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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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-Valleyfair will have a brand new Skeleton Key for this year's haunt. Where you unlock new rooms within certain mazes. (Must have Haunt Fast Pass)


-Dino Slaughter is a brand new scare zone in the dinosaurs alive section of the park. Featuring creatures behind every bush lurking to jump out at you.

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Not really a big Haunt fan, but as for the GP and Haunt fans, it looks like they will be satisfied. Skeleton Key actually looks pretty cool, but since you must buy Fright Lane passes, it probably won't be too popular. I don't remember if they operated the Dinos during Haunt last year or not, but I think it's a good use for that area.

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Dave Frazier said that VF would announce it's new attraction for 2015 between Labor Day and the start of Haunt, so I guess it's a possibility. Although, it's probably going to be an out-of-the-blue announcement like in the past (what I mean is, I'll probably learn about it randomly one of these days when I open my Facebook or Twitter feed).

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My only guess for 2015 scream scape said something about a new snake pit water park slide package same thing that Dorney Park has. Water Park expansion for 2015 season. My other guess would be a new thrill ride. Love to see a new max air in front of the park like at Cedar Point 150 feet could put it were chaos use to sit.

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Dave Frazier said that VF would announce it's new attraction for 2015 between Labor Day and the start of Haunt, so I guess it's a possibility. Although, it's probably going to be an out-of-the-blue announcement like in the past (what I mean is, I'll probably learn about it randomly one of these days when I open my Facebook or Twitter feed).


While it's possible, but I don't see them announcing at two parks on the same day. Look at Carowinds vs Kings Dominion announcements: Fury 325 vs a few new waterslides. Look at how much Fury 325's announcement overshadowed KD's waterslides.


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Hey everyone, just thought I'd put this out there. I just renewed my season pass for 2015. I would suggest you do the same. I'm guessing that when they announce the 2014 expansion and possibly a multi year plan, such as they did at Carowinds, that the ticket prices and season pass prices will go up. Right now they are $72 or 9 bucks a month. You really can't beat the price! Get it while the gettin is good!


I just got my 2015 season-pass a week ago. In fact, I plan on enjoying my complimentary "one free-admission" this weekend, assuming it doesn't storm on Sunday (Weather-channel keeps going back-and-forth).


I'm hyped, I haven't been out to VF this year yet, and plan on doing some careful observation/surveying.


And no, I haven't been to Mt. Olympus since "Family-land" WP was still next to it. I'm out there quite a bit, as my dad makes frequent business-trips to that area of WI. However, I spend most of my time at Timber-falls (freaking love their mini-golf course(s), best in the Dells IMO), and occasionally Noah's Ark, or Kalahari if it's winter. I checked out Mt. Olympus last year, and turned around at the admission-gate, after viewing what I thought to be ridiculous prices.

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So a few questions that just popped into my mind regarding Haunt/Dinoslaughter...


1. Will Dinoslaughter cost extra since it's in Dino's Alive/will season pass holders get their usual discount?

2. How far back will Dinoslaughter go? Because isn't part of the path used to get to Camp Wekilou (and now also London Terror)?


It seems like an interesting idea, and I'm excited to see how it turns out, but I hope it doesn't turn out to be disappointing like the Carnevil scarezone was last year.

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Generally you can get good deals on admission to Mount Olympus late in the year; I paid $15 (but parking was another $15!). This was an off year for both Noah's and Mount Olympus.


For good or bad the new owners of Noah's (Palace Enterntainment) aren't sentimental; they demolished the original waterslides that started it all in favor of a flowrider. Like Valleyfair Noah's has some gems, but also a lot of old stuff of marginal value; they could also use the same slide package that Valleyfair is getting. But I assume they're also out-of-town bean counters so it could work both ways with getting new stuff. The ark itself burning down was none of their doing but was kind of symbolic, I don't appreciate all the fences, did appreciate the conversion to all-day lockers. The surf pool and indoor waterpark are the only reasons to choose Mt Olympus rather than Noah's for wet rides, so if they built those there's be no reason to choose their competition (I can imagine Big Kahuna becoming a surf pool), the new owners probably aren't bound by any gentleman's agreement not to build the same rides.

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Dino slaughter will be used as a FREE scare zone to connect Camp Wekilou and London Terror to the rest of the park. Guests will walk through Dino slaughter until it splits into the two mazes. Camp Wekilou will no longer use the entrance it used in the past by the restrooms.

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Judging by the environment that dino slaughter is in, I'm guessing there will be ALOT of ghillie suit people hiding in bushes and stuff, maybe a few monsters roaming the walk ways. For anyone who doesn't know what a ghillie suit is here is a picture. I know there is a couple of them in hellside but I'm assuming dinoslaughter would have more of them.


