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The Official NoLimits/NL2 Help Thread

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Thanks Loefet, also, I just remembered that I don't know any algebraic geometry (I should be learning that this year...) Now I know that the equation is Angle of decent = tangent to the negative first power, times rise divided by run, but how do I know what tangent is? (And don't explain to me what a tangent line is, I know what that is already)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks Loefet, also, I just remembered that I don't know any algebraic geometry (I should be learning that this year...) Now I know that the equation is Angle of decent = tangent to the negative first power, times rise divided by run, but how do I know what tangent is? (And don't explain to me what a tangent line is, I know what that is already)


Slope is defined as rise/run and is directly related to angle through tangent. The tangent of an angle is the slope and the arctangent of a slope is the angle. If you have a scientific calculator you should be fine.

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Thanks man, now I have that sorted I was just wondering; what do I do for actually connect the support with track? do they need to be parallel with the track or something?




It looks like the track is just sat on the support, how can I make it look attached?


Where should I connect this support to?

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Hi I'm a new at using no limits and am looking for some help, I've gotten pretty good at manipulating control points and being able to design the track the way I want. But I was wondering if there is any way to grab data from the track design. Specifically, I was wondering if there was any way to get a graph/table of g-forces, acceleration, and mph verses time and distance.


Any help would be more than appreciated.



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I am wondering what is up the site where you get programs such as Elementry from. Everytime I go to that site, it always just goes to a whole lot of pages of recomended searches. Does anyone here have the program file for Elementry that they could post for others, as I cannot find it anywhere.



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I, personally, don't find the AHG so hard to use, but I've been working with it for a while...


I think it's because they don't know how to use it right. Most people I know complain that their track came out wrong when they don't even try tweaking stuff so that it does.


Another thing could be the fact that you have to do it piece by piece, rather than just AHGing a whole track, because it would mess up the straight parts such as brake runs and stations and lift hills. If you're willing to spend the time, the AHG can be a very helpful tool in smoothing your track and banking it correctly. Recently I even discovered a way to smooth banking through black colored segments...so there's a lot to know about it, but it is still helpful if you know even the basics.


If you have any specific questions about it, feel free to ask!

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^I have many questions...lol


I really am considering trying to AHG an Intamin track of mine. Here are some questions I have:


-How time consuming is AHGing an average-length coaster?

-Where do you get it, and are there any good tutorials?

-What are all the capabilities of AHG?



Thanks in advance!

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You can download it here. there aren't any good tutorials. The only things you need to know come in a .txt file within the .zip file.


By Average length, I'm guessing you mean such as like between Storm Runner and Maverick, right? That would probably take 2 hours depending on how "perfect" you want to get the track. If you just want banking, that'll take maybe 5 minutes.


I have a tutorial on how to smooth out your track using the AHG on page 27 of this thread. You should take the instructions with a grain of salt, but they certainly help me a lot. Just wait until I submit my entry for the rocket contest!



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Okay, so I filled out the AHG chart with all the data needed, set my values, and heart-lined the track. BUT...it took about 5 seconds to run through. So I went to my track, and found that all of the inversions were undone and the track was just, well...completely different; much more twisted and the elements were screwed up.


Since that didn't work for me, I went to CL420's Tutorial, and followed the instructions until I got down to about 100 segments, then I stopped and looked at my progress. Sadly, I was getting the exact same results, just with a longer process...


So... what am I doing wrong? I know that a lot of other people can do it, so why can't I?!? I just want to keep my basic layout, but make it smoother, well-banked, and heartlined.


Thanks for the help!

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