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Jaws Vs. Jurassic Park

Jaws or Jurassic Park?  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Jaws or Jurassic Park?

    • Jaws
    • Jurassic Park

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You watch Jaws and it's like "this is pretty cool."


If you watch Jurassic Park, you think, "Wow this is kind of lame." I think it only blew people away because of the advanced CGI work that went into the movie which made the dinosaurs far more believable as living creatures then any previous film.


And really, the movie isn't all that great. It's just alright. 3rd one was better. But Jaws... jaws has always been slightly above jurassic park as far as fun goes.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I saw Jaws in cinema as akid and it freaked me out. I love the sea but even nowdays the moment my legs can touch the ground I start to imagin the scene from the movie with the legs and shark pov.


However the animal horror movie that really caused me to shake was Archenophobia.

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As a movie reviewer for a podcast, I go to 2 or 3 movies a week. My genres of preference are horror, thrillers, sci-fi, adventure and fantasy. So I see a lot of movies where people should be reacting. Maybe it's just this city.


Also, I see that JP is leading Jaws, two to one. Keep em comin'. It's interesting that Jaws was ahead in the beginning to be so fully overshot by Jurassic Park. Although I'm wondering if that's due to the theme park nature of the board... Maybe I should have put Jaws 3 against Jurassic Park. haha j/k

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  • 1 month later...

Gotta go with Jurassic Park. The Velociraptors were the difference. Plus I liked the the following lines:



"It's just a delay. All major theme parks have delays. Yeah, but John when the Pirates of the Carribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists."


"What do they have back there, King Kong?"

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