program!


I found out where the first one was stored, it was in a folder with the ParkDat. There are 3 others in there also including the new one your needing. I am going to put up all of them separately in case someone does a search for them later. This way they will show up.


Wonder... was SV6 Fixer made by the same person who made the ParkDat?




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^ How was I supposed to know it even needed dll files in the first place! It's not like made the program!


I found out where the first one was stored, it was in a folder with the ParkDat. There are 3 others in there also including the new one your needing. I am going to put up all of them separately in case someone does a search for them later. This way they will show up.


Wonder... was SV6 Fixer made by the same person who made the ParkDat?



*looks* oh my you're right.


*fixes and loads the park, gets brought to menu*

Okay, now it say it's missing object ID

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^ the game didn't say what object it was?


You can use the ParkDat utility to to find out what your missing. It can be downloaded on page 9 about half way down. When you load a park into it and your missing an object it will say "Object Not Found" but he DAT name will be there. Screw it I will post it again here. That post is kind of confusing.


This picture tell you what all the numbers mean in the ParkDat. Rides, Small Scenery, Large Scenery etc. When moving items into the park DO NOT EXCEDE THSES NUMBERS! When moving items out of a park make sure if you have a Scenery Tab you keep at least ONE object in it! The game will crash if you fail to abide by these two rules. Copy this picture and keep it somewhere so you can reference it when needed. I use it as my computer wallpaper.


Use this item to find out what DATs are used in a park. Every item in the park will be listed, items that were actually used will have an "X" by there name. DO NOT REMOVE ANY ITEM WITH AN "X". It will also tell you if your missing any DATs needed to open a park by saying "OBJECT NOT FOUND". You can use this utility to add new items to a park, or remove items you no longer want. To do remove an item highlight it in the list and hit the "Delete Selected" button. To add an item hit the "ADD" button and find it in the list that pops up. This is where the two utilities below come in to play. If you want to remove all items in the park that were NEVER used hit the "Delete Unused" and they will all be gone. The "Replace Selected" button is kind of dangerous. If you delete a Large Scenery item and let's say you replace it with a Path you will crash your game. So use it at your own risk. Once your done moving items in or out of the park you hit the "UPDATE HEADERS" button and the "SAVE"


Use this item to sort, view, delete and reveal bad DATs. It has a lot of uses but you have to click on each item to see a picture of it and then close it before continuing on to the next. It had Green, Yellow and Red flags to help identify bad DATs. This utility needs time to load or it may skip items or place them out of order. It will not lock up on you but you should wait until it is ready. You will know when it is done searching for items when the "SEARCH" button lights back up.


Use this item to sort and view DATs very quickly. Unfortunately that is just about all this program is good for. WARNING: this utility needs time to load or it will freeze up so once you select where it is to search for DATs give it time to load. When it is ready the first items picture will show up on the right side.

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So I lost my immaculate Great Adventure save after the virus, and I've ended up doing some different things. I replaced Rolling Thunder with a dueling launch track hyper-twister, that takes them 510 ft in the air at a speed of 145 mph. The problem... is that it has a ridiculously low capacity. So I thought if I lift up the surrounding heartline, lower the lift speed to 5, then add 4 block brake sections, it would give me 3 trains and only brake the flow when loading/launching. However everytime I do it, I end up with an error trapper, any helps/suggestions?

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I have no idea, as I'm a noob to 8cars and hacking in general. Maybe using impulse track connected to whatever you were thinking of making go past 90, and hack the trains so that they go on what would be the top of the Impulse track...? Anyways, I fixed my ObjData problem. I removed the second most recent edition, ja227's Giga-Looper Trains, and I have my game back. I already have a backup ObjData folder stored in my InfoGrames folder, so all is good. For now, at least.

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^ ja227's Giga-Looper Trains is what caused your issue?


...would it be possible for someone to somehow create a track that's steeper than 90 degrees? ...think it's possible to do this?


I have to answer this as no it is not possible, no one has the ability to add new track to the game and if it was possible it would require everyone who wants to have or just view a park with it to have a new G1 file. Kind of like those who use RCT2 Modified. It uses an reworked G1 file and anyone who wants to see a park built using it has to have the modified G1 to see it. With that said In reality, it would be possible if someone created a program to allow users to see what track files there are and alter them but no such program for the public exists. I do have one that allows me to see what is in the G1 file but it does not allow me to alter the items and it's in German and I don't understand German. I am sure that someone like Robb Alvey could do it. After all he helped make the game but he seems to have no interest in RCT any longer and as far as I can tell reading posts all the way back to when this site was created never had any interest in altering it in any way from it's current form.

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^ RCT and RCT2 not sure about RCT3. Ever use the Elissa White name cheat in the game where the guest gets exited about Intamin Rides. Elissa White is Robb's wife/SharkTums.


Sorry to hear that about the Giga Looper, It is used in a lot of parks. May sounds strange but have you tried just loading it in by itself and see if it will except it that way? Worth a shot.

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Ah, okay. Just curious.


Okay, one more question!


Is there some type of program that allows for me to play RCT2 without a disc? I'm on a computer that has it installed, has all my HTEC parks on it, but forgot my disc!

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