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Six Flags Magic Mountain Tatsu Flying Coaster

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^ Yeah sort of, the red one (or w/e color) has always been on the transfer but it was actually earlier this year they moved the yellow train from the High Sierra Territory Station and the blue train from Samurai Summit to the transfer tracks. I really hope they reopen Metro, I have always wanted to ride it. The ride also must be operable since they did move the trains this year.

About the coaster's length, I really don't see this going anywhere past 4000 ft. long it also may get uncomfortable after that long anyway.

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Rebar stacks have shown up for the footers, and are already lying around the mountain. Lots of more supports have arrived too.


I should be going to SFMM on Tuesday for an update, because its open for the Jewish holiday....and c'mon...If I were Jewish, I wouldn't be spending my day at SFMM! Emptyness!

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I'm just hoping that they'll do the same kind of promo photo shoot like they did for Scream with the new ride, even if they don't, I think I could get on it early.


That was great. I rode Scream 8 times in a row, got free sandwiches and sodas, and all before it was open to the public! I just don't want to be a "test dummy", I'll leave that to the water dumies.

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i saw those '?'s in another update too, why the heck would they put question marks on the ground? hmmm....


is there land clearing over by the waterfall by revoultion, where the markers are? because that would take one heck of alot of work, and i'm impatient....


does anyone know apporamtely how many feet it would be from the station area, across the Roaring Rapids path, over to the rev's waterfall and back is??

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OMG dude that whole area looks totally different now.


Where exactly was the paving over OE's tracks? Was it on top of the hill by that station, and is that top station even still there?


So much for the gardens, wow.


Thanks for taking the pics, was Ninja open at least?


-Don "Ninja's station should totally be moved to the bottom of the hill" G

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I just cant wait till vertical construction starts. Seems like they have been taking their sweet time gettin those footers in. I also am wondering how much replanting of trees and bushes they will do after the ride is completed. The mountain was always so peaceful in its own way, and I hope all this construction doesnt screw it up.

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concrete takes 28 days to reach maximum buildable strength according to the Portland Cement Association (PCA). SO when you see em poured, wait a month and the track will start going up. ALSO, cement is stronger when it dries in a humid climate as opposed to an arid one. They will probably wait a while till the moist air returns to the SCV in november and december.

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Um whats up with the Six Flags California banners in front of the Revolution? I've never been to Magic Mountain but were they flirting with a new name at some point?


That being said how big is this ride going to be? I mean seriously... This thing looks like it could be crazy big. I can't help but think that Six Flags must do the same sort of accounting as good old Bush...

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