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Behemoth Bash at Canada's Wonderland! Monday Aug 4th

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Woohoo, all registered! A little pre-main trip goodness!


Robb and Elissa, the day sounds awesome. Looking forward to meeting you and everyone else going.


Not sure how to compare a Monte Carlo Inn..maybe like a new La Quinta or Hilton Garden Inn is the closest, they are limited service hotels with a restaurant. Regardless, the Vaughan location is new and they're very clean and comfortable. BTW, as the trip organizers, you should ask for an upgrade to one of their jacuzzi suites (the location near me is all cheesy Roman column styles)


On the night of the 3rd or 4th...a pretty cool place to check out by the park is Wegz http://www.wegz.com/




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^My friend visited Wegz a couple of months ago... highly recommends it!


I figured Monte Carlo was pretty new, as the Ontario CAA TourBook from 2007 didn't even have it listed. Looks to be a good choice; basic services and a clean room are all I need.

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^My friend visited Wegz a couple of months ago... highly recommends it!


I figured Monte Carlo was pretty new, as the Ontario CAA TourBook from 2007 didn't even have it listed. Looks to be a good choice; basic services and a clean room are all I need.


Yah, it's a cool place! Just a bit insane on a Leafs game night...it fills up fast for some reason...

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^ Awesome! Hope you can make it. I should be getting some more details from the park this week and I hope to have an official flyer available by the end of the week or maybe next Monday.




What is taking you so long? You said by yesterday. You LIER!!

Oh, sorry. I will hand deliver it to you in an envelope with a golden seal when it's ready.




ps. And when I say golden seal I mean one of these:



pps. And yes, I realize that's actually a picture of a yak not a seal, but in Mike's Fantastical World all yaks are called "seals"

So, when is my envelope coming?

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Hey Theme Park Review!


First off, if you haven't registered for Behemoth Bash, do it now!

When - Monday, August 4th, 2008

Where - Canada's Wonderland


Register online here:



Or to register via snail mail, download the event flyer here:



Deadline to register is July 31st, 2008!



We have confirmed the following schedule with the park:

8:15 - 8:30am - Event check in Park Entrance

9:00 - 10:00am - ERT on Behemoth, Time Warp, and Stunt Coaster

1:00 - 2:00pm - Lunch & TPR Trivia

1:30 - 2:00pm - Q&A Session with Park Management

2:30 - 3:30pm - Behemoth Photo Walkback

10:15 - 11:15pm - ERT on Behemoth, Minebuster, and Vortex!

(That's right Vortex at night - this ride is AWESOME!)


Cost of the event is as follows:

- Season Pass Holders: $35 (USD)

- Non Season Pass Holders $60 (USD)

- Behemoth Bash Event T-Shirt $10 (USD)


For more details, download the flyer.


See you on August 4th!


--Robb Alvey


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^ The people who need to get all the credits will be glad to have one of the lowest capacity coasters on ERT.


And once the park opens they should be able to knock out Flight Deck and Skyrider before the crowds get in. Leaving Fly and Bat as the low capacity rides that they'll have to wait for.


Depending of course how people plan their attack.

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I haven't been this excited for something in ages. This rocks! Thanks again R&E for organizing all of this.


^If I were to plan my attack successfully, I'd be following you around like a sick puppy, Paul.


Ironically, I wasn't into coasters in '99 on my first/last visit, but I already have Ghoster Coaster, Taxi Jam and the Fly knocked out of my credit to-do list!


EDIT: Is Silver Streak a kid-required ride, or can we just whore it up on a whim?

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Ouch they threw you Time Warp! That ride will be empty when you guys go there! It's all about Behemoth .

They didn't throw me Time Warp, I asked for it!


They requested that the morning ERT coasters were all in the same area and I took into account that most of the people on our tour had never been to the park before and needed all their credits.


So does it make more sense to go for ERT on the lower capacity coasters in the area or the higher capacity ones?


I figured that Flight Deck is pretty close by and if our tour participants hit the SLC right when the park opens and everyone else is running to Behemoth there should be no line for that.


So by just after park opening we should be able to get in Behemoth, Time Warp, Stunt Coaster, Flight Deck and be on our way to the Mouse and Boomerang by about 15 minutes after park opening.


That's a pretty good plan if you ask me!



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So does it make more sense to go for ERT on the lower capacity coasters in the area or the higher capacity ones?


Also Time Warp is the least reliable coaster. Better to get it done during ERT, without worrying about it breaking down while waiting in line.

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^My understanding is only Taxi Jam requires a kid.


There'll be some cash on offer for some enterprising young ones that day.


^^You don't need a kid for Silver Streak, but you do for Taxi Jam!


Thanks guys. If aforementioned kids came on all the trips, they could start their own retirement fund!


Ouch they threw you Time Warp! That ride will be empty when you guys go there! It's all about Behemoth .

They didn't throw me Time Warp, I asked for it!


They requested that the morning ERT coasters were all in the same area and I took into account that most of the people on our tour had never been to the park before and needed all their credits.


So does it make more sense to go for ERT on the lower capacity coasters in the area or the higher capacity ones?


I figured that Flight Deck is pretty close by and if our tour participants hit the SLC right when the park opens and everyone else is running to Behemoth there should be no line for that.


So by just after park opening we should be able to get in Behemoth, Time Warp, Stunt Coaster, Flight Deck and be on our way to the Mouse and Boomerang by about 15 minutes after park opening.


That's a pretty good plan if you ask me!




That sounds great. Avoiding standing out in the sun for Time Warp et al. for an undisclosed amount of time is probably in itself worth the $35.


...Will there be mass descension upon the donut factory?

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I have a quick question about registering for this event.

I plan on bringing my sister along, and the FAQ on the flyer says that you need to be a member in order to attend, which is fine seeing as she plans on registering here at some point anyways. However, the registration form asks for information about your party (eg. sizes of shirts if more than one is needed). Does this mean that I, as a member, can bring other people (non-members) without them having to register?

Also (yeah, I'm just full of questions), if she does have to join TPR to attend, can we still pay for both registrations together?

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