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Running one train...

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^^ Nicole, I don't think TDD can run six launches in a row without breaking down..?!


As to the original question:

Can someone tell me why some parks only run one train on their popular coasters?


The real reason is probably so that the big parks can sell their "vaguely lemon flavored water" for $4.



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The only park I've seen one train operation on several coasters was at was SFKK, and the only coaster it showed on was the wild mouse. They were seriously only running one train. All the coasters while only running one train still moved the line along quickly, and even Chang only had a 30 minute wait. It really depends on the park and time of the year. If you go to SFMM, there is only one train operation because the ride ops suck, but on the other hand, if it isn't peak season, then the park has no need to run more than one train.

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There is an extremely slight safety benefit to running one train. If the train should roll back down the lift hill, as Lisebergbanan did this year, there won't be a collision between the two trains. This, of course, isn't reason enough to run one train, because this sort of failure is extremely rare. Also, the chance of any other collisions, perhaps due to a train valleying and the computer failing to stop another train would be eliminated.


Nobody has mentioned the parks that don't even have more than one train on their main ride. *cough* *cough* Hades *cough* *cough*


I give Timber Falls a free pass on this with Avalanche. They're just a mini golf course with a coaster. They don't pass themselves off as being the "biggest" park in the Dells.

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Can someone tell me why some parks only run one train on their popular coasters? I've heard that SFMM are serial offenders.


This doesn't make any sense to me - once the coaster is built and the trains paid for, why not use the asset to its full capacity? I can only think of positive effects that running two (or more) trains would have; lines would be shorter and move faster and guests could get through more rides during their time at the park = happy guests that return to the park and spread good word of mouth.


Running extra trains wouldn't be more costly, would it? It's not like they use fuel or anything that costs. The only reason I can think of is that the park might need more ride operators, which would obviously cost more.


Any explanations would be welcome...


On average, how many trains do the big parks run on their popular rides?



ADMIN EDIT: Moved to Donkeys forum, it didn't seem like it belinged in 'Ask Alvey'


Often the train will be in for maitenence, as Cyclone at SFNE's other train seemes to be for most of the season. Or there is lazy ride ops, or short lines. The big rides will pretty much always have 2 trains. 3 is somewhat less common, you really only see it on the bigger B&Ms and other coasters with MCBRs. Some notable exceptions are Millennium Force (Three Trains, seperate loading and unloading, No MCBR), PMBO (Four Trains, MCBR) and TTD (Six trains, 4 train capacity seperate loading and unloading platform, no MCBR)

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I've gotten very used to single train operations having SFoG as my home park for the past seven years.



Basically, they realize that:


A) It costs more to operate more than one train.

B) The ride ops might actually have to DO something other than make personal phone calls.

C) Who doesn't want to wait an hour for everything in the blazing sun, since they have provided no shade whatsoever and, in addition, have paved every surface (including walls) with asphalt.

D) What in the hell is customer satisfaction?

E) They can run one train on busy summer days from 10-noon, and when the line gets to over an hour, they decide to delay it even further by adding the second train, instead of being intelligent and simply adding it when the park opens.




Oh yeah, and whoever designed Goliath's queue shading sucks. "Let's build umbrellas in front of the station that don't actually shade the line during the day! Also, let's force the line to begin there instead of using the well-shaded areas. On top of all that, let's only allow a max of 4 people per row in the station (of course assigned by some idiot who does not know what he is doing and sends out half of the train with 2 seats empty per row), so everyone in line swelters in the heat."




Remember when Shapiro and Snyder promised more capacity and improved everything? Hah, yeah, that was a great lie. Stupid.....

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Nobody has mentioned the parks that don't even have more than one train on their main ride. *cough* *cough* Hades *cough* *cough*


I give Timber Falls a free pass on this with Avalanche. They're just a mini golf course with a coaster. They don't pass themselves off as being the "biggest" park in the Dells.


Yeah that was one thing that always pissed me off. I mean its bad enough to have one train on a LONG ride (compared to Cyclops, and Zeus)...and its also bad that there crew sucks! They don't speak English, they sit in the track, they don't watch the ride (they just yell at the Op on Zues), and they are very slow... So the line is so slow. Even when the line is up to the top of the steps, it still takes like 10 to 15 mins. And when it is at the bottom of the steps....its like over 40 mins. They really need 2 trains...as one is going up the lift, one could be unload/loading. I mean 1 train for Zeus and Cyclops are ok because those ride are like under 1 min...and the lines are short.


Also, Avalanche doesn't even need a 3 car train. The ride would be awesome if it was a 1 car ride. The airtime would be twice as intense!

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I also dont understand the point in running one train. Though I havent really seen it much (Mamba, Mr. Freeze, Timber Wolf, and Screamin' Eagle), it really erks me off when Mr. Freeze (SFStL) has an hour wait and one train running. Six Flags seems to be the only people who run one train when there's long waits. CF only seems to do it when there is no wait at all.

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Not sure if this was posted, but when Sheikra opened, they ran all 5 trains. It was INCREDIBLY efficient since they were able to load and unload two trains at the same time.


Each train required 4 ride ops, so you got 8 people on the platform, at least one in the control booth, and one at the top of the stairs and one at the entrance to the ride. That's 11 people, but well worth the money it costs to pay them.


The last few times I have ridden Sheikra, there was one person at the entrance, no one at the top of the stairs, and 2-3 people loading single trains with one person in the control booth. Granted this is not the busy season, but even with 2-3 trains on the track, they still manage to keep the line moving.


I think it comes down to how the ride is designed to run. Sheikra was designed to run 5 trains at once without too much stacking. And Disney always seems to be running the maximum amount of trains on their coasters. Of course, none of their coasters are wood, so they don't have to worry about wear and tear as much as a wood coaster. I am still amazed that The Beast is standing after my brutal rides this past July.

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Can you imagine the downtime on a dual loading Deja Vu. This is a definate way for Shapiro to save money. The ride would only run 1 hour out of every three years.




"The sign at the entrance closing the ride doesn't get paid by the hour."

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