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I'm currently working on a new woodie(decided to abandon the mega lite for now) & hope to have the track up for download when it's completed....I'm using some lessons learned on Behemoth's design like splitting up the segments & riding over & over in 3D to smoothen things out but until it's completed & tested in the sim there's no real way to determine the G's at the moment.

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I'm currently working on a new woodie(decided to abandon the mega lite for now) & hope to have the track up for download when it's completed....I'm using some lessons learned on Behemoth's design like splitting up the segments & riding over & over in 3D to smoothen things out but until it's completed & tested in the sim there's no real way to determine the G's at the moment.


What I do is complete a part of the coaster, then press the "c" key to complete the coaster, test it in the sim for g's and keep repeating until the element is nice.

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I'm currently working on a new woodie(decided to abandon the mega lite for now) & hope to have the track up for download when it's completed....I'm using some lessons learned on Behemoth's design like splitting up the segments & riding over & over in 3D to smoothen things out but until it's completed & tested in the sim there's no real way to determine the G's at the moment.


What I do is complete a part of the coaster, then press the "c" key to complete the coaster, test it in the sim for g's and keep repeating until the element is nice.


Alternatively, you could set the coaster type to "shuttle" (and set trains to "1") which will allow it to run in the simulator without a complete circuit.

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I'm currently working on a new woodie(decided to abandon the mega lite for now) & hope to have the track up for download when it's completed....I'm using some lessons learned on Behemoth's design like splitting up the segments & riding over & over in 3D to smoothen things out but until it's completed & tested in the sim there's no real way to determine the G's at the moment.


What I do is complete a part of the coaster, then press the "c" key to complete the coaster, test it in the sim for g's and keep repeating until the element is nice.


Alternatively, you could set the coaster type to "shuttle" (and set trains to "1") which will allow it to run in the simulator without a complete circuit.


I was thinking about that but,for this project decided to use the connect/disconnect mode & it really helped in finding out where the trouble spots were.Now I've just gotta work on the blocking before I put the finished track up for download.

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I'm working on a Drachen Fire inspired roller coaster called Cobra (taken after my dream car 1993 Mustang Cobra SVT). This is what I have so far. It looks finished, but I'm gonna add more themeing to it and maybe more trees.




Lift Hill


Pre Lift


This was the old Pre Lift with the original Yellow trains


Most of the Layout


Camel Hill and Sidewinder






Queue and Sign (Mustang Cobra logo)


Train and Station




Lift Hill


First Drop


As Arrow called it The Batwing


Ride shots



Night shots


More to come....

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^Ever paid attention to the real-life 4D coasters? Here's a few pictures:

http://rcdb.com/750.htm?p=2165 (X)

http://rcdb.com/3254.htm?p=15682 (Eejanaika)


My supports are designed a bit different (with more support on each one), but there's less of them. Just note how close together the supports are on the real-life 4D coasters, especially in lower parts.


Trust me, I agree that it's an insane amount of supports. But it's just the way that Arrow did it.

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I get what you're saying It is kind of an out-and-back design, so the area pictured where there's four different pieces of track in line really is pretty crammed. The first and last raven turns are set away from the track, and they do look a lot less jumbled.


Oh, and I'd try more colors, but you have no idea how long it took me to change them all from brown to white already! I don't think my clickin' finger can handle it again!

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^It's still a work in progress with a layout somewhat similar to medusa east/bizarro but I'm running into a bit of trouble with the drop off the MCBR into the flatspins right now & I still have to do the supports as well.


The inversions on this ride are all pre-fab & are difficult enough to work with but the sections in between are pretty much hand made & once completed I'll go over it for smoothness to check any spots missed along the way.

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^ http://bluefive.pair.com/pixresizer.htm


Works great for me.


Just got it so I'll work on re-sizing the images tomorrow.


The support work on Banshee is turning out to be a real challenge in the cobra roll area but has come out sweet on the zero-G roll.


The re-sizing utility isn't doing a thing to change the size of the data being uploaded....changing the size of the image doesn't change the number of KB's used to generate the image so I simply cannot post screens on this site end of discussion on that issue.


I can upload only the track files for download like I did with my last two coasters so that's what I have no choice but to continue to do.

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