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Teen Girl Dies in Wisconsin on Bungee-Type Ride

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OSHKOSH, Wis. (July 15) - Police and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration were investigating Sunday why a teen fell from a festival ride and died.


Elizabeth K. Mohl, 16, of Neenah, was killed Saturday afternoon after falling 40 to 50 feet from a ride called Air Glory.


Winnebago County Deputy Coroner Chuck Hable said Sunday that a crane would hoist up a person or people in a sling, and at the top the person inside pulls a ripcord. That drops the person or people and they swing back and forth. But for some reason after the cord was pulled, she fell to the ground, he said She died several hours later in surgery, Hable said.


Police Sgt. Jim Jewell said Sunday that the department and OSHA were investigating. He wouldn't comment further but said it was too early to say if the matter would be considered criminal.


The girl was attending Lifest, an annual Christian music festival that features rides and sports. Workers shut down the ride after the accident, which occurred about 4:45 p.m.


A prayer service was held at 7 p.m. and the music festival resumed about 7:30 p.m.


Air Glory makes "grown men scream like little girls," according to the Lifest Web site, which says the ride begins by launching two to three people almost 100 feet in the air.


Witness Brian Childers of Kenosha said two people went up in the ride , and when they pulled the release he heard a snapping sound. One person fell and the other remained swinging in the ride , he told the Oshkosh Northwestern.


An autopsy was scheduled for Monday, but Hable said Mohl likely died from the fall.

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Is the ride a mini-skycoaster from a crane, or what? I remember seeing one at the CA fair that seemed pretty ghetto, but aside from having a crane as the main arch it seemed just as safe as a typical full skycoaster. As usual it's hard to tell from the article.

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I wouldn't trust fair rides with watching my dog poop.


Such a shame, another death. If this keeps up, we'll start having senators and whoever calling for the destruction of all rides.


My heart goes out to the family.


EDIT: Just watched the youtube vid, and that sets my fair ride comment in stone.

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This is just umbelievable. I can't believe there was another death on a ride. I feel horrible for the girl and her family. It really makes me wonder sometimes how safe amusement rides really are. Very unfortunate.


I am not surprised at all. As a matter of fact I am surprised there aren't more skycoaster deaths! Any skycoaster related rides are all death traps! You can see the tiny cable that holds them on there! Another cable related accident, but this one caused a death

I've never liked skycoasters and this has compounded my views on them, now I hate them even more.

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This is just umbelievable. I can't believe there was another death on a ride. I feel horrible for the girl and her family. It really makes me wonder sometimes how safe amusement rides really are. Very unfortunate.


I am not surprised at all. As a matter of fact I am surprised there aren't more skycoaster deaths! Any skycoaster related rides are all death traps! You can see the tiny cable that holds them on there! Another cable related accident, but this one caused a death

I've never liked skycoasters and this has compounded my views on them, now I hate them even more.


Not sure what you are reading but the cable didn't break she flew out of her harness.

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having run a skycoaster, a ride similar to this, I can tell you that from what I see on this video, there are so many things that could go wrong with this version of the ride.


For one there are way too many points of potenial failure on the cables leading up to the launch tower. Why is this needed? Why are there cables hooked together like this? (look at the cables just above the harness and flight suits!) The only reason I can come up with is that these are here to allow the ride to be set up any place and adjust for the height of the landing site.


I am sorry this happened and hope that the rides owner made sure they were inspecting daily and kept training logs for everyone that runs the ride.


To answer the question are Ripcords safe. Only as safe as the person running it. Skyfun1 made a great ride, and has a great safety record, but you are only as safe as the person running the ride.


Does anyone know who makes this ride?

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^^ That doesn't make me want to run out and try a ripcord lol.




I spent years hiring and training ride operators for the park I managed, I don't want to scare you off form riding, just look at the ride and the people running it.


I spent the weekend at Seattle center, didn't ride a thing. the rides looked okay, but the ops people were not on game. the guy running the Booster forgot to fasten the seat belts on one of the seats! Thank goodness the ride wont start until they are fastened!


One last thing, Most accedents are caused by riders, not ops.

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Being from Green Bay I saw coverage of this on my local news station. They barely finished with describing what happened before they were showing footage of the superman freefall tower at SFKK. Right when i saw what it was i thought to myself that it was a strange design but then thought what do i know. This type of ride never really interested me. Especially to pay extra to do it. I feel much safer with a 18 year old just acting like they check my restraint on a coaster. not harnessing me into a complicated mesh type harness.


local Green Bay News coverage





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Being from Green Bay I saw coverage of this on my local news station. They barely finished with describing what happened before they were showing footage of the superman freefall tower at SFKK. Right when i saw what it was i thought to myself that it was a strange design but then thought what do i know. This type of ride never really interested me. Especially to pay extra to do it. I feel much safer with a 18 year old just acting like they check my restraint on a coaster. not harnessing me into a complicated mesh type harness.


local Green Bay News coverage






Not like a ride op can check your coaster restraint any better than you can.


But ya it is their job, just saying.

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don't worry i do realize that it is their job to check the restraint. I just them better bouncing a lap bar then i do using straps and hooks and caribeeners that need to be sized different for each person.

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