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Guilty Pleasures


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  • 3 weeks later...
Talk about a guilty pleasure...fries loaded with salt and mayonnaise themed to a pissing Belgian boy statue?


Next time you get the chance in the Netherlands, go for fries "speciaal". Mayo, curry flavoured ketchup and chopped onions. It doesn´t get better than that (except you go really nuts and add the peanut butter sauce aswell )

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...
Gangsta Rap



Some friends and I actually got quite the positive reaction at a local bar a while back when we put on some Warren G and Tupac... The place was in full 90's-revival mode the rest of the night thanks to us... One of those rare nights when everyone in the bar was on the same page...

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  • 4 weeks later...

This album is my guilty pleasure .


It's called Guilty Pleasure by Attila. I figured the title of the album would be appropriate for this thread.


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This probably goes without saying, but I should at least admit to it . . .



I have a perverse pleasure in hurting and/or killing people I don't like in the stories that I write.



Some would say that I'm blowing off steam. Many believe I have some anger issues. And still, there are a few that think I really intend to hurt them . . .


I may be crazy, but at least I know the difference between fantasy and reality.

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^It's probably not in exactly the same vein, but I do like to write stories that are pretty darn dark 'n' morbid. It's not revenge-based in my case, but dramatic and chaotic and death-obsessed? Yes, or at least that's what I'm going for!


For a while this hugely correlated with my music tastes (horrorcore rap and such), and in fact, I've pretty much always got a thing for some kind of horror music. Right now though I like bands inspired by cult horror films, old blues songs and southern Gothic imagery, so they're often less graphically violent or aggressive, and more just plain creepy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Guilty Pleasure #106...


I'm addicted to buying these:



The controllers that run my synchronized Christmas lightshow. I was told I could have ONE new one this year... Well, so far I am up to three new ones for this year, with plans to get to more...


I think I need Christmas light rehab.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am totally in lust with...


GROUPON Restaurant Coupons!


So far, we have a $$$$ Japanese meal for 1/2 price; a Jamaican feast for $40 off;

a Greek dinner with $20 off the total, ahead of us. And we're considering a Brazilian spot...


Mmmmmmmm, I need these more often.

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