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Movie Park Germany Discussion Thread

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  Rollercoaster Rider said:
  DoinItForTheFame said:
Wooowww!!! This coaster looks amazing.


Why can't the US get more amazing Mack coasters?!



I wonder why no US Park has gotten a Blue Fire. They must be expensive. I haven't been on it but If I were Six Flags, I'd add one to every Six Flags park.


When I remember it correctly Mack is quite expensive indeed. Alpina Blitz at nigloland for instance is more expensive than an Intamin Mega Lite.

Oh btw, I think Blue Fire is not compact (*cough * and forceful) enough to clone it for every Six Flags park


Back to topic: I don't know why Movie Park titles the last video as an Onride, that irritates me so much.... the coaster's looking really great though, can't wait to get on it!

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  Rollercoaster Rider said:
  DoinItForTheFame said:
Wooowww!!! This coaster looks amazing.


Why can't the US get more amazing Mack coasters?!



I wonder why no US Park has gotten a Blue Fire. They must be expensive. I haven't been on it but If I were Six Flags, I'd add one to every Six Flags park.

Watch Silver Dollar City's 2018 project....

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:

Watch Silver Dollar City's 2018 project....


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't SDC project basically on a side of a hill? And isn't Blue Fire layout relatively "flat", so if this was a Blue Fire clone going to SDC, they would need some massive supports for the track.

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  Apollo von Sol said:
  ytterbiumanalyst said:

Watch Silver Dollar City's 2018 project....


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't SDC project basically on a side of a hill? And isn't Blue Fire layout relatively "flat", so if this was a Blue Fire clone going to SDC, they would need some massive supports for the track.

It's not going to be a clone, but it will have very similar technology.

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
  Rollercoaster Rider said:
  DoinItForTheFame said:
Wooowww!!! This coaster looks amazing.


Why can't the US get more amazing Mack coasters?!



I wonder why no US Park has gotten a Blue Fire. They must be expensive. I haven't been on it but If I were Six Flags, I'd add one to every Six Flags park.

Watch Silver Dollar City's 2018 project....



I thought it was going to be a Launched Spinning Coaster. Between Outlaw Run & This, I might have to take a 2018 trip back there

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  Rollercoaster Rider said:

I thought it was going to be a Launched Spinning Coaster.

If it is a launched spinning coaster it will at least use the same track work and technology as Blue Fire, not to mention the spinning cars they tested on Blue Fire would likely be a part of it.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  CoasterB said:
This german site offers some discounts to various Dutch and German parks http://www.parkerlebnis.de/guenstige-movie-park-germany-tickets-2017_5444.html


Thanks for that, great site.


The current deal for my date is only EUR0.90 cheaper than buying direct from the park.


But it's a good deal for other dates.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I just needed an exhaust port here, but wow still no openings date for this ride. It kind of has become frustrating because I had expected it to be open already.

I mean is it so hard to release a openings date (even if it's July) It's mostly paint work from pictures (I'm aware that on the inside some things are left, still can't be too much right?), I mean the Gift shop has already been stocked. (For those who wonder how I know Coasterfriends.de.)

I'm aware this is somewhat of a rant, it just I've been itching for something new, and the easiest park to offer me that keeps silent about that new thing. And I wonder if I'm the only one who wonders why this ride still has no opening date.

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  RCT3Bross said:

I'm aware this is somewhat of a rant, it just I've been itching for something new, and the easiest park to offer me that keeps silent about that new thing. And I wonder if I'm the only one who wonders why this ride still has no opening date.


I feel the same as you, This is my home park and i'v also bit itchy to ride something new, and because they released a POV before park opening date I was expecting it to be open on that date. But I feel like its taken a very long time to get open. And i'v just kind of given up hoping it will be open any time soon. All I know is that they had a competition to be the first to ride it which actually finished today, so maybe it will open soon?

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I was there today, still no official date or soft opening date other than "Spring", which we are well into. General consensus among staff was 2-3 weeks, but I think that's a general guess rather than a fact.


They were applying Star Trek decals to the side of the building today. Here's a blurry shot of the boomlift they used.


Blurry shot of boomlift hidden by shrubs.

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Just a thought. Some of the Star Trek actors (LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn etc) will be at FedCon in Bonn on the first weekend of June. Could Movie Park be waiting for them to open the ride? Would make sense in terms of PR.

Edited by FirstDropJay
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While the Next Generation era is probably the most recognizable Star Trek right now, I'm kind of disappointed that they didn't set the story a little bit later in the timeline so they could have the characters from Deep Space Nine and / or Voyager too. Even as easter eggs.

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New roller coaster Star Trek™: Operation Enterprise opens to the public




The time has finally come: Movie Park Germany's new roller coaster is open to the public. If visitors are lucky, they can take a ride on the new Star Trek-themed roller coaster Operation Enterprise. To be clear, it is a testing phase. The German theme park does not guarantee that the attraction will be open.


That explains Director Thorsten Backhaus to Looopings. "We have started with the so-called soft opening. The roller coaster is meant to be open all day long, but there can always be problems."


The official opening will take place in June. Until then, the roller coaster is likely to be operational. "But we cannot guarentee it, it's a very complicated attraction, with a complicated operating system and a lot of show technology," Backhaus said. "So far everything is going well. We hear a lot of positive reviews."



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