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Six Flags Magic Mountain Advice

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3 best rides:

1.) Riddler's Revenge

2.) Batman: The Ride

3.) Tatsu


3 worst rides:

1.) X

2.) Viper

3.) Revolution


Best place to eat...I've stayed on the safe side and eaten at the Panda Express. I tend to eat at the chains at Six Flags parks (except their Pizza Papa John's) because I've eaten way too much Six Flags slop.


If you're going on a Saturday, invest in the Flash passes. You'd be glad you did.

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The three best are


1. X

2. Tatsu

3. Deja Vu


Four worst are


1. Revolution

2. Colossus

3. Superman (Boring, not worth more than a 15min wait)

4. Viper (depending on your hight, If you are short, the ride is rough)


Flash passes are $15 for 4 or 5 rides, I cant remember.


Get to the park 30mins before opening, and RUN to X. When you ride X, make sure that your restraint is as tight as possible. After X go to the back of the park, save Tatsu for later in the day.


Have fun!

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I know this is all subjective, but for a first-time visitor I wouldn't say that X is one of the worst rides at MM. It is an absolutely crazy experience that you have to do atleast once. After that, you can decide if it's worth the wait again but personally I loved it.

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Don't miss X, Tatsu, Goliath, Batman (unless you've ridden one of the other clones, though it's still a very good ride), and Riddler. Superman isn't great. Colossus, Viper, and Revolution are fun, but not extraordinary. Deja Vu and Scream are good if you get good seats (front on Scream and back on Deja Vu).


Some surprises include Ninja (very fun), Gold Rusher (fast for a mine train), and Log jammer (wow, one of my favorite log rides ever).


No place has great food. When I went, we ate at the food court, Panda Express, and the Mexican restaurant by Riddler. The food court was alright, but I recommend Panda Express. On my road trip this past summer, we ate at a Panda Express at 3 of the 5 amusement parks we visited (other than WDW). It's a change from the normal pizza, burgers, and fries.

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I was there in August, and I totally agree with get there early and head straight to X as soon as you get in. If you can get by in the park with no carry ons or loose articles, this will help with X as it will save you valuable time putting stuff in a temporary locker at X.


As soon as you are done with X go straight over the mountain for Deja Vu, we did and it was walk on. If there is a line I would use the single rider line if you don't mind riding separately - you access it by walking around the back of the ride. I worked my way across the back after that ie Riddler's, Batman. Scream, Colossus, Goliath.


If the Tatsu line is looking bad, get a flash pass.


Rides, the good ones IMO: X, Tatsu, Goliath, Riddler's, Batman, Scream, Deja Vu

Worth doing but not spectacular: pretty much the rest of them except Canyon Blaster which is a kiddie.

Impossible credit: Goliath Junior

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Revolution: once a great coaster, now trimmed to hell and seats are over restrained. OTSRs are not necessary!


Colossus: once a great coaster, but still pretty good. The "roughness" feels appropriate for a coaster of its age, and not to the point where it becomes no longer fun, like GhostRider or the former Psyclone.


X: You'll love it or you'll hate it, pretty much.


Tatsu: fun but not too thrilling...until the pretzel loop, that is.

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Ok, so I'm kinda weird and I prefer the not so popular rides...but oh well.


Best 3 -










My advice would be get to the gate no later than around 9:45 or 10:15, depending on day of visit. Park opens at 10:00 on weekends, and 10:30 on weekdays.


Go directly to X. If its not open I'd wait for...20 minutes or so. Give them a chance to finsh up a late block check. In my opinion I wouldn't wait longer than 20 for the 'chance' of it opening....then again I wouldn't ride X at all. Then skip Tatsu , make a back of the park run. Hit Deja, Riddlers, Batman, Colossus, Scream....and then if you want Goliath. But at that time the park has mostly filled up, so there isn't a great advantage here.


I personally haven't had a problem with the food at Magic Mountain. Is it theme park food? Sure. But Kattie's Kettle has always been good, Panda Express I've never had a problem with. Never tried Papa John's. And I'd if you choose Mooseburger Lodge, I'd order something off of the menu, rather than the buffet.


After lunch, you might want to take it easy. Although SFMM doesn't have a good flat ride selection. Maybe check out and see if Sky Tower is open or not. Then I'd go and buy the flashpasses if its crowded enough.

