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Hersheypark 2008 - 'Lost meets the Maverick thread'

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  ItsDavidU said:
Did anyone get an intresting email? I'm not supposed to talk about it..


Just because you're not supposed to talk about it doesn't mean you can;t talk about it. Lol. It's not like they'll arrest you if you talk about it, remember, nantimi is probably just doing this for advertising and to give us enthusiasts some fun.

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^^^^^Then why are you?


I got lots of interesting e-mails today. Viagra 70% off... someone telling me "I selling Rolexes..." (hope they use to proceeds to buy a book on how to speak English)... some bank where I don't even have an account wants to discuss my non-existent account... and 4 different people telling me that women "fake it" 50% of the time.


Anyway, back to the thread at hand. I wonder what the significance of the "partners" not talking to each other is. And the mention of soaring and flying, a plane taking off on the home page (which is depicted at a strange angle, since you wouldn't see both wings from a side view unless the plane were severely banking), and Martin not liking planes in the blog. Or was all that just meaningless stuff to divert us from the real clues?

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Son of a.........I guess he didn't take my threat seriously!! HOOKERS AND BLACKJACK MAN!!! C'MON DONAN!!!


That's it! I'm officially boycotting Hershey! Except for during the Car Show. Oh, and except for Kissables. And Candy Cane Kisses at Christmas. And Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

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^ That was pure génsomeness! Just what I needed at 12:48 a.m.


Two more days (possibly one?) until the announcement. Ugh, this is killing me, and I really don't want to die before the announcement...


Edit: If you want to get technical, the sentence should read:

One more day (possibly today?) until the announcement. Ugh, this is killing me, and I really don't want to die before the announcement...

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Well its the day before if only the select 25 is getting the info a day before and is not sharing I am rather mad. Even if they share its still not right we have all been following this and if hershey pulls this I will join the boycott against hershey it just makes me feel so lonely.



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  PAShawn said:
Well its the day before if only the select 25 is getting the info a day before and is not sharing I am rather mad.


I can't speak for everyone, but I haven't gotten any uber top-secret announcement yet. The day is still young, though, and patience is a virtue. What a wonderful opportunity to hone our waiting skillz. Er, skills. I meant skills.


Either way, we'll know in exactly 24 hours, pre-announcement or none.

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To parphrase my parents when I was growing up...


If you kids don't stop bickering and whining, we're going to pack this coaster up and take it back to the store-- and then you'll have nothing except a kick in the ***!


Just show a little patience and maturity here. But if I don't get picked, I'm handing out Snickers bars for trick-or-treat!

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  BlackHole2005 said:
  rgb60 said:

Just show a little patience and maturity here. But if I don't get picked, I'm handing out Snickers bars for trick-or-treat!


I'm booking my flight to pensylvania for October NOW! Where do you live?


Now I'm not entirely up-to-date with airfares, but wouldn't it save you a decent chunk of change to just buy your own Snickers?

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Ok, so there is something to the GottenBaklavaCompulsion.. Took me forever to figure it out.


If you want to play the game, then I'll just give you a hint:

There is more than one. This is the other. But whose? Mix it up a bit, and don't forget the dots.


If you really couldn't care less about the puzzle-solving aspect and just want the answer, then 1) how sad and 2) highlight the area below for Nantimi's latest clue:



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Now I'm not entirely up-to-date with airfares, but wouldn't it save you a decent chunk of change to just buy your own Snickers?


Yes but I would definately prefer to get it from some guy I don't know in pensylvania. Excuse me Mr. Guy, can you saind me Said snickers? Or food?


Oh and by the way Saind is like Send but people who Saind things have more class

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