cfc Posted May 9, 2009 Share Posted May 9, 2009 "International Jr. Teen Miss Virginia"? Chuck, can you explain this? No. Rather glad that I can't, actually. Applebee's--lamest float for the lamest restaurant ever. This does remind me of the Apricot Fiesta Parade in my hometown of Patterson, Calif.--except that we had "The Portugeuse Rat Patrol!" It was the brainchild of one Mike Mattos, who made a fortune by inventing and patenting a special box for unreeling baling wire to keep it from kinking up and tangling (yes, he was the Baling Wire Baron of Stanislaus County). He had a bunch of WWII-era Jeeps, a couple of halftracks, and his own homemade tank (the cannon shot bubble gum). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meteornotes Posted May 9, 2009 Share Posted May 9, 2009 DIE DUGGAR FAMILY DIE!!!!! Same! I have to say, this parade looked like awesome entertainment, other than the evil Duggar family. I hate parades, but I think I would have sat through this one, given the amazing contents. Thanks for posting this! dt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I love DW Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 Ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Dolly Parton. That's Dr. Parton to you sir! hahaha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thrillerman1 Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 "Dolly channeling Dio." That's hilarious! She probably could do a really good cover of "Rainbow in the Dark" though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted May 10, 2009 Author Share Posted May 10, 2009 Gino's Pizza!!! I eat there every time we pass through West Virginia, which isn't often, but still... Actually, this is "Geno's" not "Gino's." So I'm betting it's different folks. In any case, "Geno's Pizza" is every bit as good as their "float" would suggest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dandaman Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 ^Sorry; hard to tell with the calligraphy. This is the one I was referring to: And here's the one so wonderfully advertised on the truck: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supertrooper Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 DIE DUGGAR FAMILY DIE!!!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one. That woman needs to have her tubes tied. I've had enough of that creepy cult family and their ankle length denim skirts trying to invade John and Kate Plus Eight's territory. Even John and Kate are annoying, but at least their kids are cute and don't all have names that start with the same letter. Also, that was to most amusing collection of hillbillies that I've ever seen. Those "beauty queens" on the pickup truck were real catches. And I don't think that was really Dolly. It was a wax figure from Ripley's down the street. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted May 10, 2009 Author Share Posted May 10, 2009 Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies Goodbye, Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies! You may not be the biggest aquarium around, but you’re still fun! This is the full-service restaurant, accessible from inside the aquarium or outside. ...or you can start all over. (Um, is that dude wrestling a fish?) can exit through the gift shop... At this point, you have two options... One cool thing about this aquarium is that you can actually see the underwater tunnel from above. I believe this is a Cownose Ray. Not bad. Unfortunately, the full-service restaurant always seems to be closed when we’re there. Of course, we always go when it’s not busy, so I guess that’s forgivable. The aquarium has two dining options. This is the fast food place. A dive show going on in the stingray tank. It features such lovely sea creatures as this super-venomous Lionfish. Ripley’s Aquarium has an area set aside for special exhibits. Currently occupying it is the “Lethal Weapons” display. I am your Giant Japanese Spider Crab king! Attack! No alien could be more horrifying than this. All I know is that Misty could stare at them for hours. (As demonstrated in this rather noisy photo.) Brainless...or just beyond our understanding? Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Weedy Sea Dragons and a (closely related) Seahorse. This is a rock, obviously. Never let it be said that I’m scared of my (photographic) blacks. I have no idea why I’m trying to feed the fake sea monsters my candy, but I like how seriously I seem to be taking it. I'm a cute fishy. Would you like to eat me? Looking back up towards the entrance. The thing that looks like a ship is the exit gift shop. Yeah, I'm not going near that guy. I have a friend that worked here as a diver at one point. He said that even though the sharks were very well fed, occasionally they’d still just tear the poo-poo out of a fish that swam by because they’re sharks. You’ll probably enjoy this photo a lot more than I do, because you don’t know that it’s of stingray poop. Oh, sorry. Hey, it’s us! Now would I do something like that? Well, that makes me feel better. Hi, I’m sawtooth shark. I enjoy laying on Plexiglas and inspiring Guillermo del Toro. The highlight of Ripley’s Aquarium is their relatively-long "undersea” tunnel. I am an ugly fish. But I still need love. I still say aquariums are one of the toughest things to photograph--though my new camera produces much better results than any of my old ones did. A man who knew a thing or two about fish. Per-rahn-ya. The aquarium is arranged as a straight-line tour, but this is an area you pass several times. A fairly clever way to tie an aquarium into Tennessee. The aquarium doubles as Gatlinburg's central "trolley" station. