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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Agreed. The vast amount of activity today makes me think there is a chance that something is on the horizon.


In addition to the bulldozer (which has been going at it all day) I've also watched several panel vans come and go plus a couple of small groups of people in hard hats walking the perimeter of the site.


It's anyone's guess at this point, but seeing such a high volume of attention on the area does seem like a good sign.

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I'm in the park now. Got here at 9:45, was immediately let in and waited with about 20 other people for the rope drop (next to Flight Deck).


As is my tradition, I started my CW season off with a dozen laps on Behemoth; the first 4 without having to leave the train. Love that so much.


Overall Behemoth is running exceptional this year, BUT the first dispatch was one of the best I've ever had. All trims were off and the MCBR was super dialed back. We flew through the MCBR like it wasn't even there and hit the helix at a speed I've never experienced on Behemoth before. The next 10 or 11 rides weren't quite that, but were still great. Seriously, that first ride was everything you could ever hope for. Fantastic.


Anyway, I ventured over to Timberwolf, did my best to spot the markers everyone was talking about and couldn't see anything. Sorry. I know that's not what you want to hear, but there just weren't any visible to me. With the path over to Splash Works closed there really isn't a good vantage point now, at least until Timberwolf actually opens for the season.



Good pics bro, someone at CWMania said they saw cement trucks and Bulldozers (which you saw) there. Did you miss the cement trucks?

Anyways, maybe *knock on wood* we'll be seeing footers being put in by next week

I did take a bunch of shots from Windseeker's queue. The blue markers are scattered everywhere across SkyRider's former spot and there was a bulldozer pushing dirt around (and being attacked by geese... funny stuff).


Here are the crappy iPhone pix I've taken (mostly of dirt) so far today...









It's now 2pm and the park is still mostly empty. It's a beautiful sunny day; time to stop fiddling with my phone and go ride stuff!

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^Nice pics


As for the "website" that was posted a few pages back, not really sure what putting "new+for+2016" would mean. Remember that for the other additions like leviathan, we had wonderland's website with /leviathan behind it, and from what I remember, the only reason people knew to write "leviathan" as the name was due to a leak (where leviathan was one of the perposed names for Behemoth/other future coasters back in 2008).


Knowing this, maybe we could also try using other "proposed" coaster names? Would anybody happen to have info on what some of those names might be?


Just taking a wild guess here, but hey, it worked with Leviathan

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The link is definitely fake, but from the looks of it, there is a lot of activity going on construction-wise in the park (the bulldozer only backs this up). Remember, this is one of Cedar Fair's highest priority parks, so seeing a coaster this far after Leviathan isn't so unrealistic, and I do think something is coming for 2016 (If not, 2017)

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Now knowing there is a cement truck at the scene, I'm hoping for those footers to be installed soon maybe within the next few weeks. Then in the early stages of the summer, some trees by WWC would start getting removed for more footers as it is rumored that the coaster would be running towards behind Behemoth's Hammerhead Turn. If there is footers being installed, then that 2016 coaster is all go for me. But I just hope it has inversions on it cause we are lacking that BIG time at the park. Also hoping a Zero G roll too cause there is no elements like that in the park... I'm also hoping it is a Floorless, or Winged. I'll be okay with a Blitz or a Dive Coaster. But anything else meh. I'm also making a long shot prediction for 2020. Seeing Time Warp getting moved to one of the smaller parks like Michigan Adventure or Valleyfair. Then the removal of Kingswood Theater too to make room for a B&M Flyer. Removal of those two places would make huge space for a Flyer and it can also be another out and back coaster like Leviathan. Just an opinion i'd leave here. Maybe Ziz isn't going to be the name of our 2016 ride if my prediction is correct... and it would go to the 2020 Flyer (as my prediction states)

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Also hoping a Zero G roll too cause there is no elements like that in the park...

Agree for sure on that! Right now, the closest one to me is nearly 10 hours away from me at la ronde


Also, where did you see/hear about the cement truck? I kinda just skimmed through a few pictures posted above, and didn't notice one.

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Also hoping a Zero G roll too cause there is no elements like that in the park...

Agree for sure on that! Right now, the closest one to me is nearly 10 hours away from me at la ronde


Also, where did you see/hear about the cement truck? I kinda just skimmed through a few pictures posted above, and didn't notice one.



It's in one of the pics, I saw a white one parked in the back round.

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But anything else meh. I'm also making a long shot prediction for 2020. Seeing Time Warp getting moved to one of the smaller parks like Michigan Adventure or Valleyfair.


Time Warp (or Tomb raider as it started) is still quite new in terms of when it opened. In fact before Behemoth and Leviathan I think it was the last new ride to be installed (correct me if I am wrong).

Do parks like Wonderland have a timeframe of how long to keep a ride after installing?


I can't see a "wing coaster" coming if Cedar fairs policy is to not double up on rides they have at Cedar Point. Maybe the trick to guessing what is coming is to think what they don't have at CP and then apply it to CW.

When people talk about a ride with inversions...are they talking a Banshee, Montu type ride?...or something else? Just curious.

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I stopped taking pictures midday, but I can report that activity on the site only continued to increase throughout the afternoon yesterday. And yes, there was a cement truck.


Of course none of this is even remotely definitive, and I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of landscaping is pretty much nil, but I'm pretty sure what I saw yesterday was more than prep work for just sprinklers and sod.

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I stopped taking pictures midday, but I can report that activity on the site only continued to increase throughout the afternoon yesterday. And yes, there was a cement truck.


Of course none of this is even remotely definitive, and I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of landscaping is pretty much nil, but I'm pretty sure what I saw yesterday was more than prep work for just sprinklers and sod.


Ya, Ppl on CWmania said that it was for Splashworks. But I'm just wondering why it is parked further away from Splashworks, if it was for Spalshworks play area and entrance, wouldn't it be parked in Splashworks?

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While I do find this new activity on Skyriders old spot encouraging I want to be cautious with my optimism. I will be making my first trip of the year to Wonderland tomorrow and will make a point of taking a gander at the site to see if there has been any new progresss on whatever it is they are doing there. Might even fork over the 25 bucks to get my first ever ride on a Slingshot.

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But anything else meh. I'm also making a long shot prediction for 2020. Seeing Time Warp getting moved to one of the smaller parks like Michigan Adventure or Valleyfair.


Time Warp (or Tomb raider as it started) is still quite new in terms of when it opened. In fact before Behemoth and Leviathan I think it was the last new ride to be installed (correct me if I am wrong).

Do parks like Wonderland have a timeframe of how long to keep a ride after installing?


I can't see a "wing coaster" coming if Cedar fairs policy is to not double up on rides they have at Cedar Point. Maybe the trick to guessing what is coming is to think what they don't have at CP and then apply it to CW.

When people talk about a ride with inversions...are they talking a Banshee, Montu type ride?...or something else? Just curious.

Not sure CF is trying to keep CW and CP different. Just look at Leviathan, it's essentially a shortened Millenium Force.

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