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SCAD Towers - Where Are They?

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The only ones I know about in the US is the one at the Dells as there is one in Dallas, Texas:



And I'm not sure, but there may still be one at ThrillVille in OR:



I'm sure Ed Roberts can tell you if it's still there!


Not sure of any others in the UK. Blackpool still had one at South Pier in 2006.



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This is one thing that I will not ride.


I've seen what can happen when you have a bad landing on your spine.


No doubt the manufacturers and parks will protest that this ride is safe, but one day there will be a first time, and I don't want it be me.

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This is one thing that I will not ride.


I've seen what can happen when you have a bad landing on your spine.


No doubt the manufacturers and parks will protest that this ride is safe, but one day there will be a first time, and I don't want it be me.


ever since hearing about the damn things, I've wondered how long till someone lands on there head.

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It's MUCH safer than bungee jumping. you really can't screw up and land wrong. and you don't really feel the impact AT ALL.


Also it's definitely something I wish I'd done a second time but Hades and those divine go-kart tracks beckoned


Truth be told, when the SCAD tower opens here, I'd probably still do it at least once a week. Two weeks at the most.

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I believe there were at least two accidents.


The one at IAAPA was on the smaller (about 30 feet tall) model. They didn't put the net up and dropped some kid straight to the floor. Decent injuries, but nothing life threatening or permanent.


Also, I believe that one of the crane mounted versions had an accident at a random fair. Again, net wasn't positioned correctly.


It seems fairly safe, other than the fact that there does not appear to be a fail safe to not drop someone unless the net is in the proper position. It needs a staff that pays careful attention.


I've done three different versions. The large crane, scary fair crane, and mini-indoor. Once on the large crane I was able to twist myself enough on the drop to land on my shoulder and it kind of hurt. Note I wasn't doing this on purpose, it just happened. I don't think you could land crappy enough to miss the net, or land on your head, but be aware you could slightly hurt yourself.


Other than that, they're a lot of fun, and I wish we'd see more of them instead of SkyCoasters everywhere!

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I didn't think there were too many SCAD towers around, thanks for all the info.


I'd take a SCAD tower over a sky coaster any day, I've been on the 300 foot skycoaster at Old Town and that wasn't super exciting, though g-force next door took me by surprise.

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