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meteornotes Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Best caption ever! dt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheRapidsNerd Posted May 11, 2009 Share Posted May 11, 2009 Let's revue the awesomeness shall we? Jules Verne reference. Del Toro reference. 2 octopus pictures. Pizza. Big cookies. Winner! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted May 11, 2009 Author Share Posted May 11, 2009 ^ You forgot Lovecraft. But Dave didn't. ^^ Thanks, y'all. /Madness from the sea, indeed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted May 14, 2009 Author Share Posted May 14, 2009 Ober Galinburg sits high in the mountains above Gatlinburg, and is accessible via very scary winding road or an aerial tram from the Parkway. It’s open all year, but has two distinct personalities: in the winter, it’s a ski resort; in the summer, an amusement park. Bye bye, Ober Gatlinburg. Welcome back to Gatlinburg proper. So is Ober Gatlinburg worth it? Well, it's got some great views, the Alpine Slide is a cool experience, and chairlifts are always fun. Due to the whole tram thing, though, it can be a bit of a commitment, time-wise. So I would say yes, it's worthwhile--if you have half a day to spend on it. Hey, we're up pretty high. And now for the ride down. Enjoy. Skeeball treasure. There's also an arcade and some crazy little bungee things. All too often 'round here, you see dudes who look like Elvis. I think this is my first ever Wolverine, though. Smisty gracefully dismounting. It's not a coaster, but it's fun. I always win. I'm sure weight is not a factor. Concrete trough, tiny little plastic sled. You have to ride the chair lift all the way back down to the bottom, then get on again and ride halfway up for the Alpine Slide. Check. Time to head back down. Not a bad view from up here. Not really much else, though. Totally cheating. Decisions, decisions. This is the top. You take a chairlift up. But at this point you have to decide whether to get off for the Alpine Slide or continue up to the top. The big attraction at Ober Gatlinburg is the Alpine Slide. (Photo by speedmetal, obviously.) They actually didn’t come off all that wet. The Blue Cyclone water slide. By implication, I guess you can smoke everywhere else. There used to be go cart track here, but now it’s some kind of winter ski school. Here y’all, use thisy here magic sunstick ta scare the bejesus outta tha critters! Do-it-yourself Pepper’s Ghost. Featuring snakes. And a “nocturnal house.” They’ve also added otters. Where the bears go when they’re bad. This bear is wisely behaving himself. It’s still a bit ghetto, but at least it’s an improvement. The bear exhibit has gotten a bit of a facelift. Oh.... Who would? The indoor section at the top is essentially a mall surrounding an ice rink. Von Roll made the aerial tram system, if you’re interested in such things. Operating hours for the various attractions at the top. The downtown entrance, shops, and aerial tram station. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted May 15, 2009 Author Share Posted May 15, 2009 Just an FYI: In a day or two, we'll be leaving for a coaster trip outside the area. Which means that this thread probably isn't going to be updated for at least a couple of weeks. I'm sure you're all heartbroken--but fear not, more adventures shall be forthcoming! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teacups Make Me Sick Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 Here y’all, use thisy here magic sunstick ta scare the bejesus outta tha critters! That is just mean, I'm going to call PETA on them!! Did you use the flashlight to try and find them? Its kinda silly b/c unless they actually have a nocturnal set up (they are housed in a light controlled encloser, and the zoo artificially switches there day/night), they will not come out of the nook they are sleeping in. I know this from volunteering at a zoo and we had flying squirrels they didn't come out for anything (food, water, etc) and when you took them out, they immediately ran into your shirt/pocket. