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KBF PTR 4/5/09

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I went to Knott's on Sunday to get my Platinum Pass. I was at the park from about 1 - 7:30, but didn't get on my first ride until about 2 because of the extremely slow pass line. I won't go on about it, but it is really bad.


Once I had my pass, I went to Silver Bullet. Silver Bullet was running pretty good. The Zero-G had some force and the vertical loop was very strong. When I got off, I went to Xcelerator to find it closed...so I rode Perilous Plunge instead.


Perilous Plunge was great as usual. I think it may have gotten its splash back! I got very wet and the water went all the way to the bridge! Luckily there was good weather and I dried off pretty quickly, or else I could have been miserable the rest of the day. I think Xcelerator was still closed now, so I went to Montezooma.


Montezooma's Revenge has to be one of the all time most fun rides. It's just great and so...fun . Did I go to Ghostrider now? I think so...


Ghostrider was running very very bad today. Bad enough to not ride again the rest of the day and not worth the 15 minute wait it had.


Now that I think of it, I rode Xcelerator already before this...but I'm not sure when. But Xcelerator was good. I waited about 30 minutes and it was worth it. It was running slow though, it barely made it over the top hat.


But it was running fast enough for me to definitely want to ride it again. After Ghostrider, I went straight to it, but it was closed...again. I waited a bit, but then figured I would just ride something close by and go back to it. I went to Timber Mountain Log Ride and waited about 15 minutes.


Good, fun Log Ride. It never gets old. When I got off, I saw Xcelerator testing so I ran straight to it. After about 15 minutes, it reopened. I was on the first train, and was able to get on again quickly before the GP realized it was open.


Then I think I went to Montezooma again and Jaguar. Both were fun as usual.


The rest of the day was riding Xcelerator 2 more times, Perilous Plunge again, and Silver Bullet again .


I had a very good time at Knott's. I have already been to Knott's twice this year. Once in January and once in Febuary. In both visits, the park was pretty dead. While I liked no lines, it was almost sad to see no one there and no excitement. Sunday was perfect. It was crowded enough to where to park was awake, but not too crowded to the point where lines were miserable. Everything was about 10-30 minutes, which isn't bad at all IMO.


Ride count:

Montezooma's Revenge x2

Jaguar x1

Silver Bullet x2

Ghostrider x1

Xcelerator x5

Perilous Plunge x2

Timber Mountain Log Ride x1




A very bad picture of KBF's very good skyline. You decide, good picture or bad? You can make a difference.

Again, the choice is your's, good or bad??

Silver Bullet is too rough. It should be taken down.

Another one of those bad pictures of a good thing. Unless you don't like Ghostrider's pre-lift. Then this picture will suck for you. Why so negative man?

Some track. Don't you like track? I like track. Do you like track, because I do, but do you like track?

Yeah I know, track and trains are better. Almost like a combo meal, or the ever so popular, "2 for the price of 1!".

Hey the Zero-G is okay. Why so mean to it?

In this picture, I'm guessing that you are either paying attention to Silver Bullet coming down from the Cobra Roll. or wondering if the sign says "Re-Enter" or "Re-Entry". Don't ask me, because honestly I can't remember. I was looking at that tree. Mmmm trees.

Loops through supports. A very hard picture to get but remember, anything is possible if you set your mind to it!

I didn't really set my mind to this picture. Sorry.

Hey at least the supports are silver!


G's!!! G's!!!

No Perilous Plunge, do not get Xcelerator wet!

This is when everyone starts to expect the train to slow down.

Yeah they're wrong.

We're at Knott's?

Yes, Knott's is infact spelt with a K.

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Jaguar does have an exclamation mark, and it probably deserves it more than Scream.

But why doesn't Xcelerator have one???

Everyone starts to calm down right here.

But definitely not here.

Which side of the track does the train run on?

This side! Yes! I got it! Do I get happy fun prize now?

Some happy fun prize, it's just an overbanked turn.


Please enjoy this picture of Montezooma with a train and Silver Bullet without a train while Xcelerator's overbanked turn calms down.

