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Behemoth Bash at Canada's Wonderland! Monday Aug 4th

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^ Awesome! Hope you can make it. I should be getting some more details from the park this week and I hope to have an official flyer available by the end of the week or maybe next Monday.



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I realy want to do this! It sounds like a great trip.


I think I am going to make a little 5 day, 39 credit road trip out of this.


2nd- Drive from Nashville to Darien Lake

3rd- Darien lake, then drive to Canada's Wonderland at night.

4th- Behemoth Bash! Then drive to Cedar Point late night.

5th- Cedar Point!

6th- Drive back to Nashville.


Of course this is all subject to work.


Who's in!

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I'm looking forward to a bit more information too! I can't wait to meet some fellow TPR members (some of you are legendary!) - I've read about all the antics for a few years now - it'll be nice to finally meet you guys/gals!



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^ Awesome! Hope you can make it. I should be getting some more details from the park this week and I hope to have an official flyer available by the end of the week or maybe next Monday.




Pwnageness! *Prays to the title fairy that "Pwnageness!" will be my new title, or that the title fairy will give us all the ability to create our own titles like most other sites.*


Back on topic - Robb, could you make sure that at least someone asks about B:TE - if it's going to be constructed or not? I'm assuming there's a going to be a Q&A with the top brass during lunch. (Sadly, I can't join as I'm only going to go to CW.)

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looking forward to meeting you at Behemoth Bash count me in for three people we are coming out from Nova Scotia so that the Canadian Navy will have some representation.


Wild Bill ( The Stoker)


So half of the Navy is coming to Behemoth Bash??

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Count me in for three people. We are coming out from Nova Scotia so that the Canadian Navy will have some representation.


So half of the Navy is coming to Behemoth Bash??


Do we get free Sea Kings as part of our TPR "trip" benefits?

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Personally I'll wait as long as it takes to find out the information as I know Robb and the guys at TPR are going to put together an amazing day.


The first TPR event in Canada...that alone is gets me excited.


It's only 16 days left here until Season Pass preview night, which I will be attending and providing a Photo TR for...


So TPR, keep up the great work and we all look forward to what will be an amazing event.


- Josh

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^ Awesome! Hope you can make it. I should be getting some more details from the park this week and I hope to have an official flyer available by the end of the week or maybe next Monday.




What is taking you so long? You said by yesterday. You LIER!!

Oh, sorry. I will hand deliver it to you in an envelope with a golden seal when it's ready.




ps. And when I say golden seal I mean one of these:



pps. And yes, I realize that's actually a picture of a yak not a seal, but in Mike's Fantastical World all yaks are called "seals"

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Ummmmm... please don't kill me or anything in case this question might get you mad, Robb/Elissa:


It's been a bit over a week since your estimation of the final details and stuff were to be of knowledge to the general public of the TPR members. Have you received the information yet, or is it still going through negotiations?

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If you have to preface your questin with "Please don't kill me ...", then you really shouldn't be asking the question.


Just be patient. The event is months away. It's hardly critical that we know the exact details right at this minute.

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You just watched Robb get annoyed when someone asked the same question, so what makes you think you're going to get a different result? As Paul said, the event is still about 4 months away. There's PLENTY of time to get the details.


It's as simple as this, the event is going to take place on that day, if you want to come, great. Book the day off work, or do whatever you've got to do. At this point in time you don't need to know when/where to meet, what time's lunch, who's going to hold your hand on the coasters so you don't get scared, etc...


There is nothing more annoying than having people hound you to get something done when it's really no rush. Sure he maybe hoped to have the information available, but things come up, and quite honestly I'm sure it's pretty low down on his priority list at the moment.



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A couple of days ago I PM'd Robb for details, none yet, the suspense is killing me


I'm going on Sunday to get my season's passes with my husband and another couple so we can get the discount.


I can't wait to meet everyone. My husband will have to get the day off work though since it's a Monday. But we're looking forward to meeting some new people and having a blast.


I will submit a review, my very first one, just have to make sure I have enough batteries for the day.

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A couple of days ago I PM'd Robb for details, none yet, the suspense is killing me


I'm going on Sunday to get my season's passes with my husband and another couple so we can get the discount.


I can't wait to meet everyone. My husband will have to get the day off work though since it's a Monday. But we're looking forward to meeting some new people and having a blast.


I will submit a review, my very first one, just have to make sure I have enough batteries for the day.

Why would you PM Robb? He's stated a million times in here that there's PLENTY of time left before the date and the details will come as they're available! Why would PM'ing him result in anything different, besides maybe you getting banned?


Kudos to Robb and Elissa for managing to stay relatively sane through all of the impatient jerks who can't read a simple thread and all of the morons who insist on making pointless posts throughout the forum! I can't imagine what your e-mail or PM inboxes must look like...

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