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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It's a little to faint to tell exactly what type of element that is.


For some reason that shot just made me think of Balder/Kanonen. (a tiny Intamin looper sitting at the base of a big Wooden).


Except in this case the wooden coaster is a piece of crap.

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Well not that the Aquatrax has been confirmed by a shrink with three aerolas, Im still positive that this coaster is going to be orange with lime green supports, travel 18,000 miles per hour, and make a trip from the Earth to the Moon.....TWICE! Looks like CP has another winner on their hands.


Colin"Still doesnt care AT ALL"C

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As we can clearly see on this pic, this coaster will dip right into a pond. For those still denying it the character of a true water ride, there now is undisputable evidence: the first car has arrived!




Cool I wonder if you will be able to take drinks on the ride.

Looks like a stand up with no restraints. Guess you could sit down if you get to scared. How many people do you think can ride in a car at a time.

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Thats going to have never small wheel base... come,on how can a car THAT large ride though THAT corck?

The G-forces in the corkscrews will be so extremely high that people automatically will be pressed flat to the car's floor, plus that these aqautic wheel assemblies give away a lot. Also, Riders will be given the ability to steer around possible support hits all by themself. So this ride will be quite safe for experienced coaster drivers, at least.



It's the new Intamin SDC style: steer, duck and cover.

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