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For fans of the Intamin Flight Trainer

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I went to Seibuen Yuenchi today and got to ride a ride there called Flight Trainer. This is one those Intamin Flight Trainer rides you may remember from the early 90s. I do not know if this one was located at an American park and sent here, but I do know it isn't PKI's old Flight Commander as the cars were enclosed while the ride was in motion. FC is the only other Flight Trainer I have ridden. My guess is this one was relocated from Knott's, PKD or PGA. I do not know how many were built.

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whats a flight trainer?

An old and obsolete flat ride made by Intamin. It simulates being in a cockpit of a fighter jet. However, some people disobeyed the rules as usual and ended up falling to their death. Now its rare to encounter one of these things...


Here are two pics I found on Google of the one that was at Flamingoland;

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Oh wow! I rode on PKI's in it's final year. I do remember the original model had a cockpit windshield, which was removed in later installations. There were a few accidents where people didn't sit properly, and fell out, since the only restraint was a OTSR, and a small bar to put your feet under. The big issue being with the foot bar, if you didn't put your feet under it, you could "flail" your legs out of the car while upside-down.

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^Rules? such as what?

Being a dumb drunk girl.

PKI seems to have tagged the day ""black sunday"" as they had like.. 3 deaths in the park in one day.


Sunday, June 9, 1991 - A woman was killed after she fell from the Flight Commander ride at Kings Island amusement park in Kings Island, Ohio.


Sunday, June 9, 1991 - Two men were killed after having been electrocuted in a pond at Kings Island amusement park in Kings Island, Ohio. They were trying to rescue another man who was in the pond. He also suffered electrical shock.
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Would it be inappropriate to call that Sunday, Bloody Sunday?


Possibly unsafe? probably. Are people stupid and I dont feel bad when they make irrational decisions? Yup.



I just havent much sympathy for the ignorant (and unruly).


Those things look sweet...would be great to have in your backyard.

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^Rules? such as what?

Being a dumb drunk girl.

PKI seems to have tagged the day ""black sunday"" as they had like.. 3 deaths in the park in one day.


Sunday, June 9, 1991 - A woman was killed after she fell from the Flight Commander ride at Kings Island amusement park in Kings Island, Ohio.


Sunday, June 9, 1991 - Two men were killed after having been electrocuted in a pond at Kings Island amusement park in Kings Island, Ohio. They were trying to rescue another man who was in the pond. He also suffered electrical shock.


Why would you bring back suck horrible memories? Thanks for ruining my Christmas!!!

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^What ruined your Christmas, Wally, mentioning lots of deaths, or just mentioning Kings Island?


I've been to PKI, I know how badly I wanted to drink when I was there, these people were just a little more desperate than I am, and now they're either in a better place...or trapped in PKI haunting it forever

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I love the line on the Loop Screw. That is such a neat system. Of the 490 coasters I have ridden, this is the only coaster that has such a policy. No line jumping is possible there. One more thing, line jumping isn't a problem in Japan. It is a more common problem in America and in South Korea. South Koreans are the Kings of line jumpers. They will line jump when there is only a trainload of people waiting to ride a coaster.

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Unfortunately, yes! Every time I went to a park, if there was any type of line at all there would be line jumping. I have been to parks in Korea, Japan, USA and Canada and Korea was the worst for line jumping. There are 48 million people in Korea and there are about 35 parks with coasters. Lotte World, Everland, Kumdori Land, Woobang Towerland, Tongdo Fantasia, Kumho Familyland and Seoul Land are the major parks. There are many smaller places that do not have coasters in Korea, but around 35 parks do have coasters. I know that Korea doesn't have a lot of big parks, but that is no excuse for people to be so disrespectful. The lines were never five hours long either. The most I ever waited was one hour for the Eagle Fortress on a Saturday at Everland. I lived in Korea for over two years and I went to Everland (Korea's biggest park) 11 times. I also went to Lotte World 18 times. I never saw any time when a ride had a five hour wait.

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