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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Iron Man fits well in Tomorrowland. In fact, he's probably the only Marvel character that I could see inside Disneyland without some awkwardness. Even though it's probably a few years away, I'm excited about the attraction. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't like it don't ride or don't visit, thus making the line shorter for everyone else.


As for the other changes:


Big Thunder Mountain Rehab: I don't get why everyone thinks this ride needs an extensive rehab. It seems just fine to me. We don't yet know the scale of this rehab, but I'm guessing it will probably be more like the Matterhorn Bobsleds one than the Space Mountain one.


Fastpass Enforcement: I do tend to take advantage of the loopholes in the system, but I actually think enforcing return times is a good thing. It may make park hopping a little more difficult, but other than that I don't see any reason why anyone can't make a 60 minute return window. It should also improve the accuracy of the wait time indicators and keep mobs of people from entering the Fastpass line all at once. Check the time before getting the pass, and if you know it will be a conflict don't get one.


Christmas Party: Okay, this is the one that annoys me. I have no problem with the halloween party because there are offerings there that could never be done during normal park hours and the special events have always been exclusive to the party. However, with the Christmas party, they are taking things that have been included with admission for years and making them an upcharge. I have no problem with parks adding new upcharge attractions, but once something becomes included with admission it should remain that way permanently. Slapping an additional fee on is just greedy and is ripping off visitors.

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Christmas Party: Okay, this is the one that annoys me. I have no problem with the halloween party because there are offerings there that could never be done during normal park hours and the special events have always been exclusive to the party. However, with the Christmas party, they are taking things that have been included with admission for years and making them an upcharge. I have no problem with parks adding new upcharge attractions, but once something becomes included with admission it should remain that way permanently. Slapping an additional fee on is just greedy and is ripping off visitors.


I agree. If there's one thing my family loves is when Disneyland does Christmas, from the decorations to the parade to the fireworks. They're not going to be happy with this at all.

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Big Thunder Mountain Rehab: I don't get why everyone thinks this ride needs an extensive rehab. It seems just fine to me. We don't yet know the scale of this rehab, but I'm guessing it will probably be more like the Matterhorn Bobsleds one than the Space Mountain one.


The attraction is in need of an upgrade on several levels. Lots of it though has nothing to do with what the guests experiences.

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Fastpass Enforcement: I do tend to take advantage of the loopholes in the system, but I actually think enforcing return times is a good thing. It may make park hopping a little more difficult, but other than that I don't see any reason why anyone can't make a 60 minute return window. It should also improve the accuracy of the wait time indicators and keep mobs of people from entering the Fastpass line all at once. Check the time before getting the pass, and if you know it will be a conflict don't get one.


My only concern would be that I hope the CM's still have the ability to use their best judgement in making exceptions. There are plenty of unpredictable things that could cause a guest to miss their window such as trips to first aid, ride downtimes, slow service at a store or restaurant, and so on.

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I've never actually abused the return system, nor did I know there was such abuse. Oh well. Hopefully the CM's will still be a bit- lenient on the time returns and not Nazi level strict.


Sad to hear that the possibility of a Tron attraction has been thrown out in favor of an Iron man ride. Don't get me wrong, I love Iron Man, and I can't wait to see what they come up with... But I want to ride a Lightcycle! Not a huge deal, as both of the franchises fit in quite well. Who knows, maybe when it comes time to axe the subs, cars and Peoplemover track in a few years the next Tron movie will have grabbed enough cash to warrant a ride.

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I'll happily admit that I took advantage of Fastpass loopholes last time I was there, usually had 3-4 passes on me all the time. Generally ended up using them during the return time or shortly afterward though, unless a ride (probably Indy) had gone down.


What annoys me about this change is that they're solving a problem that doesn't exist. I didn't see any evidence of late returnees jamming up the lines, usually the FP line was proportional to the standby line (i.e. short standby = no FP wait, long standby = 10-15 min FP wait). I dislike rules for the sake of rules.


Also, looks like the CMs are getting an increasingly raw deal. Disney just milking their employees dry I guess...

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What annoys me about this change is that they're solving a problem that doesn't exist. I didn't see any evidence of late returnees jamming up the lines, usually the FP line was proportional to the standby line (i.e. short standby = no FP wait, long standby = 10-15 min FP wait). I dislike rules for the sake of rules.


One person didn't see evidence, call off the rule change guys!

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With the exception of extending the FP window to account for a ride that was down during the window you happened to have, I don't have an issue with enforcing the return window. Personally, I would prefer that there were no CM latitude other than the above stated case. If CMs are allowed to make exceptions then it won't be long before all the DLR regulars learn the key words or phrases that give them a better chance of the CM making an exception in their favor while everyone else following the rules would get denied. When you add a grey area to something like this it opens the door for abuse of the system. A specific time removes all doubt. If you're there on time then your FP is honored, if not then shame on you for not planning better.


I'm sure I could probably be persuaded to include maybe a couple of other unforeseeable circumstances that might be reasonable cause to extend your window, but not any that include the guest(s) having made a conscious decision that may have the result of them arriving late for their window. Decisions have consequences. People need to learn to deal with that and plan accordingly.

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WDW's policy change has been in effect for months now and I haven't seen any sort of uproar beyond the initial announcement. As usual, people will complain about any change (especially if they were gaming the system), and then just learn to deal with it like every other guest.

