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El toro restraints

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I think it was two summers ago where I was really close to not fitting on MF and El Toro in the same season. It's really the luck of the draw. Three rides on MF and I was fine. But, one the ride op was like, "keep pulling". And, it took like a minute before I could get the slack I needed. The same thing happened on El Toro, but with the lap bar. Three times, no issues. But, once the ride op had to push down semi-hard to get it to turn green. It barely took any time to do that, but it was a wake up call for me. I NEVER wanted to be the guy that has to walk off the platform.


So, since then I've changed my diet and been doing a daily workout routine. I even work out with a personal trainer a couple times a week. It's really awesome. I've lost almost 50 pounds, so there will be no issue of fitting this year. Even last season it was cake. I can't even begin to explain what a relief it is to not have to worry about fitting on a ride for the 1.5-2 hours you're standing in the queue.


I'd recommend to anyone that's worried about fitting on a coaster to make some drastic changes in their lives. You'll be happier in the end - and healthier.

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No matter how big or small you are, they WILL staple you into that seat.


I think that should clarify some?


Yeah, they pretty much staple your will to live on El Toro. I've only had one ride op not staple me, and the only reason he spared me was because I was wearing a Maverick shirt at the time and we were joking about how Maverick was sweet but nowhere near as good as El Torgasm


Moral of the story --- get friendly with ride ops and your airtime chances increase. Otherwise, you'll have to settle for El Toro's signature "upward thrust" which is still flippin' mind-numbing

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I know this is off topic but. wow. talk about stapling!


-btw this is not el toro.




This looks like an instance where the restraint locked, but the sensor wasn't satisfied with the restraint being down far enough. That would suck even more than the restraint not locking at all, because at that point, you'd have to be pretty close to fitting. He doesn't look all that big, but it was prolly his belly that did him in.

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Not to sound really stupid or anything but what is 'stapling'?


When they push the restraint down as hard as they can, making sure that there is absolutely no room whatsoever between you and the restraint. In most cases, especially with the hydraulic restraints, it's tough to even breathe, at least for me.

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GRRR stupid intamin restraints!(Note: I have never had a problem with fitting). I went to MF 3 years ago i was about 6' and meh 220ish. I don't get the seats on the intamin rides. They are GIANT compared to PTC trains and Arrow trains which are just a pain to get into but the seatbelts just go right over me no problem. since CP ive grown an inch but put on about 40 pounds..........yeah im big for football. Now I'm not too concerned about size problems this year as im going to SFFT and maybe HP(Storm Runner and Fahrenheit are OTSRS which ive never had any sort of problem with). But I could be going to SFGADV next year. I would cry if they wouldnt let me on El Toro. I wear a size 40 and never wear a belt any bigger and the pants fall right down. Also I've gotton a bit slimmer since I went to Cedar Point I may have put on weight but its definately not fat weight. But at CP I had to struggle with the seatbelt and my dad who weighs 40 pounds more also struggled with it but still fit. Ugh why can't intamin have clamshell lab bars like B&Ms do....

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What doesn't make sense about the Intamin restraints (other than why there's a seatbelt at all -- see B&M) is, if the lap bar goes down far enough, why isn't the seatbelt long enough to fit?

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It's all in how you are built. I am 5'10" 235 with a 36 inch waist and have absolutely no trouble at all on any Intamin's. I do however have problems with B and M standups as from my chest to back is where I am thick.


I am stocky, not fat in the least if that makes sense YMMV.

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All of the major coasters have test seats outside of the entrance to help determine if you're too big to close the restraint properly. My advice is to go to El Toro and sit in the test seat as it actually has a red and green light to tell you if you're not going to fit. If you get that green light, then you will be good at most, if not all, rides in the park as Toro's restraint is one of the more restrictive positions to verify the train.

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Something we heard at the Q&A during Coastermania (June 6th) at Cedar Point this year. Evidently, unbeknownst to the powers that be, the seat belts and straps on some of their rides (Millennium Force was one mentioned) had shrunk over time - due to the elements (sun, rain, etc.). So some people whose body's hadn't changed all that much could no longer ride. They have since replaced as many of the belts as they could.


And they weren't sure if they had replaced the belts and straps on the test seats at the entrance to the que. and even then, the test seats are slightly more snug by design. so, even if you can't fit in the test seat, you may still fit on the ride.


Also, on a somewhat related note, they have added retractable seat belts to a couple rides and are looking to add more as possible over time.

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I remember when I was on Desert Storm (Similar to Rita: Queen of Speed for those who don't know) at Heide Park. This fatter person couldn't ride.


Do you think the shoulder restraints can't support fatter people the same way that lap restrains can?



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^^ Fortunetly I didn't get stapled on any of the 3 (Hulk, DD, or Montu). The one ride I ALWAYS get stapled on is Dragster. And this has only been the past 2 years. I'm 5' 10", size 32 waist and the seat belt fits no problem. But the ride ops just LOVE to push the lap bar down further then I would like. I haven't had a problem with that on Millie however, just when I'm stupid and staple myself .

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