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Disney to Allow Same-Sex Fairytale Commitment Ceremonies

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WOW! Disney just gave me a whole new way to LOVE Six Flags!


greats for straights


Are kids my age really this homophobic? I'm not trying to start a flamewar, everyone's entitled to their opinions (and lo, how this thread is filled with opinions!), but a little open-mindedness woudn't hurt...

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This scripture instructs not to marry people with different religious beliefs. It is not suggesting that interracial marriage is wrong. Religious beliefs are deeply passionate issues. A Zionist marrying someone affiliated with Hamas certainly will have a hard time staying together (even if they can get past their issues, the families will compound the problems). I actually think this is good advice. Light with darkness refers to good vs. evil, a recurring theme in the bible.


The bible also advocates "love thy neighbor". Jesus suggested people do this above all else.


As I stated in the previous post, I was incorrect on what the bible actually said. I did correct myself and delete the original post because that was an error on my part. It is true, though, that those passages I had listed were intentionally misinterpreted by segregationists in the US to bolster their case against segregation and interracial marriage. Definitely not the first, or last, time the bible has been misused to bolster point.


As for two people from different religions marrying, yes that may be good advice for many, but it is not against law. The point many of us were trying to make with our posts is that just because the bible says it is not allowed, does not mean that it should be law in the United States.

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I personally think all gay marriages and unions should be banned, but that is because it says it multiple times in the bible that homosexuality is not allowed.

Because everyone has to conform to the idealogies of the bible


Everyone has a right to believe in what they want to. Just because a religion says its wrong does not mean people get to go around forcing that belief system on everyone else.


I don't see what the harm is in men loving men or women loving women, if that is what makes them happy, and it's not like it affects you in anyway. They're just enjoying life, as you are.


As for Disney, I doubt that they're doing it to try and be hip and cool. It probably is just a money thing, and before they probably thought they couldn't get much out of it so why bother? Although now they seemed to see that there is a market for that sort of stuff.

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WOW! Disney just gave me a whole new way to LOVE Six Flags!


greats for straights


Are kids my age really this homophobic? I'm not trying to start a flamewar, everyone's entitled to their opinions (and lo, how this thread is filled with opinions!), but a little open-mindedness woudn't hurt...


I'm not a homophobe, I just can't stand some of the gays around me, like the ones I know, because my next-door neighbors are gay and they walk around their yard with speedos during the summer,and curse out of control, and the ones at my school are loved by everyone because they are just "so cool" because they're different, and one of them was my best friend...

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You are stereotyping buddy, congratulations, you are successful in what this country wants you to become.


I'm not stereotyping, because this stuff actually happens! I do know there are nice ones, it's just that the ones I know piss me off

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^Hey, I wear a speedo in my front lawn and curse all the time and I'm happily married...do you hate me too?


Guess what, you live next to some jerks. It happens.


and the ones at my school are loved by everyone because they are just "so cool" because they're different, and one of them was my best friend...


Now we're getting to the bottom of it. A gay kid stole your best friend and now you're jealous, hurt, and alone. The problem isn't your own insecurity...it's the gay people next door!

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You are stereotyping buddy, congratulations, you are successful in what this country wants you to become.


I'm not stereotyping, because this stuff actually happens! I do know there are nice ones, it's just that the ones I know piss me off


Am I missing something? Because I'm on the verge of crying hypocrite.


You say you don't stereotype the gay community, yet adding a commitment ceremony makes you rally to Six Flags all because of some neighbors that piss you off?

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^Hey, I wear a speedo in my front lawn and curse all the time and I'm happily married...do you hate me too?


Guess what, you live next to some jerks. It happens.


and the ones at my school are loved by everyone because they are just "so cool" because they're different, and one of them was my best friend...


Now we're getting to the bottom of it. A gay kid stole your best friend and now you're jealous, hurt, and alone. The problem isn't your own insecurity...it's the gay people next door!




see, you don't piss me off!

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You are stereotyping buddy, congratulations, you are successful in what this country wants you to become.


I'm not stereotyping, because this stuff actually happens! I do know there are nice ones, it's just that the ones I know piss me off


Am I missing something? Because I'm on the verge of crying hypocrite.


You say you don't stereotype the gay community, yet adding a commitment ceremony makes you rally to Six Flags all because of some neighbors that piss you off?


Hey, that first post was just my mouth talking, not my mind

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14 And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again unto you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man have any matters to do, let him come unto them.

After reading that, does anyone still think that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin?

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You are stereotyping buddy, congratulations, you are successful in what this country wants you to become.


I'm not stereotyping, because this stuff actually happens! I do know there are nice ones, it's just that the ones I know piss me off


Am I missing something? Because I'm on the verge of crying hypocrite.


You say you don't stereotype the gay community, yet adding a commitment ceremony makes you rally to Six Flags all because of some neighbors that piss you off?


Hey, that first post was just my mouth talking, not my mind


Okay, that's fine then. Just try to be careful with what you say in a public forum.

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Plus, as someone said, if a child at a young age sees two people of a similar sex kissing, that is going to bring up questions and some parents might want to wait to explain some things to kids.


Have you been on my space? Those kids have str8/gay friends, commenting on each other like there is no tomorrow/ The next generation wont even care if you are str8 or gay!


Of course Disney is doing this for $ reasons, gay people usually have good jobs and disposable income. Heck why not spent a couple of thousand $ on a ceremony at disneyworld!


To get back to the quote, kids, at least here in L.A. seeing two guys kissing all the time, it does not make them gay, it does not make them angry or upset, it just shows them two people who are in love, what the heck is wrong with that?

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^ What are you saying, if you're a coaster enthusiest then you're gay? Is that what you're getting at? hmm? punk!


All joking aside though, I think TPR has a great community, probably one of the best on the internet, which is surprising for it's size. You go onto IMDB boards, which grant it has millions of people participating, but none the less, there's a very large percentage of them who go around trolling the boards and they pretty much make statements that make no sense. They just seem to easily offended just because some one has a different opinion then them, where as this board seems more accepting other new or different ideas so long as such ideas are justified. But then you get into the coke vs. pepsi debate and things start to get a little touchy, but other then that, TPR is great, I think Robb and Elissa's, as well as the assistants constant monitoring of the site help keep people in line and bring out the best.

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Robgraves Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:56 am Post subject:




lol, no... not saying that... just saying that there tends to be lots of em. Disposible income, fun loving... it is a combination made in heaven.


You just described me down to a tee!


P.S. Love to see such a well rounded and educated bunch of people all ralling around to defend our minority group.

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Well I think this is a great move for Disney. Not only does it respect the Gay community, but it will probably benefit Disney too.


Yes, this will anger the conservatives, but they're just going to have to realize that times are changing. Even half a century ago, Homosexuality was almost completely Taboo. Look at how things are now. Yes, there's still a struggle, but it's become MUCH more accepted socially. I wonder how it will be in another 50 years.

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