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Blue Ridge Park (RCT3)

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This is just Amazing!

Giant Firsbees Rule!

Your park is unbelievably astonishing!

I wish it was real........

I would ride Razor Rock Falls About 80 Times non-stop if i had the oppurtunity!

Nice job you're doing here!

Can't wait for your next update!

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~Season 6 Announcement~


I just got this press release in the mail.


Blue Ridge Park is happy to announce a new area today called Hill Top! This area will feature 1 thrill attraction and a new children's area with 4 attractions. The thrill attraction is a Huss Frisbee. The childerens area will feature a Carousel, Bumper Cars, childeren's coaster, and a spinning boat ride. This new area will be open for season 6!


Blue Ridge Park


Concept art of Wildfire

Art of the childeren's area

Concept art overview

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Season 5 Update!


Well here we are again!


This slide always has a long line... Maybe it will go down when the childerens area opens next year.

Main pathways.....

Salamander's Lift

Heres the building that you will go through to get to the new Hill Top area....

An overview of the area from the sky tower. It looks done already....

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Okay - now I have to be honest!!!












And everything else looks so good into the bargain. Your buildings, how the rides interact with the terrain and the LOVELY skyline (I guess you know that I like it )

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Thanks for so many positive comments! I have a hard time believing this is the first time I made a full out park....


So what else do you guys think? Any criticisms? I actually enjoy knowing what people think I need to work on or what they don't like! Anything that you would really like to see?

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Thanks for so many positive comments! I have a hard time believing this is the first time I made a full out park....


So what else do you guys think? Any criticisms? I actually enjoy knowing what people think I need to work on or what they don't like! Anything that you would really like to see?


I actually have one little tiny thing that annoys me! I'm talking about the building in the first pic in the last update - I think it looks too blocky, and it desperately needs some more details such like barrels, boxes and so on.

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