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Nickelodeon Universe (MOA) Discussion Thread

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  • 4 weeks later...

When they announced the Nickolodeon takeover of The Park at MOA, they did announce that the Eurofighter was going to be Avatar: The Last Airbender themed. Now with the S&S drop tower, I think that it could be Spongebob themed, but it can be anything else (maybe not even a theme).

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If Cedar Fair hasnt used any of the chains usual names, i doubt they will start now

Of course, you mean other than than Power Tower, Corkscrew, Steel Venom, Thunderhawk, and Dominator?


And Sticky Nicky is right, MOA hasn't been owned by CF for years.

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Also an S&S tower would be way to loud in the mall. They are probably looking a other company's.

Oh, please, PaMoA is already the loudest place in the upper midwest. An S&S tower would actually be quiet compared to everything else.

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Also an S&S tower would be way to loud in the mall. They are probably looking a other company's.

Oh, please, PaMoA is already the loudest place in the upper midwest. An S&S tower would actually be quiet compared to everything else.


Maybe they could plant the base of the tower underground kind of like how the one in West Edmonton Mall is. They should plant the air takes inside the log mountain.

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And a new roller coaster is planned based on the animated series, "Avatar: The Last Airbender."




They're totally going to screw up this awesome Euro-Fighter with a crappy Nickelodeon show?!??

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Also an S&S tower would be way to loud in the mall. They are probably looking a other company's.

Oh, please, PaMoA is already the loudest place in the upper midwest. An S&S tower would actually be quiet compared to everything else.


While the park is subjectively loud, all the rides are actually extremely quiet. For comparison, the Gerstlauer outdoor spinners are practically silent, while indoors it is the loudest ride in the park. S&S Towers can be heard several hundred feet away outdoors, it would be, by far, the loudest thing in the park.


Based on the location of the new drop ride, I can tell you not to expect anything big. I think most of you will be shocked to see where they plan on squeezing it in. I would expect a ride with a seating arrangement similar to a Frog Hopper. The biggest thing I could possibly see installed there would be something along the lines of an ARM Super Shot.

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Also an S&S tower would be way to loud in the mall. They are probably looking a other company's.

Oh, please, PaMoA is already the loudest place in the upper midwest. An S&S tower would actually be quiet compared to everything else.


While the park is subjectively loud, all the rides are actually extremely quiet. For comparison, the Gerstlauer outdoor spinners are practically silent, while indoors it is the loudest ride in the park. S&S Towers can be heard several hundred feet away outdoors, it would be, by far, the loudest thing in the park.


Based on the location of the new drop ride, I can tell you not to expect anything big. I think most of you will be shocked to see where they plan on squeezing it in. I would expect a ride with a seating arrangement similar to a Frog Hopper. The biggest thing I could possibly see installed there would be something along the lines of an ARM Super Shot.


I can disprove you about S&S towers being too loud, as Triple Five's other in-mall amusement park, Galaxyland has one [my home park] and I can assure you that it is perfectly quiet. All there is is a loud rush of air, and it's not even that bad.


By the way, yes, Galaxyland and The Park At MOA are both owned by the same company.


Did I mention it's 128 feet high?

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