You get 4 ride tickets ( one ticket to be used for one person one time ). And some sort of a game discount ticket. I'd only really suggest using them for Tatsu. If you want to use them on the B&Ms in the back of the park, go for it.


They keep changing their prices...but it still should be.

$20 on the Weekdays and $25 on the weekends.

I think its a bit much, considering that it doesn't get you to the front of the line usually. The attendant will just place you in the back of the station. Which can cut 90 minutes or so off of your wait...which is good. But just don't expect a system that ....will satisfy you.


Even on the weekends the lines usually die down a bit during the end of the day, so you can hop on Viper, Superman, Ninja, Revolution, or any other ride you missed or skipped.

Most rides are running multiple trains, I was shocked when a guest told me that X was only running one a few days ago...out of all the coasters.


Anyway, that should get you started. I know there are a lot of SFMM "Help" threads on TPR, give it a search and you'll probably find more info that will help you.



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^ I think you should be okay on it. Never at one moment on the ride is there ever really a sense of 'spinning' as much as a rotation. Remember that the seats do not spin freely, but are controlled by another set of rails.


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Ha, I love how your least favorite rides are the rides you work on or have worked on. So yeah, in my opinion, you should get on all the coasters because you can't experience SFMM without doing most or all of them. However, if you can miss some coasters, skip out on Viper and Ninja. My favorite food place has been Eduardo's Grill over by Riddler's (mainly because eveything inside the park has made me sick) or Wendy's outside of the park. Have fun, and defenitly hit X first.


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1. X

2. Tatsu

3. Deja Vu

4. Scream


Worst: (but still worth a ride)


1. Revolution

2. Colossus


I've really only had experience with Mooseburger Lodge, but that was a nice all you can eat buffet. They also have a separate menu.


I also agree with the run to X idea. I did that on my trip a month ago, and was literally one of the first 4 people there. Keep in mind, it is an uphill run, so a jog may be better depending on whether you like to run or not. Just remember, the bridge heading over to X is not the start of the line! When you get on the bridge run to pass everyone who has decided to start walking.

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The Three Best Rides IMO,





The Three Worst Rides





I'd say the food here @ SFMM is just as craptacular at any other Six Flags Park. If I were you, I'd eat at Mooseburger Lodge. The food may not be any better, but at least you're in an air conditoned enviroment.


But most importantly, Have a good time.

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My favorite rides:




Riddler's Revenge


Tatsu is good; however, I personally think the pretzel loop is a bit high on the g forces. But that's just my opinion.


Do invest in Flash Pass. One of the nice things about the Xtreme Play Pass is that you get four free ones on each visit.


Food? Eat before you come.


Have fun!



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3 Best:



Riddler's Revenge


3 Worst:


Gold Rusher



A lot of people on here have the right idea. Get there at least 30 minutes before the park opens, then run straight to X. Don't worry about the seat rotation, it won't make you sick...just scare the crap out of you. After X, go to Deja Vu, as that line moves very slow (it's a shuttle coaster, after all). After that, hit up the rides in the back of the park. I always go to Scream right after Deja Vu. It doesn't seem to get a very long line (though I haven't been on a Saturday in years, I always go on a weekday), but it's develops this somewhat painful vibration in the afternoon (I'm guessing as the track heats up from the sun). In the morning, though, it's B&M smooth. Oh yeah, Tatsu in the front is a sublime experience.


I never really eat at SFMM, I just stuff myself for breakfast. I did have some corn from a place by Batman. It was actually quite tasty. Though, honestly, how can you screw up corn?


Have fun at the Mountain!



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Just had my first visit to the mountain, so heres my advice.


My opinion:















I did like X, except for the fact it was too uncomfotable and shook me about too much. I don't know whether some people are held in better than others, but don't skip it as its worth the ride. I did go on twice, but couldn't let it beat me up a 3rd time, even tho it was a walk on :/


If you get time, hit Ninja - we weren't going to but we did and its good



We ate at mooseburger lodge, the food was very average, but it was air conditioned and comfortable.


Have a good time!

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There are any bad coasters there. It depends on what YOU like as far as types of coasters. For me Colossus is the last one to stand in line for. I actually love Revolution and Goldrusher, but my advice would be for you to RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN to X first and then Tatsu because these aret he two most popular have to rides there. Once u have gotten those out of the way I would go to Deja Vu next because if you run there first, you will waste time because enough people arent in that part of the park yet and they are gonna make you wait until the train fillls up.


Now for me Panada Express is the best choice for food.

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