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People on this thread have been talking about us getting B&M trains for Wild Thing. I would like this, but with Morgan's new trains on KK's Lightning Run, I wonder if we'd more likely get those than B&M's.

While on the subject of B&M products, what elements do people want to see on ours when we get one? Personally, I want a large vertical loop, an immelman, a cobra roll, and a 0-g roll.

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I'd love to see Wild Thing get B&M trains, but I can't see the park getting a good return on investment for that. Besides, I think Wild Thing's current trains are just fine.


As for the inversions on a B&M, I agree with you for the most part, but I'd prefer a smaller vertical loop because I find those to be more forceful. Plus, the B&Ms with large vertical loops are usually the really expensive ones, and I wouldn't expect to see anything more than $18 million spent on VF's next coaster. Also, according to valleyfairfanatic, GM Frazier said that we wouldn't be getting a Banshee-sized invert, so an invert at VF would likely be more Talon-esque.

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Well, I'm back from the Dells and Mt. Olympus. There were many posts of which I could reply to but I'll just give my report. I decided to book our vaca at the Olympus village, BAD IDEA! My wife cried when she saw the room! The buildings resemble a prison compound and the room was horrible. I called the Wilderness resort and out of over a thousand rooms they had one available, we quickly took it! If you haven't stayed at the Wilderness resort you should, it's a gem! I went on their looping trap door drop slide and it was AMAZING! Anyway the only good thing about Mt. Olympus was that they refunded the entire amount for our 4 nights which I thought was a nice gesture.

Park tickets were only 15 and another 15 for parking. Normal price was 45, WAY TOO MUCH! We went on Hades 360 first thing. We loved the ride although it was quite rough especially the first part. The new addition was still very smooth and we loved the underground. Completely pitch black and wild as all get out! Sitting in the back row didn't help the ride to be any smoother. Someone had mentioned poor maintenance on their rides, I totally agree! The coaster only has one train and they only had two operators making for a painfully slow line. All the ride dummies were sitting in the station area and the whole thing was just messy. To make matters worse I asked one operator if he had ridden Hades and in his broken English said "NO" he wouldn't go on it. Didn't exactly make me feel good! We also went on Zeus, again pretty rough. One nice thing is they don't seem to know what trim brakes are, didn't see even one on either coaster.

As for the rest of the park, eh is all I can say. Poseidon's rage was a blast, absolutely the best wave pool ever. The waves really were 9 feet. It looked very intimidating when it was coming at you. All you could do was let it throw you around and then get up and wait for the next one. This park is no comparison to Valleyfair. Valleyfair is a real gem and going to Mt. Olympus made me appreciate our home park even more. Mt. Olympus is poorly laid out, poorly maintained and has poor service. Very few life guards on duty. Poseidon's rage had maybe 4 and the other wave pool only 2. Even the go carts were a disappointment. You can't even ride up into the Trojan Horse anymore! While we had fun there we left after about 6 hours and don't have plans to return.


When I mentioned Hades 360 I had no intension of hinting about an inverted woodie for VF, sorry to mislead anyone. Some asked if I was suggesting a multi year major expansion. Yes! That's according to Cedar Fair, no me! I'm convinced that we will see a major expansion for at least the next two to three years. I'll be posting another hint very soon. I'm also excited to see all the new Haunt attractions coming this year.

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When I mentioned Hades 360 I had no intension of hinting about an inverted woodie for VF, sorry to mislead anyone. Some asked if I was suggesting a multi year major expansion. Yes! That's according to Cedar Fair, no me! I'm convinced that we will see a major expansion for at least the next two to three years. I'll be posting another hint very soon. I'm also excited to see all the new Haunt attractions coming this year.

Nice to know that it's Cedar Fair saying that it will be a multi-year major expansion. Since that's the case at Carowinds, and since we're in the same boat as them, that makes me more confident that they'd invest in a good coaster for Valleyfair. Of course, I'm reserving final judgement until we see how large the waterpark expansion is.

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Gary - I wish I had known you booked rooms at Mt. Olympus. I would have advised against it. I remember Elissa telling us that it was the most expensive hotel on the trip last year, and we stayed in some nice hotels. Our room was part dorm room, part prison cell. The mural painted on the wall was what nightmares are made of. Note the headboards aren't real, they are painted on the wall.


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Gary - I wish I had known you booked rooms at Mt. Olympus. I would have advised against it. I remember Elissa telling us that it was the most expensive hotel on the trip last year, and we stayed in some nice hotels. Our room was part dorm room, part prison cell. The mural painted on the wall was what nightmares are made of. Note the headboards aren't real, they are painted on the wall.[attachment=0]IMG_20130805_233306.jpg[/attachment]

Yep, they are! Pretty Cheesy! And all their "village" buildings made you feel like the village idiot for staying there. All white with blue strips? They looked like prison barracks!

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