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Thorpe Park's Detonator

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Probably my favourite non-coaster ride. I just had a few questions about it. Is it true that it has more positive and negative G's than some of the taller ones. Detonator is pushed and pulled down. It's only 115 feet high but said on a thorpe park forum that Detonator gives better g'forces than Power Tower. Is that true?

Those of you who don't know Detonator, my avator is the best picture of it I could find that was small enough.

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The tower is 115ft so it's pretty tiny as they go. Basically it gives the sensations of a 200ft true drop tower. When the car gets to the top there are a series of jolts which most people usually think is the operator playing a trick on them by dropping it a little. This is the pnuematics engagin with the car. When the gondola is released, the pistons fire and shoot you down. This is why you don't just float gently out of your seat, you are chucked into your restraints.


Yeah, i'm a little sad...

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Thanks guys.



I wasn't really expecting it to be so scary. After riding Dr Doom, tower of terror and Apocalypse which are all higher) I didn't feel the need to hold on. The first time I got off I was shocked as I'd never felt anything quite like it. Detonator is the ride that still gets me nervous when riding it now. More scary and nerve-wrecking than Stealth, in my opinion.

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According to the Thorpe Park website, Detonator is 100 ft tall, and shoots you back towards the ground up to 75 km/h and 5.5 g's.


I assume that the shorter drop towers feel more forceful because there is less time and space for the energy to dissipate... The double shot at Rye Playland is only like 85 feet tall but it's the most intense one I've ever been on.

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the 'gondola' is pushed between 20-30mph downwards, bringing you up and out of your seat violently. the overall height is just 95ft, leaving about 7-75ft of freefall, but it has been rated better than some of the other 200-250ft towers.


you range 5.5g's through to -1g/-2g's, depending on the weight of the gondola (yes, weight is an affector, the heavier, the better! )



all in all, i love it! First time i went on it, i came off swearing loads, so it must be good!



try riding it in the dark at one of their horror nights, it is the best thing in the universe!!! much better than any night-time 200ft high towers!

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Yeah, Detonator feels much more powerful than Supreme Scream. But so would jumping off the top of my car.


Awww, there's no more love for my once beloved Supreme Scream .... Oh well, I'll get over it. I remember the first season it opened it was quite forceful, especially when it shot you more than halfway up the tower after it's original descent. It felt WAY more forceful to me than SFGAm's Intamin tower, which left me feeling very "eh" at the end. It seems to me that S&S towers were designed to be GREAT rides, but for some reason the parks have decided to neuter them. Now you're lucky if you make it a quarter of a way up after that first drop.

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Thorpe had in their mid-term plans a second Detonator tower. It was going to be 115ft though.


Thorpe's height ceiling is still around 115ft mark. Stealth is an exception and only it is allowed above that height.


yeah, they had planning permission as well, but have yet to go through wit the idea (i doubt it will happen)

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Ed, TP don't actually have a height celing, people just assume they do because all their rides suddenly stop just before it.


As for the second tower, i'm upset it didn't happen, it would probably have been at S&S shot n drop which would have been great!

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As for the second tower, i'm upset it didn't happen, it would probably have been at S&S shot n drop which would have been great!

Just give it another year or two, Then you'll see


As for Detonator, It is a very exhilirating ride, Espeically on a 3 click.. Its weird though, If you ride in a certain seat, during the fright nights.. It seems your alot higher up than usual.. But the ride is definatly the most intense tower I've been on.. Out of 9

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