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TRASH CANS! - (Canobie Lake) - Photo TR

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yeah.. So because photos of trash cans seem to be the new "it" thing to do.. heres some photos of cans at Canobie Lake!

Only unlike at other parks.. Canobie themes its cans to the rides they sit next to


Yeah... the end.


Best new ride the park has added in the last few years.




It doesnt swing high.. But it makes up for that with spinning. :D


Sexy Huss seats.


From the backside.


It might look bad... But it runs great


And now for 8 photos of the new Frisbee :) - Such an odd themed ride....


Me and my ride...


The ride is in 'mid-paint' right now.




Odd colors I guess.. But eh.. Its still a good ride :)


The fog was on a bit much if you ask me...


Yay New England!


Kiss 108 (Boston) was at the park.


lolz.. I got all 3 country credits!!!


New skywheel paint.






It didnt have any line... at all :D


The front now has the parks new logo on it.


Corkscrew is back to running the black train. and the :D is still on the back car.


lol.. Beaver


Skater was closed.. But it got some new things added around it.


Mmmmmm.. Candyball...


Cannonballs new orange/green look.


For some reason the park was DEAD!.. Cannonball had zero line and was even letting rerides :D


Real life RCT!




Woo new wood seats inside the new gate :D




Sexy... Isnt it?


And now for a few photos of the new front gate.




Ok.. No more trashcans.. Now for photos of new fake little animals.


I like this one the best.


Oooh look at this one


Eh...I dont like this one.


This one is OK I guess...


Ooh I like this one!


omg trashcanobielake

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^ You beat me to it on the Mona Lisa thing. Can we say random? The new entrance is awesome! Gotta get one last trip to canobie in before I move to Cali in the winter. One of the few things about New England I'll actually miss...

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Dude Canobie is awesome, its one of those park you don't here much about (probably because of the location) but you when you do it's always positive.


Beside from being underrated for the landscaping and overall atmosphere, they have an awesome lineup of rides with a kickass woodie.


Really the only think I had to complain about last year was the ugly & cheap looking entrance that was way to small, but that has been fixed. Man does the new entrance look awesome and is such an improvement.


I have to say though that frisbee is a little ugly as is the repaint of Cannonball's trains. I thought what they had before looked awesome and it didn't really look it even needed it. The orange handrails are okay but red looked better. It seems orange is a color that can look really good (like Talon) or bad (Kingda Ka's orange train, yellow would have been so much better).



Also the one thing I just don't get about Canobie is why they won't change to fin brakes and be able to run two trains on the Cannonball (and for that matter SFNE's Thunderbolt too, must be a NE thing or something). The ride has always had a moderately long line when i've gone. I know they did a lot of work on the braking system a few years ago, I just don't get why they didn't convert to fin bakes. I mean they changed the turnaround, (while it's still good but it was better before), but they can't run two trains.


Those issues are really minor though, and Canobie really does rock. Now all they need is that second woodie.

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Dude Canobie is awesome, its one of those park you don't here much about (probably because of the location) but you when you do it's always positive.


Beside from being underrated for the landscaping and overall atmosphere, they have an awesome lineup of rides with a kickass woodie.


Really the only think I had to complain about last year was the ugly & cheap looking entrance that was way to small, but that has been fixed. Man does the new entrance look awesome and is such an improvement.


I have to say though that frisbee is a little ugly as is the repaint of Cannonball's trains. I thought what they had before looked awesome and it didn't really look it even needed it. The orange handrails are okay but red looked better. It seems orange is a color that can look really good (like Talon) or bad (Kingda Ka's orange train, yellow would have been so much better).



Also the one thing I just don't get about Canobie is why they won't change to fin brakes and be able to run two trains on the Cannonball (and for that matter SFNE's Thunderbolt too, must be a NE thing or something). The ride has always had a moderately long line when i've gone. I know they did a lot of work on the braking system a few years ago, I just don't get why they didn't convert to fin bakes. I mean they changed the turnaround, (while it's still good but it was better before), but they can't run two trains.


Those issues are really minor though, and Canobie really does rock. Now all they need is that second woodie.


Ya the new entrance looks Great and it can handle far more capacity then the parks gets right now so this entrance will work for them for many years.


The Frisbee needs some work. but Skater took a big turn for the better thought out last year so I'm souping we will see improvements added before the year is out. Ocean Trip has it's pales repainted so I hope at least that will happen with Frisbee.


I don't mind the Trains on Cannonball. The colors might be a bit unusual but it's a unique paint job and it's wonderfully done. The cannonballs rails have been many colors. Red, Blue, Yellow, orange, They change them every so often.


Cannonballs Brakes couldn't be simply converted to fins. The tracking is actually a board thinner then most coasters. It is one reason it has that wild ride. Mags are possible but it's a large scale expansion. Mags aren't cheap. But it's something they know they need. Frisbee will help with lines a bit which is good. But in time you will see something done.


sfne2005 - Maybe you should tack a trip to canobie before you judge. Or are you blinded by all the construction equipment building the pathetic 3 ride Thomas Town.


Calvin - Now you know why she's smiling!

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They can bring all the new paint and trash cans they want but that will not bring back the 5 hours I wasted in this park last year. One of the most disappointing parks and coasters, but that's just my opinion.


I think too many people build up this park more than they should. If I knew nothing about Canobie before I went there I might have enjoyed it more. Expectations for this park just get blown up by the local fanboys.

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Despite the user name.. I dont think I am a Canobie "fanboy" as I do say a lot of bad things about the park when its needed to be said.


Also I tend to go to SFNE way more times a year because I haver a seasonpass.. Where as Canobie doesnt have one.


I have had days from hell at Canobie.. Where lines were crazy long.. So long I just gave up and went home... But I have also had days where the park had like 50 people in it.. And I could reride cannonball in the front row without getting up.

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They can bring all the new paint and trash cans they want but that will not bring back the 5 hours I wasted in this park last year. One of the most disappointing parks and coasters, but that's just my opinion.


I think too many people build up this park more than they should. If I knew nothing about Canobie before I went there I might have enjoyed it more. Expectations for this park just get blown up by the local fanboys.


I vaguely remember your trip report but perhaps you could mention some of your Complaints. Wasn't the duration of the former paratrooper on of them?

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