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Nickelodeon Universe (MOA) Discussion Thread

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Looty Update


So this will probably be the last update before opening tomorrow. Just a few words for those of you going tomorrow...GET THERE EARLY!!! They are planning on using all overflow lots (including the lot over by IKEA). I'm hearing that they are going to shut down the ramp entrances at a certain point until a significant amount of cars leave. If you can take the Light Rail here...Do it!

Ok so with that said, here are some pics from 3/13.

Just a few notes:

*Just about everything is finished. Most of the rides have their entrance signs up and there queue line spiels downloaded.

*The food court was training the new employees which involved free lunch for everyone else who works at NU. I didn't get the chance to try the food, but I hear it is delicious.

*Photo work continues. The Spongebob onride photo was being installed yesterday and employees were being trained on all of that fun stuff as well.

*The Pineapple Poppers is up and looks great! It really complements the area quite nice.

*A new column wrap has gone up on the west side...it's Spongebob!

*Nameco will now be operating the arcades separately from NU. There are plenty of new games and fun for everyone (i should work in PR).

*Avatar tested last night with people for the first time. Employees were being trained so that will be ready for tomorrow. I hear they are going to test it tonight again with more people so I'm going to try and steal a seat.

*Other than that, everything is just about done. The paint looks great on everything.

Oh one more thing...the foliage under/around Spongebob is fantastic! They have cactus' and other plants that look great. I mentioned a few weeks ago that they also have large white lava rocks (supposed to be coral) laying around too. The best part though is that they took handfuls of sea shells and spread them all over the area around the plants. Spongebob looks awesome.


So I guess that's it then. I hope everyone who goes has a great time. Try to keep cool when your battling the crowds (they are expecting pandemonium this weekend). It would almost be worth it to wait and go sometime during the week...but i know a lot of you wouldn't even consider that. Enjoy the new rides!
















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^That's a great video thanks for posting it.


I really think this is awesome that Nick is going to have this park, I hope it proves successful, as this uplift is definitely an addition to the Mall of America. Spongebob Squarepants looks sweeet!

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The park looks great but the only thing im doubtful on is the new cafeteria. This is Minnesota people! land of the lumberjacks and panckakes (no offense) I dont thing people are going to want a Tukey Chpotle Flatbread no matter how ''healthy'' it may be.


They should have stuck with the fast food becasue thats what americans know and love. The rides look great though and i can't wait to ride them

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  LOVE SFKK said:
The park looks great but the only thing im doubtful on is the new cafeteria. This is Minnesota people! land of the lumberjacks and panckakes (no offense) I dont thing people are going to want a Tukey Chpotle Flatbread no matter how ''healthy'' it may be.


They should have stuck with the fast food becasue thats what americans know and love. The rides look great though and i can't wait to ride them


That isn't the only food court at MOA, though.

They still have the other ones that do sell fast food, so if you really want fast food, there's still the other food courts to go to.

I'm excited for the new food court.


(BTW, I'm a Minnesotan and the only lumberjack I've ever seen is the Paul Bunyan statue on the Log Chute.)

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They obviously aren't from Minnesota. Excuse them...it's not their fault they're ignorant.


This is the Twin Citites we are talking about...you know, one of the largest business hubs in the country...


Most people at the park are tourists. Almost every Minnesotan I know considers the theme park an overpriced waste of money. I do have to get enough points to try the new rides though!

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If anyone wants to express an opinion on the huge annual pass price increase (more than doubled to $250, similar to much larger Disney parks) for Nickelodeon Universe, here's how:


Nickelodeon Universe: 952-883-8555

Mall of America: 952-883-8800

Howard Smith, Senior Vice President, Nickelodeon Recreation: howard.smith@nick.com or 212-846-4826

Joanna Roses, Nickelodeon Public Relations: joanna.roses@nick.com or 212-846-7326


Please let them know that you would find a similar 25% increase for the annual pass, to $135, reasonable but that going to $250 like the much larger Disney parks is outrageous.

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