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Does V2: Vertical Velocity have an inversion?

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Hey I'm 5.8 and I have a hard time getting into Wicked Twister. LOL


I love the look on the Six Flags girls face..she's all "like gah! when can I go back and talk on my cell phone?"


Typical Six Flags - Dispatch every 2 hours.


Does it have the brake on the back spike? The front looks like it either pauses or takes a long time to start falling backwards that first time.

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Going from this picture...it seems as if the entire train travels through the inversion.



OK can someone confirm if V2 still goes that far up the inclined spike as that is probably an old picture. I don't think it did for my, so I've either last my mind or memory and my visit to SFDK was only a week ago.


Yes it does go that far, but only on the second time through. It has 3 forward launches and 2 reverse launches. When sitting in the front , you can see just how close the train gets to the edge of the track. No matter where you sit in the train, you will be inverted at least twice during the ride. So yes I consider it an inversion.


Does it have the brake on the back spike? The front looks like it either pauses or takes a long time to start falling backwards that first time.


It has it, but SFDK has it turned off.

Ah the good 'ol days in 2001 when they had it turned on.

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Yes it does go that far, but only on the second time through. It has 3 forward launches and 2 reverse launches. When sitting in the front , you can see just how close the train gets to the edge of the track. No matter where you sit in the train, you will be inverted at least twice during the ride. So yes I consider it an inversion.


I know some of you will still think I'm nuts or making this up.


I seriously think it was ripped off last Sunday, October 7th when I rode and I seriously don't think I ever got a full inversion. V2 was closed and being worked on when I got to the park. I got on the first ride after it reopened. I was in the last row, on the first launch I know it didn't invert, on the second launch the back of the train went only partially through the twist and I was hanging practically upside down and the third launch was like the first.


Then I went to reride in the front becasue I thought I would get hangtime completely upside down but they closed the ride again. It did not re-open for the next two hours I was in the park.

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This is pretty much my 2nd favorite ride with 5 rides in on a single day, so I should know. It's got an inversion. And if you're in the middle of the train, on the first and third times you go through the front spike, it holds you upside-down for about 2 seconds, completely still. Terrifying.


And it doesn't apply the back brake, which sucks. That would be a lot of fun.

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Considering there are lots of different ideas as to what an "inversion" exactly is, saying this ride clearly has an inversion is always going to depend on what definition you're using.


Personally for me I think it would depend on at what angle the spike is. If it's less than 45 degrees I would say it is an inversion, if it's greater you're getting into something more similar to a vertical twist like you see on WT.


But anyway point being until there is a consensus on what constitutes an inversion it's impossible to say. And right now there is no true consensus.

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I have ridden it, and most of the time the back car(s) don't completly invert. Therefore not an inversion in my mind.


It's not a question of "If the last car inverts then it's an inversion." It's the element on the ride that matters, not what cars make it through that element.

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Obviously you have not ridden it. You go completely upside down, more than once if you sit closer to the front. It clearly has an inversion.

You're right, I have not ridden it.

However, it absolutely does not go completely upside-down. You need only look at it to see that. It is not an inversion in my book unless a rod protruding straight out from your head would touch the ground straight on. This one would clearly touch the ground at a 45* angle. You may feel like you're upside-down (I feel like I'm inverted on regular impulses, so this one must enhance that feeling), but you are not.

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Obviously you have not ridden it. You go completely upside down, more than once if you sit closer to the front. It clearly has an inversion.

You're right, I have not ridden it.

However, it absolutely does not go completely upside-down. You need only look at it to see that. It is not an inversion in my book unless a rod protruding straight out from your head would touch the ground straight on. This one would clearly touch the ground at a 45* angle. You may feel like you're upside-down (I feel like I'm inverted on regular impulses, so this one must enhance that feeling), but you are not.


However, it is not upside down in regards to the ground. It is upside down in regards to the track. If you stuck a pole through someone's head, it most certainly would touch the track straight on.

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However, it is not upside down in regards to the ground. It is upside down in regards to the track. If you stuck a pole through someone's head, it most certainly would touch the track straight on.

While true, that's completely beside the point. With that logic, though. Inverted coasters are always upside-down and regular above-the-track coasters are never upside-down.


And an inline twist absolutely does not necessarily mean an inversion. Top Thrill Dragster certainly has an inline twist, but there are no inversions there.

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I have ridden it, and most of the time the back car(s) don't completly invert. Therefore not an inversion in my mind.


It's not a question of "If the last car inverts then it's an inversion." It's the element on the ride that matters, not what cars make it through that element.


But if the whole train doesn't pass through the inversion, it shouldn't count, right?

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