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted May 16, 2009 Author Share Posted May 16, 2009 Did you use the flashlight to try and find them? No. It just seemed wrong. Actually, I saw another guest using it before I saw the sign, and I thought it was hers! Good thing I didn't yell at her for it.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted July 4, 2009 Author Share Posted July 4, 2009 In June and July, Dollywood holds Kids Fest...and we take pictures of it! I'll give you one Booby Buck for it. That's it for Kids Fest. Thanks for reading. Still trying to figure this one out. Aw, time to leave already? Flower pot rattle snake! The Rain Maker street show thingy. The dead path. Voyeuristic shot. Second hill turnaround thing from the playground. Thunderhead's queue (and partial train photo fail). They should be. In summer, Timber Tower is a water ride. Do they look worried? A potato with cheese, tomatoes, and chicken strips on it. (Yes, it was good.) They've changed up the menu here this year. Lumberjack Lifts, Timber Tower, and Thunderhead. Er...yeah. Smisty shows off some fine Mystery Mine merch. Big finish. Signature attraction, or dud? I can't wait to ride now! The backside of Mystery Mine. Speaking of River's always good for a few photos, but we seldom ride it. I still haven't tried anything here. (It opened with River Battle.) But I like the theming on the roof. The layout. The park's new upcharge attraction, Sky Zip. What's this then? Et tu, Dollywood? Short, sweet, and smooth. What, aren't all Arrow loopers like that? No one else has this shot. (Because where you have to go to get it is ridiculous.) The path to the Tennessee Tornado. ...and had it improved by one of the Kids Fest T-shirt artists! she bought this shirt... This is Misty's favorite ride in the park. But she was upset that the park didn't have any shirts for it... And a gift shop. (As seen from the inside of the new Alewine Pottery shop.) Plus there's a show. Pretty much just birds, but still.... Did you know that Dollywood had animals? The money shot. This looks ominous.... Here's a new shot. What's this? A ride?? In one of Electerik's trip reports??? The Blacksmith is cool because he works with fire. Misty's was more artistic. And Shrinky Dinks! (I got done first.) A giant coloring wall. Crafts and critters. Kamp Kidsfest contains the coolest Kids Fest stuff. This is new. Never seen them have a show in the church before. "The Whittlin' Man." See? He's working on a carousel horse. That's cool, right? The Woodcarving shop is actually really cool. The Country Crossroads stage. Trust me when I say that the stage is much more interesting than the show. So...if you're a lazy porch would that express itself? And the finale. Mountain Slidewinder's loading procedure. Funny hats are fun. (Also, feel free to quake in awe at my self photo taking skills.) Kind of a gift/toy shop. One of Misty's favorites. Dreamland Forest and the upper level of the Grist Mill. I guess this is a big deal if you like shows. Let's move on. Take the tunnel? Not bad, eh? In the back corner is "Happy Valley Farmland," which consists of three baby rides: Lucky Ducky, Busy Bees, and Piggy Parade. The Country Fair section is finally starting to look more natural as the trees grow in. Smisty on the carousel! That's quite a name. A giant sand sculpture that's part of Kids Fest. This is over by the train station. Incidentally, Victoria's is the only place at Dollywood that serves pizza. The big train barrels through. Inside the Slate Works shop. The Whitewater gift shop and the lake. The prospector and the dog wanted their picture with me. Whew, that raft just missed the danger box! The park's rapids ride. Look carefully at what's happening to the girl in green. Rockin' Roadway is still my favorite car ride anywhere, despite the fact that you don't control your own speed. The gas station is a gift shop. And the thing on the left is the coolest car ride station ever. And on the assumption that most coaster enthusiasts have never seen the inside of said you go. Jukebox Junction. The shop facades on the left hold Dreamland Theater. The bus seems to have become semi-permanent. See, there's another one behind that tall dude. Flower pot men equal Kids Fest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ernierocker Posted July 4, 2009 Share Posted July 4, 2009 Great coverage of the park in this report! Where was that Kamp Kidfest at? I don't remember there being a shop that large besides the gift shop at the front of the park. I always thought that with a powerful lens, you could get a unique shot (like yours) of the Tennessee Tornado from those chalets that overlook the back of the park. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted July 5, 2009 Author Share Posted July 5, 2009 Great coverage of the park in this report! Thanks! Since Dollywood is my "home park," and I've done other reports for it in the past, I'm always trying to find new shots and stuff I've never posted photos of before. It's becoming increasingly difficult, but I kind of enjoy the challenge. Where was that Kamp Kidfest at? I don't remember there being a shop that large besides the gift shop at the front of the park. It's next to Daredevils Falls, behind and wrapping around the "A Touch of Ireland" shop. I always thought that with a powerful lens, you could get a unique shot (like yours) of the Tennessee Tornado from those chalets that overlook the back of the park. Darn, you've discovered my secret! