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I bought a coaster dvd called eXtreme rollercoasters!


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Yeah, I thought this was funny, because I wasn't expecting it at all.

It's just a dvd with tons of coasters footage, set up like a travel channel special.

Of course Paul Reuben was in it, raving about how unique the boomerang coaster is (it's a 2003 dvd), and stuff like that. But I got to the part about Goliath, and guess who I see! it's Robb! Wearing a funky coaster shirt!

This is the DVD I am talking about:



It's got some cheesy commentary, you can tell a lot of the people were told exactly what to say, but the footage is really good.

If you have the dvd it about 7:20 in.


Robb with an ACE shirt and a funky jacket

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They are in quite a few movies. Actually if you look closely, you will see many other people from the forum in these.


Hell, just the other day I watched that "everything" you need to know video and I saw BeemerBoy and his woman riding Superman.


Another thing that is pretty misleading is they use the same footage ... over and over and over and over. After a while all the new shows just feel like compilations of old material.

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  kennywood!007 said:
I hate how they use stock footage. I think its kinda dumb to make a new show and use the same footage. But o well its coasters!

Some parks (like Busch Gardens) won't let you mount cameras on their roller coasters, but they do provide stock footage to the media.

So I guess it's better than nothing.

But at least stock footage is very high quality. Has anyone seen the full sheikra stock POV? It's really good!

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I saw Julie ( USRoadTripper ) on Discovery Channel here in mexico. It was a coaster special about the construction of the vogage and kentuky rumbler and she appeared on a press event when it was anounced the name of kentuky rumbler. For me it was like OMG Im a member of the same forum like her!!!

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Even when the shows use different footage, they're all pretty much the same thing. It's like, "What drags thrill seekers to the scream machines time and time again? We did a study to find out." And thats pretty much how they all are. Nothing new. The same show over and over again.

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I just watched "Everything you need to know: about Coasters" like two days ago (forget what channel)...but Elissa was on there, and she was also part of this experiment to see how the heart reacts before and after a coaster ride. I guess the show was filmed this year as it showed multiple shots of people riding Tatsu.

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A lot of shows do that. Look at Discovery, Travel, and TLC, they switch of the same footage for diffrent shows.

Something funny that shows do is not show the roller coaster in the order it goes in. One show had Riddlers Revenge they showed the first drop, loop, then showed a small corksrew, after that they showed a Dive loop? That was pretty wierd.

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Guess what! I finished watching that DVD yesterday, and Elissa was in it, riding Batman!


And I can't believe how much California Coaster footage that DVD had! It was ALL coasters in California. And about half of the dvd was spent telling me how great SFMM was.

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