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CSI: Live solving cases at SFMM

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From the LA Times blog:


CSI: Live’ stage show coming to Magic Mountain


There’s been a “crime” committed at Six Flags Magic Mountain and you’ve got 30 minutes to solve the case. Sounds like a job for “CSI.”


Like a reality show version of the classic board game Clue, the half-hour interactive “CSI: Live” at the Valencia amusement park presents a live-action whodunit play and then asks the “forensic scientists” in the audience to solve the mystery. Your eyewitness perspective changes depending on your seat in the Magic Moments Theater.


Cast members of the Emmy Award-winning CBS television series “Crime Scene Investigation” — including star William Petersen, who plays the methodical and thorough Gil Grissom — provide voice-over advice and videotaped clues.


The original Las Vegas-based TV show spawned a pair of spinoffs: “CSI: Miami” and “CSI: NY.” “CSI: Live” debuts at Magic Mountain on June 14, with several performances daily.


You know, in the right hands, this actually sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I think an attraction similar actually themed to Clue would be awesome. Sounds like yet another good and interesting addition to the Mountain.

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It isn't a bad concept, and murder-mystery dinner theatres are fairly popular. I noticed that the word "murder" wasn't used in the blog, so maybe they're going to go with more "family-friendly" crime.


"Someone stole the Tilt-a-Whirl, and CSI: Valencia is on the case!"

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This should be interesting.


It won't be a re-visitable ride, seeing as I doubt theyll change who the criminal is very often, if at all. But as a first time attraction this has alot of potential.


And I think it is very likelt it will be re-themed to family so it's not about murder and rape and whatnot. Moreso like "Where's tweety?"

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I'm confused on how they are going to do this. I know they will use the actors voices, but how is the audience going to interact with the show?


Maybe they could choose random people out of the audience to go up on the stage and help with trying to solve the mystery. Who knows they might just have performers act out some crime and when it's over they'll ask who did it. Then the audience could clap the loudest for who they think it was.


By the way I like the idea about the "Where's Tweety?" thing. It would add a great family aspect to the show, but on the other hand something about CSI and Tweety being kidnaped doesn't seem to mix.

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By the way I like the idea about the "Where's Tweety?" thing. It would add a great family aspect to the show, but on the other hand something about CSI and Tweety being kidnaped doesn't seem to mix.


The only suspects would be Sylvester or Rocky and his Gang.

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Yes it is going into Magic Moments theater and is opening June 13th. This show is being staged/produced by the same company who did Newton's Revenge 2, the science show last summer. It will be along the lines of the same show quality: Interactive, but this show will appeal to a wider audience.


^Yes, Golden Bear Theater is being used for the Summer Concert Series on Sundays, and The Batman Action Theater will continue to house the Batman Begins Stunt Show.

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My only concern is SFMM has some large crowds on the weekends in the summer months. How is the show experience going to differ when there are no empty seats in the audience? Every mystery-dinner I've been to that has been interesting has never involved more than a dozen or so people.


Hopefully it won't be like watching Blues Clues (Random kids shouting "A Clue, A Clue!!!)


-James Dillaman

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Sounds like a great idea, but as the people above have said, it all depends on how the park pulls it off. Hopefully, they'll be able to control the audience and make it work.


(Even if it turns out to be crap, they can still rely on the fact that at least it's not American Idol.)

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This show is being staged/produced by the same company who did Newton's Revenge 2, the science show last summer. It will be along the lines of the same show quality: Interactive, but this show will appeal to a wider audience.


This isn't a good thing.


The Newton show stunk, I hope they up the ante for the CSI show. After 5 minutes of that Newtons show I had to walk out, I was just too embarrassed for myself and the guy on stage. I couldn't take it anymore.

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It was fine for kids, which is the audience they're going for for newton. Now for CSI I have to say the first thing that I thought was "a clue a clue" so I guess I wasn't alone. Apparently it has taped info but I really can't imagine how you take an adult drama about frankly disgusting things and turn it into family friendly fare without it being patently ridiculous. I don't want to be negative, they always do a fair job, but you're not competing with podunk middle of nowhere, were IN LA, it should have better production values than the local Canyon Theater Guild and that would take a bit of work and money.


Maybe corporate level involvement will help but I'm really on the fence here, guess i'll have to wait and give them a chance before I go off and review it prematurely?

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I can't believe how much interest there has been in this topic. I have been posting entertainment related updates on this sight now for a little over a year, and there were always just a few responses. I am excited to see this much discussion for a show related thread!


Does this mean that people have more faith in the operation of the park, and can now focusing on other offerings? Yahoo!

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