Oh look, now Silver Bullet has a train and Montezooma doesn't.

Silver Bullet is a very bright and happy ride.

But Ghostrider is just kinda like "I HATE YOU!".

My friend is good at basketball.

Actually I take that back.

He sucks.

Money Ball!

Or is it Money Shot?

Please enjoy Boomerang (if possible) while I figure this out.

Imaginary exclamation mark!

Xcelerator is very enjoyable.

So is Silver Bullet, and loops.

And trees!!!

And wagons.

Aaaaand track.

I'm tired now, sorry Montezooma. Too late.



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^ Oh believe me, I have seen them, I just thought it was time to speak up on my thoughts!


NOT that I do not enjoy them, I do!!! Its always nice to see reports that are not your run-of-the-mill panorama shots. Oh, and I like your shots of Perilous Plunge. I dont know why I am such a fan of that ride but I AM!



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Nice TR, not Photo TR. Jk


Anyways, it seems like you had an OK day at KBF.


P.S. How bad was the line for the Premium Pass?


Just saw your comment, it kind of got sandwhiched in with Part 2


The line was just very slow moving. They had one "picture station" only and there were workers just walking around. The processing room was very small and crowded and they couldn't get the pictures going fast. Then there were problems with printing out the people's pictures...it was just a big mess.

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^^Yay we have a Perilous fan!


Sounds like you had a good day in the park. A lot of your pictures were taken from interesting angles. I really like the one from under xcel's top hat. As for Perilous' splash, after its recent rehab it does seem like the splash is bigger. However, it does still lack in its original greatness because of the fact that it only gets a few feet of the bridge wet. Oh well, beggars cant be choosers right? It is still enough to get the smaller ones that can't get on the ride a little wet.

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Yeah, I've always had a problem with Knott's season pass processing. They always go at a snails pace and the place has so many people in it, that everyone gets crammed against the wall. I can deal with the amount of people, but the processing literally took me over 2 hours with maybe 6 or 7 people in front of me.


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^^Yay we have a Perilous fan!


Sounds like you had a good day in the park. A lot of your pictures were taken from interesting angles. I really like the one from under xcel's top hat. As for Perilous' splash, after its recent rehab it does seem like the splash is bigger. However, it does still lack in its original greatness because of the fact that it only gets a few feet of the bridge wet. Oh well, beggars cant be choosers right? It is still enough to get the smaller ones that can't get on the ride a little wet.



I know what you mean

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I'm sorry, but I have to say it. Please Knott's, PLEASE get rid of PP. That plot of land has so much potential to be of greater use. It's just a waste of space, IMO.


On a side note, I do agree that Xcel is in need of a fresh paint job. Badly.

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^Without PP, they would not have 10 "Coasters"


I also completely disagree with you, but thats okay, I know it doesn't have a lot of fans here at TPR. Besides, CF has been amazing at stacking a bunch of attractions on top of each other, they dont need to remove it to use the land!



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^^I am all for making a Perilous fan club on TPR.



I'm sorry, but I have to say it. Please Knott's, PLEASE get rid of PP. That plot of land has so much potential to be of greater use. It's just a waste of space, IMO.


I completely agree with you about the fact that the land that Perilous sits on could and probably should be used for something bigger and better, but Perilous is actually a really popular ride. During the summer we get pretty long lines (no thats not because we are going slow), mainly because it is an awesome ride. There is nothing really like it in California. I mean Tidal Wave at SFMM is just lame compared to Perilous. Plus if you want to get soaked at Knotts your only other choices are the log ride, rapids or the fountain. So it works perfectly for the teenage crowd and above. Also, dealing with the fact that they just painted it, I seriously doubt that there is any chance of it going anywhere in the next few years. Which is a great thing, but then again I am probably just being biased since that ride is my baby. haha

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Dear OP. I enjoyed some of your camera angles. If you'd like to reduce some of that blur, maybe you can set your camera to the sporting event mode - that'll force a fast shutter speed. But maybe you like blur.


What, no Pony Express?

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