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Blue Ridge Park (RCT3)

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Opening Day!


It finally got here! The park is open after months of anticipation! It was very busy! Its especially bad since the lack of attractions at the current time! Admission was around $20 but will go up once phase two is complete next year.

Well here it is!

An open Blue Ridge Park!


Big crowd minutes after opening!

A walk up then to my first rides of the day!

Night Hawks entrance!

The wait covering.....

This is really extreme hang time!

On to Cliffhanger! They let me take my camera so the next few are from the ride!

Really good view of Night Hawk!

Razor Rock Falls! This was the next ride for me!

I also got a picture of this..... Phase Two!

The entrance sign!

Wait and station.....

The lift!

You'll get wet!

Going down the 85ft drop!

Heres the slide! Looks nice something good for the kids!

Look down from the Ferris Wheel down on the entrance!

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~Coaster Announcement~



Blue Ridge Park is happy to announce our new coaster!




Its a Mack Spinner that takes you twisting all over the hillside!




Height: 60ft

Length: 1532ft

Top Speed: 41 mph

Trains: 3 trains of 12 passengers each


Come next season to experience Salamander!

Spinning trains coming over the lift.....

The layout of Salamander!

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I just went to Phase Two Construction Tour! They have done lots of work! About all that's left is landscaping and a few more details!

What you see at the entrance of Phase Two....

The gift shop......

Tea Cups ride....

Chair Swings!

The row boats!



Twisted Drop!


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I just came back from the last day of Season 1!


View from the entrance.

Night Hawk!

The station and sign.....

Cliffhanger has a long wait!

An overview of Razor Rock Falls!

The slide always has a really long line!

Phase Two construction


Going down to hte entrance! See ya next season!

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