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted July 7, 2009 Author Share Posted July 7, 2009 Smoky Mountain Fantasy Golf is a course you must play if you absolutely must play every mini golf course in the area. Featuring a Sling Shot, Skyscraper, Screamin' Swing, and Go Carts--none of which are anything special. Next! Located next door (and owned by the same folks) is the Smoky Mountain Speedpark. What do you think of Fantasy Golf, Smisty? Nooooo! I didn't think she'd send a bear! Misty's going to kill me for this one. At least this place has fun signs. The mermaid chick wishes she weren't bolted to the rock, so she could ride the Screamin' Swing next door. The landscaping isn't bad. "I'm the super tall sad goblin guard dude!" Smisty takes a break on the steps of the random rest area. I really enjoy the phrasing of that. Fantasy Golf is located in Pigeon Forge, between traffic lights 6 and 7. Many of the holes are built at subtly awkward angles, making them annoyingly difficult. This dragon dude has really cool teeth, though. There's also almost no shade, outside of the tunnels. Fantasy Golf has lots of water features, none of which you ever get particularly close to. While the inside has more of a Scottish golf theme. The outside of the clubhouse is themed to a castle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tnguy Posted July 7, 2009 Share Posted July 7, 2009 I think it was worth it for that bear picture. Plus dragons are always cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disneymoc Posted July 7, 2009 Share Posted July 7, 2009 Erik, thanks for posting these reports. I am from Chattanooga and have been to most of these places. I agree with your opinion on all of them. Can't wait until you visit Wonder World....I think that is what it is called. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meteornotes Posted July 7, 2009 Share Posted July 7, 2009 Falafel & I loved that place, as it was total cheese and had gators and bears and other random creatures scattered about. Mini-golf rules. There better be some next week! dt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
astroworldfan1 Posted July 7, 2009 Share Posted July 7, 2009 I just finished hiking in the Smoky Mountains! I LOVED it! I even got to explore Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge again! I'm glad you liked Hillbilly Golf! It's one of the better mini-golf establishments in Gatlinburg. I still don't understand why Ripley's says that their aquarium is the #1 in America...I went to the Atalanta Aquarium, and that was amazing. -Tatum Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ernierocker Posted July 8, 2009 Share Posted July 8, 2009 Darn, you've discovered my secret! Whoops, sorry about that! It's still a great picture though! We would usually either go to Gator Golf at the Track or Hillbilly Golf when I was a kid. I honestly haven't been down the strip since they opened up the new Middle Creek Rd, so I am not sure if it is still there, but I always wanted to go to that Haunted Golf place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electerik Posted July 8, 2009 Author Share Posted July 8, 2009 Can't wait until you visit Wonder World....I think that is what it is called. WonderWorks, maybe? I'd love to do one on that. Unfortunately, they forbid photography inside. [EDIT: Bzzzt! Nice try, Erik. But wrong. WonderWorks has no such rule against photography. But thanks for playing!] Falafel & I loved that place, as it was total cheese and had gators and bears and other random creatures scattered about. Well, it is mini golf--so, on that basis, it's still better than not playing mini golf. I do think there are better choices in the area--but fun is fun. I still don't understand why Ripley's says that their aquarium is the #1 in America...I went to the Atalanta Aquarium, and that was amazing. I agree that the Georgia Aquarium is clearly better. But Ripley's is claiming to be #1 on the basis of being the most visited. I honestly haven't been down the strip since they opened up the new Middle Creek Rd, so I am not sure if it is still there, but I always wanted to go to that Haunted Golf place. Middle Creek was widened, redirected, and renamed "Veteran's Parkway." It connects Dollywood Lane (traffic light #8 in Pigeon Forge) to Dolly Parton Parkway in Sevierville, and Dollywood's (new) main entrance is located off of it. I assume you mean Nightmare Golf. It's SBNO, and doesn't look too good at this point. I never go to play it either. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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