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^Exactly. DLR has a much larger annual passholder pass, most of which who feel entitled to do whatever they want. I'm glad they are getting strict with this. Hopefully the guest assistance cards are next on their list!


^^Realistically, it's not feasible to just limit it to ride breakdowns. What if a guest allows themselves plenty of time to eat at Blue Bayou and the service is awful and takes forever? Or a small child, well, acts like a small child and something comes up. I doubt any CM is going to want to be that guy who ruins a trip based on unforeseen circumstances. Especially considering that if a guest goes to City Hall to complain, they are probably going to end up with the readmit pass anyways. Of course people will still try to game the system, but the majority of people will still accept it for what it is.

Edited by Jew
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^ I could go for a verified issue that was beyond the guest's control being accommodated. I would however like to see some sort of system implemented that provided CM verification of the issue, rather than just going on the guest's say-so. For example: If the guest was delayed beyond a reasonable expectation at a dining or shopping venue, then have a timed validation stamp applied by a CM. It could be as simple as having a parking ticket stub validated. If left to the word of the guest there are far too many people willing to lie.


And amen to fixing the guest assistance pass problem. As someone who would legimately qualify for such a system but still refuses to use it, it burns me up to see it abused.

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We have 52 weeks of magical surprises planned for you at Disney Parks in 2013.


Regular Blog readers already know that next year is a momentous year – with New Fantasyland, the largest expansion in Magic Kingdom Park history at Walt Disney World Resort and the first full year of a re-imagined Disney California Adventure park. And now, we’re adding “Limited Time Magic,” featuring unexpected experiences with an extra sprinkle of Pixie Dust at Disneyland Resort and the Walt Disney World Resort that’ll appear, and then disappear when the next debuts.


As part of this morning’s “Limited Time Magic” announcement, Mickey and pals helped unveil a three-story castle in the heart of Times Square in New York City. The fairytale castle is made of 45,000 pounds of ice and will be visible for a limited time thanks to the warm Autumn weather.


So, what can you expect with “Limited Time Magic” at Disney Parks when it begins in January? Here’s an idea:

  • True Love: Celebrate romance and enchantment throughout Valentine’s Week with special moments and entertainment geared to lovebirds. Disney Princes join their Princesses to meet park guests in special settings, prix fixe menus turn up at select restaurants and Valentine’s collectibles will be offered for the week.
  • Independence Week: It’s red, white and blue as Disney Parks salutes America with a 4th of July Fireworks Party — for an entire week, with patriotic lighting bathing the Disney castles on both coasts. Mickey Mouse appears in his patriotic finest and guests will find special USA shirts, Ear Hats and other limited-edition souvenirs.
  • Long Lost Friends Week: Lesser-known Disney characters will move from the shadows to the spotlight meet-and-greets on both coasts. Photo opps with characters that could include Flik, Clarabelle Cow, Remy, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum will surprise and delight guests. And Disney guests even have the chance to vote online for which characters they want to see.
  • Pirate Week: Why talk like a pirate one day when you could celebrate these scalawags all week long? The adventures of Jack Sparrow come to life like never before during a bicoastal buccaneer bash in which Disneyland and Walt Disney World become pirate-palooza: pirate bands, pirate meet-and-greets and more.
  • Dapper Dans Sing Boy Bands: The Dapper Dans, the iconic quartet from Main Street, U.S.A., will add a special finale to their show, claiming the title of the “Original Boy Band” and delivering a medley of hits from One Direction, *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys.
  • Unleash the Villains: Friday the 13th in September 2013 is a special day, so Disneyland park and Disney’s Hollywood Studios are staying open until the 13th hour (1 a.m.). Maleficent, Captain Hook, Jafar and other Disney Villains host a dance party, complete with limited-edition collectibles and other nighttime mischief.
  • Golden Horseshoe Revue: The fabled Frontierland show returns to Disneyland park for one month only, bringing back the corny jokes and enduring songs that were often enjoyed by Walt Disney himself.


We’ll be rolling out new experiences to begin the new year, so be sure and check the Disney Parks Blog in upcoming months to learn what’s happening. Also, you can learn more and follow along on Twitter by following @DisneyParks and using the hashtag #LimitedTimeMagic.



Edited by jedimaster1227
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In my opinion this is an AWESOME idea for Disneyland(not really for Florida though) because it provides people who go to the parks A LOT like myself something cool to potentially look forward to, and keeping it random makes it fun and interesting. Last year they did something similar where they had Mardi Gras, Rare Character Week and Chinese New Year and all were a lot of fun if not just for something a bit different so I am really looking foreward to this.

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^Well because obviously no one from Orlando, Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville and everywhere in between that go to WDW multiple times a year would appreciate this stuff like someone for Southern California. WDW is too focused on tourists unlike DLR which obviously is only there for Fan Boys. /sarcasm


I think this is a pretty interesting idea. I think it will come down to how well it's executed obviously. But I think if they pull it off it will create a special memory for people who get to experience it.

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^Right, because people who go to WDW won't appreciate limited time seasonal offerings that only enhance their visit even more.




I don't think it's a bad idea for Florida; it's what the Annual Passholders have been clamoring for, for years. They want to throw money at Disney, they just need a reason, and this should be it.


Good on ya Disney!

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