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2 Singles! Plasticity is complete! Full version! [Dec 18/08]

Calaway Park

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Not a big fan of the new verse, kinda kills the whole beat to it. I think you should just stick with the beat you have going and the beat to "when I step on the dance floor" should continue throughout the song, sure you can change the pitch and things like that, but the last bit just seem mashed together. And I still wanna here the "luh-uh-uh-i-i-i-v-uh-uh-uh-lee-ee-ee." At the end cuz' that's the coolest part of the song. Its so catchy.

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I thnk in your newest version, you tried alittle too much on the verses, take out one of the tones and I think it would sound really good. And I would keep working on that 2nd verse, I think that still has potential to get better

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I uploaded the wrong version, sorry! I named the 2 files the same thing aside from the end and my Mac truncated it, the one I uploaded's vocals are too loud and they don't have the chorus effect or reverb on them.


Try now.

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Update- I think the Chorus should have more definition as a separate part of the song- it's all kind of one long beat right now, so I did a totally new synth sound and it sounds AMAZING- it's really complex, I think it sounds crazy catchy.


I hope you like it- because I think it's staying. I think it sounds awesome to me.


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I like this new version but there is still one thing that bugs me thats been in this is theres a deep voice that comes in and out and kinda takes over the song, lower the volume of that or get rid of it completely, I think it kinda kills it, the only time its needed is when you do the lu-uh-uh-i-etc. thing. Other than that its great! I would totally buy this song off of iTunes!

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I totally agree with Kalepi_Konei. The song is pretty great so far, very complex! But the deep voice during the verse is very overpowering and distracting, you should definitely lower the volume on it. But it does add to the song, so I wouldn't completely remove it. I definitely think this is the best version of the song so far, though!


I would also buy this off of iTunes if I could. Great job!



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