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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Currently on site;


2 large excavators

1 mini excavator

4 bulldozers, 1 of which just arrived on a flat bed truck 2 days ago.

2 construction trailers 1 next to Behemoth and another over by splash works/ white water canyon.


My guess to land clearing by splash works is cause they can't land clear right next to the wave pool during splash works operational season.

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Still not sure if Cedar fair will do a Wing coaster having built Gatekeeper at Cedar point recently. I don't mind either way..I actually really enjoyed Gatekeeper...but I still think they might go for something different. Whatever they do I am sure it will be pretty cool.


On a more current park note...Have they done any more work on Guardian yet, as in put in a proper "queue" area outside the mountain (last year it got a bit haphazard just standing outside down to the waterfall), put in a merchandise shop or added any extra theming inside?

I think the Guardian is an excellent addition to the park, but as was speculated when it opened...I am not sure if it is completely finished themewise...especially the line up area. For those that have visited already this season..have there been any upgrades? Having just read the review of the new ride at Knotts, they have that ride exiting into a shop to sell merchandise. I always thought they would do the same here.

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Currently on site;


2 large excavators

1 mini excavator

4 bulldozers, 1 of which just arrived on a flat bed truck 2 days ago.

2 construction trailers 1 next to Behemoth and another over by splash works/ white water canyon.


My guess to land clearing by splash works is cause they can't land clear right next to the wave pool during splash works operational season.

Wonder if that's for the "new attraction", or splash works additions this year?

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Currently on site;


2 large excavators

1 mini excavator

4 bulldozers, 1 of which just arrived on a flat bed truck 2 days ago.

2 construction trailers 1 next to Behemoth and another over by splash works/ white water canyon.


My guess to land clearing by splash works is cause they can't land clear right next to the wave pool during splash works operational season.

Wonder if that's for the "new attraction", or splash works additions this year?


The attractions are up already

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Ok, so my predictions for a B&M Blitz is off the table, it isn't happening, the layout looks a bit too big for one. But now I say either a Winged or a Floorless Coaster going in. Make things a bit interesting, Maybe the first Launched Floorless would be insane!!! But I'd be good with a Launched Wing Coaster. Either way, launched or Lift Hill both would be unique and have new elements designed into them. Also hoping for LOTS of inversions because there are so little coasters in the park that have inversions. So no doubt CF are aiming for that, but if they don't have them then I'd be a bit disappointed tbh....

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On a more current park note...Have they done any more work on Guardian yet, as in put in a proper "queue" area outside the mountain (last year it got a bit haphazard just standing outside down to the waterfall), put in a merchandise shop or added any extra theming inside?

I think the Guardian is an excellent addition to the park, but as was speculated when it opened...I am not sure if it is completely finished themewise...especially the line up area. For those that have visited already this season..have there been any upgrades? Having just read the review of the new ride at Knotts, they have that ride exiting into a shop to sell merchandise. I always thought they would do the same here.


Absolutely nothing has changed from last year.

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Just read through some older posts, and saw the naming rights and name ideas for Coasters. If it does end up being a Floorless then I can see it being called Mamba, but if it is a Winger then Ziz for sure. But if the plan for it being a MASSIVE coaster, then I see it opening for 2017 though. Because for sure footers would have been poured in by now if it was as big as Behemoth. But Floorless and Winged Coasters tend to be a bit more smaller and Footers NEED to be poured soon.


When were footers poured in for Behemoth for sure though? I heard they were poured in the month of June. So maybe next month the footers would be poured in and Supports start arriving at the park on trucks (which would be interesting because we get to see what colour the ride would be) and being installed during the summer. Then the announcement in August. Tracks start arriving at the same time and start being installed throughout the winter and Station would also be built. Then testing would start maybe late February and continue until opening day next year. I think within this timeline, this ride can get done

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I've said this before, but since not too long ago a lot of us were complaining on how un-menacing the name "Ziz" was , I went out and researched other names that "Ziz" was called in mythology, names such as Renanin, and Son of Nest

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I've said this before, but since not too long ago a lot of us were complaining on how un-menacing the name "Ziz" was , I went out and researched other names that "Ziz" was called in mythology, names such as Renanin, and Son of Nest

Renanin sounds cool, and a little similar to the other two B&M names. Only issue they might have is that it sounds a little too much like CPs "new" ride (yes, I know it's in a different park, but the ride at CP did actually get some attention up here in Canada, so us never know).

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May 20, 2015 Construction update on *PROJECT 2016*


So there are now red stakes near Minebuster and some digging going on, but most importantly there is a MASSIVE amount of land clearing going on they are bringing in dirt and flattening the land beside Minebuster! I'm starting to think were getting an RMC on Minebuster in 2016 and the Skyrider replacement will be 2017 like the rumor has been suggesting. More to add to this RMC is theres a new road being built leading towards Minebuster from underneath Behemoths Helix.


NEW Cabanas


NEW splash pad with a dump bucket


New kiddie play area.




new construction path being built heading towards Minebuster


Excavator creating new path towards Minebuster



MASSIVE land clearing around Minebuster

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RMC Iron Horse on Minebuster is now something I put on the betting table for 2016. Around $10-$15 Million. Then Project Skyrider replacement will be 2017. But if maybe by any chance we get a flat ride... I do hope for something like Spin Doctor at Black Pool Pleasure beach, because I loved that Mach 3 one at the CNE and Ride it every year I go to the EX before a TFC game at BMO But I'm sure whatever we get for a flat ride would be "Unique".


But yeah, RMC for 2016 and new Coaster 2017

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I can't describe the mass of land the land clearing takes up along side Minebuster and now with red stakes beside it near the entrance of the ride I am sold on an RMC of Minebuster for 2016 and major coaster addition in Skyriders plot of land in 2017.


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^I also think it's a little unlikely, however, we also never thought Wonderland would build a hyper as well as giga (first B&M giga to boot).


Also makes sense for them to get the RMC done this next year to beat out la ronde (if they decide to build an RMC for their 50th aniversery in 2017).


Additionally, the land clearing may not be for an RMC at all. The skyrider replacement could simply be interacting with minebuster.

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