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Casey's (aka"TPR's MY GIANT") Midwest Trip Report

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As long as no one tries to blame this Shawn for the stench in the back of the Arrow bus. That was brutal.


I'm really hoping to be able to make it on the East Coast trip next year. I'm in the same boat as Jay though...with buying a brand new car (2008 Eclipse) I just don't know yet if I'll be able to swing it or not.

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So cute, yeah Ludo love Sawah...



Thank you to everyone for the kind words and birthday wishes. I am really tired today, so I will be posting more stuff soon, I need some sleep badly so tired....


Casey"Too much beer bonging can be really bad..lol"Childers

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  • 2 months later...

I'm bumping this because I think it's time to lay off on the beer and post some more pictures!


Of course, you're not the only one, some others (Carl, Tomi, myself) have unfinished TR's too, but yours seems to be the most popular.


Unfortunately I never got to experience the "bog of eternal stench" at the back of the Arrow Bus for myself, though when the AC was turned on, the smell went away and many of us froze

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