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Mr. Six Returns

Guest Papas

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Can somebody tell me if my memory serves me correctly...Wasn't Mr. Six in the park just a person wearing a cheap rubber mask?


I thought I remembered seeing a Mr. Six once at Great Adventure (or the mask at a Halloween Store)...and he was pretty scarey.


If they can recruit some old people from a retirement community...feed them some coke...and have them parade around to the Venga Boys...now that wouldn't scare the kiddies.

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I can easily see him becoming more of a felt faced character more on the lines of the Warner characters that walk the park. To make him real kid friendly, they really should create whole kid play area at each of the parks around his character. Screw paying all the licensing money for Thomas and the Wiggles. Use this guy to your advantage and exploit all the avenues you can for him. I do however like The Wiggles, and I might add that the Thomas characters are equally if not more creepy than Mr. Six ever was.


Guy "He will return! And yes, there will be blood!" Keep

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The thing about the chain being national that some people pointed out does both hurt and help them.


The hurt side is as mentioned -- when a park has an accident, the GP figures it happened at their park, and it then hurts attendance chain-wide more than an accident at two non-related parks would.


The flip side that hasn't been as mentioned is that when they do something that gets national attention that is good, it draws attention to all of the parks. When Kingda Ka was built, a lot of articles that mentioned it also mentioned the Six Flags parks nearby, whereas when Dragster opened, it was at Cedar Point period.


Mr Six is a well known figure, and the Venga Boys music is known as the "Six Flags song" by a lot of people. With the last group of commercials, I took them always as, "Look, you work hard. Make time to play. Go to Six Flags." It worked on a national setting, and when Mr Six invaded... well, practically everything it seemed, it meant it got all the Six Flags parks attention that, hey, you could go out to a Six Flags park and instead of working, have a day of just fun.

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^ But did any of that actually drive up attendence? It's hard to say, of course. But just reminding people that the parks exist doesn't accomplish much if people have already been and had a bad experience.


I could be wrong, but I still think that most adults just don't like Six Flags. What I would do (and I hate myself for suggesting this) is put in a free virtual queue system and then advertise the hell out of "less time in line," with lots of shots of friendly and helpful employees.


/All lies, of course. But, as they say, no no ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the public.

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^ Oh, it's always a question if advertising works or not, and often times it is nearly impossible to put a finger on how well it worked. Did Coke increase its sales because it had a funny commercial at the Super Bowl, or did Coke increase its sale because after the Super Bowl, people needed to restock their refrigerators? Both sides could be argued.


Same thing applies to Mr Six. If attendance increased during that time, was it because of Mr. Six, or because of the "spectacular" times other people were hearing about. IF attendance decreased during that time, did Mr Six cause it to decrease less? Or was it weather, or rides that didn't resonate with the general public, or bad word of mouth, or something else entirely?


No matter what, Mr Six entered the collective minds of the nation and wouldn't let go, which meant that Six Flags was talked about a lot. It might have hurt, if people said, "Yup, I saw that commercial, and BOY do the parks SUCK when you get there!", and if that is the case, the re-launch of him could get people to go, "Yup, I saw that commercial, and my last trip to Six Flags was SO much better!"


Or it couldn't, who knows?


As for a virtual queue, considering how much Disney doesn't exactly love theirs and the revenue stream that I'm sure the Six Flags one must be, I can't imagine seeing that change. It would be much easier for Six Flags to make a change like, say, making the lockers near the rides completely free, and that would definitely be an increase in value.

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As for a virtual queue, considering how much Disney doesn't exactly love theirs and the revenue stream that I'm sure the Six Flags one must be, I can't imagine seeing that change. It would be much easier for Six Flags to make a change like, say, making the lockers near the rides completely free, and that would definitely be an increase in value.


But I don't think advertising "free lockers" would get them very far. Don't misunderstand me, I hate virtual queues. I'm just trying to think of something they could advertise besides "we have a bunch of coasters."


The free locker thing might work as part of a larger "free stuff" campaign. Throw in free soft drinks and free parking (never going to happen, I know) and the combination might get them somewhere.


Actually, just the free soft drinks would probably get them more bang for their buck than adding a new coaster, at this point.

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No Mr. Six commercial during Degrassi, Survivor or the Amazing Race!? That is ludicrous!


Oh I know why now. That's because I'm watching Survivor and the Amazing Race on CANADIAN channels. I noticed all the commercials during the breaks are Canadian commercials. Even though both those are American shows, they're being broadcasted on Canadian stations.

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Is it is my belief that management is bringing back Mr. Six to have more international appeal. One of the obstacles in developing the recent over-seas Six Flags projects is that so many of their character licenses are only good in North America, particularly DC comics and Thomas. Having Mr. Six allows them at least one character that can be used at ALL Six Flags parks.

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Is it is my belief that management is bringing back Mr. Six to have more international appeal. One of the obstacles in developing the recent over-seas Six Flags projects is that so many of their character licenses are only good in North America, particularly DC comics and Thomas. Having Mr. Six allows them at least one character that can be used at ALL Six Flags parks.


An interesting idea. Merchandise kind of fits into that, as well. If they sell a T-shirt with Batman on it, they have to pay DC (or whoever) a cut. But if they can manage to sell a T-shirt with Mr. Six on it, they get to keep all of it.

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